If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 3

I sat in the middle seat of a three seater robowheeler on the way to Gabriel's house. Aliessa was driving and Gabriel was sitting behind me messing with my hair. I smiled as I felt Gabriel trying to braid my hair. Aleissa was humming some song in front of me and paying us no attention Veava was driving beside us in her robowheeler. I heard Gabriel huff and I turned to face him. "Having difficulties?" His brows were knitted together as he nodded. I laughed and turned back around. "How was your week, Gabe?" I asked. "It was fine, better now that your finally here." I nodded knowing he could see me. "I know, I'm sorry my parents have been up late a lot lately. I couldn't get away without them knowing I was gone. I'm actually kind of worried they're going to come home early tonight and find that I'm gone." Gabe rubbed my shoulder with his hand. "You'll be fine, Andy. They've never noticed your absence before." "Yeah, but they have noticed a few cuts and bruises and a few tears in my clothing." Gabriel chuckled. "I told you to wear clothes that you could get beat up." Gabe tugged at my sleeve. "I don't think this is something that your mother would be okay with for it to be ripped to shreds." I smiled and turned sideways in my seat. "I'll just telling her I got it caught on something and it ripped a little then ripped a lot when I put it through the wash and dryer." Gabriel shook his head at me. "Oh, Andy." I just smiled at him.
Once we got to Gabriel's and Aliessa's we all piled out of the car. Gabriel ran up behind me and grabbed me. I screamed and jumped slipping on the ice. Gabriel caught me before I hit the ground. He was already laughing and Aleissa was giving him a disapproving look. I smiled at her as she walked up and unlocked their front door. With every breath I took I could see my breath in the cold winter air. Sometimes I wished their seasons weren't opposite of mine.
I walked in the house and Gabe's mom was standing there waiting for us. I smiled brightly at her. "Andy!" She greeted wrapping me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her. "I've missed you!" I said pulling away. She smiled back at me. "As have I." "Oh! Andy!" Aliessa said. I turned towards her. "Yeah?" "I finished fixing up those jeans of yours." "Oh!" I followed Aliessa to her room. My jeans had got a nice sized rip along the thigh the last time I was here. That was the sorcerer's fault. He shot a spell at me and it caught my leg as I was moving out of the way.
My jeans were lied out on her bed when I walked in. The thigh on them was like the hole was never there. "Aliessa your a life saver!" I hugged her and she smiled. "I know!" She laughed. "Gaabriel has your sword in his room." She commented. I nodded. "I'll be sure to grab that if we go out." She smiled and we walked out of her room. "Have you had breakf- dinner?" She asked. I chuckled at her slip up. "Yes, have you had breakfast?" She nodded as we walked back out into the living space. Gabriel was sitting on the couch watching some crystalized program on their "TV". Their tv's here were a giant system of crystals that produced a tv program some how. I, myself, didn't understand it but then again, I didn't understand how a lot of things worked here.
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