If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 2

I walked up and down my street as the sun slowly set. I was starting to get impatient. Veava should have been here by now. I turned around to walk the other way and saw a minty green light with a few tiny lighting bolts playing around in it. The light was just floating there in the middle of the street. I sighed with relief and ran out of the way of it. I waited for a minute before the light grew wide and a six wheeled red car jumped out of it. The green light closed up and I ran down the street towards the vehicle. The tear drop shaped vehicle's windsheild dissolved into metal and then opened up revealing Veava. "Sorry I'm late!" She apologized standing up and crawling out. "Where were you?" I asked jogging the rest of the way to her. "Gabriel and Aliessa had to fix up the robowheeler. I looked it over. The three wheels on my side looked fine. The vehicle it self was actually really cool. It was shaped like a tear drop on its side, the bottom of the tear drop was the back of the car and the front flattened out and squared at the bottom. Every robowheeler ever made was made out of red metal and had a black strip straight down the middle of it.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked walking over and crawling into the seat right behind the drivers seat. Veava sat up the driver seat in front of me and crawled. "First do you have everything?" I padded my jean pockets. "Think so." "Cellphone?" I sat up some and checked my back pocket. "Check." "Keys?" "In my side pocket." "Jacket?" "Check." "Ready for action?" I smiled. "Always." Veava chuckled and pressed a button beside her. The metal in front of her closed back up and dissolved into the windshield. "Now what was wrong with the robowheeler?" Veava shrugged as she put in her pin number starting up the engine. "One of the tires was going flat and there was something screwy under the hood." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Ready?" Veava asked. "Yeah." Veava grabbed a stick that looked like it belonged to a computer gaming system and pushed on the gas. The robowheeler sprung to life and sped quickly down the short rode. The sun was almost completely gone and the house in front of us came at us fast. A green light swallowed us right before the nose of the car could even touch the house. I opened my eyes when I heard Veava laughing. "Gets you every time, doesn't it?" "Yeah." I mumbled. A swirl of dark colors circled around us as if we were in a colorful tunnel. I could see light at the end. Veava sped up. The light suddenly grew and we jumped through it. My stomach dropped as we caught air. "Veava!" I groaned. She laughed again. "Sorry, Andy." Gabriel and Aliessa were standing there waiting for Veava's return.
We came to a full stop and I waited patiently for the windshield to disappear and the front to open up. Veava crawled out and pulled down the front seat so it became part of the floorboard. I crawled out with my jacket draped across my arm. "Andy!" Aliessa said happily. I hopped out and gave her a hug. Gabriel was standing behind her. "Gabe." I greeted. He smiled and wrapped me in a hug. "I've missed you, Andy." I looked up at him. "I've missed you too." Gabriel just turned twenty about a month ago. He was like a big brother to me and we were really close. Aliessa was his sister and we were good friends too. I love them all but me and Gabe are the closest.
"Veava!" Aliessa griped. I turned around. "Girl! We just fixed up your robowheel before you left! You haven't been gone but ten minutes and already you have another flat tire! You need to be easier on her." Aliessa complained while running a soft hand over the side of the vehicle. Veava gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Al. You know how I drive." Aliessa rolled just rolled her eyes.
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Okay so this one is kind of shorter but comments are appreciated and so are subscriptions

Veava- https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4e-7HC90EZNfCCec4T04MYaP-sdPWbAUF2aqEttev-VeTTrt6Xg

Aliessa- http://www.girlishh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Scene-Haircut.jpg

Gabriel- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Vq4_WtuDmHA/TC1Oxq8R3xI/AAAAAAAAAuc/2KKwjhByI7k/s400/Short+Emo+Haircuts+for+Boys+in+2010a.jpg