He'll Never Know

Time Flies

It was the last day of school already. I couldn't believe how fast this year flew by. In a way, I was kind of glad, after all this year has put me through. But at the same time, I was aware that every year was going to be the same, and the next one was going to be even worse: his last year as a high school student.

The band, chorus, and graduating class of 2012 were in the gym getting ready to begin rehearsing for the big night.

I was sitting in my place, between two empty chairs. To my left was an empty seat belonging to Matt, a graduating trombone player. To my right was another empty chair for James, who was an usher.

I straightened up my posture as we were ready to begin playing Pomp And Circumstance. I pressed my lips against the cold mouthpiece as I stared at our band director, Mr. Sun, waiting on him to give us the que to start.

As he gave us the que to begin playing, I kept darting my eyes back and forth between the two doors the graduates and ushers would be exiting out of. I looked to the door at the right, and James was the first to walk through.

It's always impossible to take my eyes off of him, but especially today. He was dressed in the sexiest, and I do stress sexiest, outfit that I could ever imagine: a tight, white shirt, white, tight short-shorts, a dark blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and flip-flops. I just wanted to run up to him and pinch his cheeks off.

As I watched him stand in front of his assigned seat, a picture popped into my head that just wouldn't go away. It was a picture that I dreaded becoming a reality. That would be him next year. I had to shake the feeling the best I could just to get through rehearsal.

After Pomp And Circumstance was finished, our guidance counselor, Mrs. Fields, was discussing important thing for the night coming up with the seniors. The band was quietly chatting amongst ourselves. I was kind of in a daze, as usual, until Douglas, a saxophone player, caught my attention.

"How're you liking your boyfriend in booty shorts?" He cuffed his hands over his mouth as he said it so only I could hear it, then laughed as he removed his hands from his face.

Douglas is rude, obnoxious boy that never seems to stop being a total jerk. But at the same time, I felt so comfortable talking to him about anything. As weird as it is, in his own way, he's great. He's pretty much indescribable.

I looked at him and smiled widely as I slowly turned away, placing my left hand on my left cheek, giving him the finger.