He'll Never Know

Secrets Are Gone

Little things that meant the world to me continued to happen, but I'm not going to continue dragging on. Here's where the light in my life slowly started to dim.

It was the night of yet another homecoming game, September 10, 2011. My friend Lonnie and I were in the bandroom ready to get warmed up for the game, when suddenly James calls Lonnie over to him. I had really no interest in what they were conversing, but even if I did, I wouldn't have had the guts to join in. So I stayed near the band lockers to chat with some other friends.

The night was pretty well. Nothing that I can remember really happened other than the usual; staring at him from across the bleachers.

I logged onto Facebook, nothing new, and starting messaging Lonnie.

Lonnie was one of my best friends, and he was good friends with James.

We talked about the normal stuff, then he told me something that I have been trying to avoid for a year; he told me that James knew.

At that very moment, my heart sunk as my eyes got wide with fear. "How?" I thought as I began to panic. Him finding out was my worst fear. I can't really explain as to why, but it was just something that I prayed would never happen.

I backed away from my desktop and walked to my room, still in shock, shutting the door behind my as I began to cry. Falling asleep that night didn't come easy.

I worried myself to death about it all weekend long, but what I didn't know was, the unthinkable was yet to come.