A Random Day In Awesomeness

The 2nd Random Day In Awesomeness

It was a terribly sunny day and Kindra and Cneeko were testing out the new jetpack they recieved from Orio Enterprises in the blue meadow which was named for the blueish tint of the grass (one too many of the Blue guys pissed in the meadow). Well.....if you count "receiving" as sneaking into the Awesomness Postal Service and stealing-- er.....permanently borrowing said jetpack. No matter HOW they got the Jetpack, only thing that mattered was that they had it.

"I wanna try it our first!" hollered Kindra.

"Why should you?! I got it from the vault!" shouted back Cneeko, who felt he should get to float and hover first.

"Yeah well had I not found out about it, you wouldn't even KNOW!"

"Fine Fine what ever! You can go first!" Cneeko stomped off.

"Thankiiiiiiiiiessss Cneekooooo!" Kindra beemed.

She was happy that she got her way once again. Even though she always got her way. Maybe because Rayne had Cneeko wrapped around her itty bitty pinky so tight that she could ask for the impossible and he would make it happen.....No exaggeration.
Oh i think It may be time for me to explain "Rayne". To be completely honest, she is not real. Cneeko and I have know each other since we were 3. That day we fought over the coupon for unlimited chocolate covered corn on the cob, soda and jelly covered fruits at the Awesomeness Day Carnaval. Us both having rather short attention spans, stopped fighting and decided to riot the "Draw on the Old Person" booth.

Anyway, I'm getting off track, I've felt something different for Cneeko...At first i thought it may be gas. But then I realized that it must be more. ANYWHO! What was I doing?-

Kindra looked around and noticed that she wondered off with the Jetpack.

"Dammit!" She scolded herself and turned to walk back.

Just as she arrived back to the meadow, she saw Cneeko talking to the girl whom she thought she got rid of and the only other girl she know she would have to compete with for Cneeko's attention and affection : Skileir.

"Hey Cneek! Sorry I walked off. Deep in thought again....Skileir."

Cneeko looked at me and smiled.

"Look Kindra! It's Skileir! We haven't seen her in forever!" Cneeko said excitedly.

Kindra look down at her boots and mumbled. "Forever wasn'y long enough...."

Kindra suddenly got an awesomely devious idea. "Hey Skileir?"

"Yes?" Skileir replied with the sweetest grin.

"Why don't YOU try out the Jetpack first??" Kindra grinned.

"Oh! REALLY?? I could??" Kindra could tell that Skileir was excited.

"OH SUUUURE! It would be my pleasure to see you shoot off into the atmosphere!" Kindra exclaimed as she situated Skileir with the Jetpack.

She then hit the big red button and Skileir shot off into the clear blue sky.

Kindra then grabbed Cneeko, who was staring up at the sky in utter shock, unable to comment on what he just saw.

"Come on Cneeko! Let's go get for Icecream from the Cone Palace!" shouted Kindra excitedly as she pulled a still speechless Cneeko towards the dark forrest and towards another adventure.