If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 1

The man lung forward slicing off the dragons head in one smooth motion. Jason had to admit, this man could be a warrior with a bit of training. The dragons head fell to the ground hard and blood splattered as it hit. The giant, blue scaled body swayed back and forth before, it too, fell to the ground. The man walked over to Jason with an air to him. He looked to be sure of himself.
"Andy! Have you eaten yet?" I heard my mom yelling from the other room drawing me away from my book. Reality rushed over me as I took in my surroundings. My light green walls with grass green diamonds running across them. My soft purple comforter with cheetah prints sitting beneath me. My hard wood flooring with a electric blue shag rug covering an area of it. My white dresser with a large mirror above needed to be cleaned off. Then my mothers voice calling my name.
"Coming , mom!" I shouted hopping off my bed and sitting my book down flat so I didn't loose my page. I ran out of my room and down the hall to the dining room. The smell of pizza filled my nose as I entered. "Mom?" I asked. Mom poked her head out of the kitchen. "Andy, have you eaten yet? Your dad went and got a large hamburger pizza." I walked around the table to the box of pizza and opened it. a few pieces were missing but there were still plenty enough for me. "I haven't. Thanks, mom." "And Andy, don't forget to finish your chores, me and your father are going out tonight. We won't be here to look after you so I'm trusting that you'll get them done." I nodded towards her taking a big bite of pizza. "I will, mom. Where are you two going?" My mother smiled widely. "He's taking me to see a movie then we're going to Olive Garden." I smiled too. "Have fun." "I can't wait." My mother giggled like a teenage girl before turning back into the kitchen. I laughed and turned around to grab another piece of pizza before going back to my room.
I leaned on the door frame to the front door waving to my parents as they left. It was only about six thirty and I had to wait for about thirty more minutes for sun down. "Bye Andy! Be good!" My mom yelled for the third time. "Bye! Love you both!" I hollered back. My mother finally got in the car as my dad shut her door. He turned towards me. "Love you." I nodded and smiled as he walked around the other side of the car and crawled in. I turned and shut the front door and ran to my room. I kicked off my flip flops and ran to my closet looking for my black knee high combat boots. It always amazed me that my mother didn't make me get rid of them. She only got them for me for Halloween last year and I now put a lot more use to them then she knew.
I sat my boots on my bed and walked over to my dresser finding a pair of long songs. I threw those on my bed too. I ran threw the rest of my drawers looking for a pair of dark blue jeans. I groaned when I couldn't find any. I ran back over to my closet and searched through hangers. I finally found the pair I was looking for in the back. I unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down then quickly got into my jeans. I looked in my mirror at my reflection. My purple and white tank top needed to be changed and my hair was up in a long pony tail. I grabbed my hair tie and tugged on it letting my hair fall over my shoulders and down my back. A small smiled crept on my face and I turned back towards my bed plopping down to put my socks and boots on. After I pulled my boots on I quickly laced them up and ran back to my closet. I found a black and grey striped shirt with a hood attached to it. I pulled off my tank and pulled on the shirt. I untwisted the sleeves and pulled them down to where the should be. I walked back over to my mirror with my boots clunking on the wood. My blue eyes shown brightly in excitement and my arm were covered down to my elbows. I was already starting to get hot in boots and dark jeans. I smiled approvingly then checked the clock and looked out my window. The sun was going down now and the sky was fading from blue to orange and pink. Veava would be here soon. I grabbed a dark purple jacket and ran out of my room grabbing my house key and then ran out the door locking it behind me.
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It will get better I promise!

Andy - http://s1.favim.com/orig/5/blue-brunette-cute-eyes-freckles-Favim.com-159610.jpg