If I Told You...Would You Believe Me?

Chapter 9

I sat angry on my bed with my stomach grumbling for the breakfast that I won't be able to finish. Silent tears ran down my face. How could I ever explain it to them? They won't believe me. No one would. I gave a frustrated sigh and stood from my bed pacing back and forth across my carpet. My heels hit the ground hard with every step I took. I wiped at my tears. I needed to just leave. Go back and see Gabriel. I would have to wait until sunset though. I sighed again. I could hear someone coming up the stairs between my footsteps. I ignored them. "Andy?" There was a soft knock. It was Uncle Harry. "Just go away! You've caused me all these problems!" I shouted. "Your mother said to stop huffing around up here and stop whining like a child." My anger started to bubble. "Whining like a child? I told her the truth! I'm grounded for telling her the truth!" I shouted back. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. I felt a small twinge of guilt. I knew I was acting like a child but I just needed to get my anger out. I just wished my parents would understand but I don't think they'd believe me. The only way any one would believe me is if I took them with me in one of the robowheelers. Anger slowly started to change in frustration. I felt so trapped between emotions. I could never bring them with me! Any one! It was my secret. I was the only person on this planet who knew about their world. I don't even know the name of it. I just knew they wanted it a secret and so that is how it will stay.
"Andy?" He asked again. "What?" I asked harshly. "Can I come in?" He asked once more. "Whatever." I mumbled and stopped pacing. I plopped on my bed and grabbed one of my pillows squeezing the life out of it. Uncle harry slowly opened the door peeking in curiously. "I see you haven't broken anything yet." He smiled quite amused. My anger flared up once more. "What do you want, Harry?" I asked venomously. "I'm still your uncle, kid. You do have to treat me with respect." I looked down refusing to meet his gaze. "You want to tell me where you went?" I groaned silently. "I went out with some friends." "Where did you?" He urged. "To their house." He nodded taking it all in. "Where there guys there?" He asked. I nodded. "And how were they?" "He is seventeen, soon to be eighteen." My uncle nodded again. "Was it his house you went to?" I nodded. "Andy, I'm just asking you this for the sake of your parents and our family. Andy, did you sleep with this guy?" I looked up at him wide eyed in disbelief. "What!?" I hollered. "Andy. Did you, or did you not sleep with this kid." I stood up. "Of course not! He's like my brother! I now see that you obviously don't trust me enough." My uncle cocked a brow. "i thought I could trust you, Andy." That was a slap in the face. Sadly though, it was true. "I didn't sleep with him, Gabriel is like my brother. I sneak out all the time to see him and his sister. But I can only do it when the sun starts to set." "Why when the sun starts to set?" "It's the only time we can cross over." My stomach started to get queasy. "Cross over?" "Yes. To their world." "To their world?" He asked. I nodded. "And what is the name of their world?" "They don't exactly have a name for their world. It's just kind of there." He nods. "And this Gabriel boy?" He asked. "Gabriel Danveer has been my best friend for three years." I mumbled. "Gabriel Danveer?" It was my turn to nod. He sighed and stood in front of me. "I want you to think about "Their World" and where they live. We're going to talk to their parents and find out the truth." I sighed. "You won't. Gabriel's mother knows me and loves me as her own child. And I am telling you the truth. I just wish someone would believe me but I know neither of you will." My uncle sighed too. "Andy I love you very much. I just want what's best for you. I think your seeing hallucinations. I'll talk to your mom about it and we're going to get you a check up." I knew it. Tears welled up in my eyes again. "I just spilled everything to you! Everything! You think I'm crazy! I've been crossing over for three years now! Don't you think someone would have noticed if I had suddenly got psychotic???" "Andy, don't do this to yourse-" I cut him off. "No! I won't have this! I'm sick of this! I won't be going to see some hunky dory specialist because my uncle doesn't believe me!" "Andy! Calm down!" "How can I?" "Sit on your bed and work yourself out. Just like you used to do when you lived with Josh. You went completely dead. It was wonderful! Maybe that's whats wrong with you, Andy! Your past has caught up to you and you can't take it any more!" I stood now throwing my pillow back on my bed. "Shutup! Just shutup!" "Your parents don't know. They'll never know! So just cope with it now, Andy. Fess up to them or even just make up some stupid lie! Just cope with it!" I ran over to him and shoved him hard in the chest. He stumbled back and fell into the wall. I slammed my door so hard there was a crack near the handle. I couldn't take my past. That much was true and my uncle knew it. I walked back over to my bed and curled up on top of the sheets. I sat there and cried trying to forget everything that just happened.
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Comments? Subscribers? Anything? Please? I'm trying my best to update quickly but I need some comments! Please? Thanks for readin' anyhow