He'll Never Know

It's Time To Tell

A full week passed and it was time for yet another big game; the homecoming game. The band was dressed at their very best so they could be presentable to walk on the field at halftime.

My oh my, did he look DASHING. I could've stared at him for the rest of my life right there in that exact position. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option because I was a dancer, so I had to bust a move during the game.

Halftime came and went, and we were all exhausted. Our director and dance coach came to an agreement on letting us leave early. Paige and I were walking off the field, and a thought came to mind. I kept my mouth shut for a full week, so I knew it was time to tell her.

"Paige? I have to tell you something," I said. "What's that?" She asked with a curious face.

She has always been suspicious that I liked a trumpet player, but she was never sure as to who.

"I kind of....like someone," I said softly, making sure he wasn't around.

"Who!?" She asked, well, more like cheered.

"You'll laugh, but here goes," I took a deep breath, "James."

She gasped, "I KNEW IT!"

As she was about to explode, I quickly added, "But you CANNOT tell a SOUL, understand?"

"You have my word!" She said honestly.

As we went our seperate ways when we reached the parking lot, I could still hear her muttering, 'I knew it, I knew it!'