If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 8

I didn't get any sleep the night before. I couldn't stop thinking about Gabriel. I felt bad about lying to my parents and I was still panicking. I knew if I told them the truth they wouldn't believe me and I would have to go to counseling or something. I sat up groggily in my bed. I felt the start of a headache and my hair was tangled. I pushed the blankets away from my body and stood up stretching. I could hear my Uncle Harry's deep voice down stairs talking to my dad. I groaned and walked over to my mirror. I looked terrible. I had dark bags under my eyes and they were bloodshot. I looked down and picked up a hair tie from my little box and my brush. I put my hair up in a high pony tail before walking out of my room. My feet padded softly as I walked down the hallway and down the stairs. "Morning." I mumbled quietly. My Uncle Harry ignored me but my mom nodded at me. I sighed and walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. "Your sure you don't know which way she came in last night?" I heard my dad ask. "No." My uncle Harry responded. I listened in closely as I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. "I have no idea where she could have gone. She barely gets out of the house." It was my mother this time. I pulled open the drawer and grabbed a spoon then walked over to the fridge. "She have any friends around here?" My uncle asked. There was no response but just a soft sigh. I grabbed the milk and sat it on the counter. "She's always been so honest with me. I don't understand why she would lie now." "You think she could have been with a boy?" My dad asked. I grabbed the Honey Nut Cheerios bag. "I hope not." I poured my cereal and milk and put the milk back into the fridge. "You two need to discipline her." My uncle added. "We know how to raise our daughter, Harry." My dad cut in harshly. "Peter." My mom said softly. I grabbed my food and walked out of the kitchen and sat quietly at the table. None of them seemed to notice me. "I'm only giving my honest opinion." Uncle Harry defended. "Well we don't always need your opinion." My dad said. "Please don't fight." I said. The three of them turned towards me acknowledging my existence. I shrunk under their gazes. My mother stood and walked towards me. "Andy, where were you last night?" I didn't look up to meet her gaze. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I took a bite of my breakfast. "Andy. If you tell me the truth I will believe you." I shook my head. "You won't." My mother sighed. "Andy, just tell me." I sighed and looked up at her. "I snuck out with a girl named Veeva. We crossed over to her world. I met up with some of my friends there and then Uncle Harry got here. You gave me a call and they rushed me back home in the robowheeler." My mother looked agitated. "I told you, you wouldn't believe me." My mother sighed and looked back at my father. "Andy. That's it. Your grounded." I looked at her in disbelief. "You told me to tell you the truth!" I hollered. "I did and you proceeded to lie to me, Andy. I'm sick of it." "I didn't lie!" "You did! Just go to your room!" Tears rimmed my eyes but I did as told to do.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while!