If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 6

Gabriel and I sat and watched as the two girls bickered for about twenty minutes. "Don't you get sick of this?" Gabriel asked. I tilted my head to one side. "Sometimes." I said thoughtfully. I felt Gabriel slightly humph beside me. "What do you want to do, Andy?" I shrugged. "What do you want to do?" Gabriel got a small smile on his face. "Wanna go play?" I thought for a minute about what he just said. "Um, sure?" I said still confused. "Remember?" He asked. My mind wandered to the last time I was here. "Red fuse?" He finally said. A small appeared on my face at the sound of that. "Yes." Gabriel and I jumped up off the chair and ran for the front door. The two girls stopped fighting for a moment and watched us run. "Where are you two going?" Aliessa hollered. "Outside!" I hollered. Gabriel shut the door behind him once we were outside. I stopped and turned towards him. He already had the red glowing clump of light in his hand. I smiled broadly. Gabriel cocked an eyebrow and held it up. "You want it first?" He asked. I shrugged. "Don't matter to me." He nodded then took off running around the side of the house. I smiled and quickly chased him at lightning speed. Gabriel looked back at me out of the corner of his eye and tossed the light towards me. I dodged it and kept running after him. I never really got the point of the game. All I knew was that when you caught the clump of light from another player you suddenly had the strongest power. Anything you can imagine you can make happen to he other players. There are limits. You can't harm then in any way but you can make them severely angry.
I started to catch up to Gabriel and I leaped. I fell forward and grabbed the bottom of his pant leg. Gabe screamed then fell to the ground dropping the fuse. I popped up quickly and jumped over Gabe and grabbed it. "Ha!" I yelled back at him without turning around. "Andy!" He groaned. I laughed and kept running towards the woods at the backs of his house. The trees were a white blur as I ran past them. The snow crunched softly under my boots as I ran and the cold air pricked my cheeks. I could hear Gabriel's footsteps fall softly behind me but I didn't dare try to turn around. I pushed myself faster as I seen the frozen pond up ahead of me. My eyes widened at the sight of it. I suddenly imagined soft rags rapped around the bottom of my boots. My feet touched the ice and I went skidding across on the rags. I squealed as I slid and prayed my feet wouldn't slide out from under me. I could hear Gabriel laughing behind me but all I could concentrate on was the ice. The toes of my boots finally hit snow again and my feet caught. The earth started racing towards me and I screamed again. I heard Gabe scream my name and he was suddenly beside me before I hit the ground. He was laughing at me but my heart was racing. "Shutup." I mumbled. "You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like a bird-" "My mom!" I stood up straight and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. "Hello?" I answered. "Andy. We're on our way home are you okay?" My brows knitted together. "Yes. Why?" My mother paused. "Are you sure? What have you been doing? Are you home? Your breathing terribly hard." "My phone just scared me mom thats all. It woke me up from a nightmare. What's going on?" "Uncle Harry just called me ten minutes ago and I told him you were home alone. He said he was going to stop by and wait with you until we got home. When he got there and went inside the house he said you weren't there. Andy, tell me the truth. Where are you?" My eyes widened. "Uh." I started to stutter. "Andy." My mother said again. "I'm in the bathroom!" I quickly said. There was another pause. "Your lying to me, Andy. You just said I woke you up." I broke out into a cold sweat. "Where is Uncle Harry now?" I asked. "He said he's waiting on the front porch for us to get home. Andy if your not there when we get there then your going to be grounded for three months. Do you hear me?" I sighed. "Yes, Ma'am." "What has gotten into you, Andy?" "I'm sorry, mom. I'm just tired. Let me go reassure Uncle Harry and I'll see you when you get home." "Alright. You had better be there. I love you." I closed my phone and looked up at Gabriel. "I need to get home. Now."