Sequel: Asleep Or Dead

Awake and Unafraid

Chapter Twelve

Kaitlyn realized something after our hug ended. Her sister, Susannah, had just gotten off her school bus and came running inside.
"Hey Suz." She greeted.
"Sup dudes!" Now her sister was eleven, and had curly brunette hair, plump features and freckles. Her and her sister were night and day.

"Holy Flip!!" Susannah yelled. "That's My Chemical Flipping Romance in your flipping room! What the flip! Not fair! you're friends with MCR! I wanna meet 'em!!"

"Hi Suz." I said, smiling warmly.
"Hi Gerard." She was bubbling over with excitement.
"Sup..Dudes..." Mikey was such a spaz. I laughed.
"HOLY POOP! You're Mikey Way, guy-who-sticks-forks-in-toasters!"
"What the Fuck Kaitlyn you TOLD her about that?!?!?!" Mikey was incredulous. I laughed.
"Froman!" Susannah, said, tackling Ray's hair.
"Ahhh! Stop!! I just brushed that!" Ray started tickleing her. I was jealous of Ray's way of handling kids. I just am kinda shy with that sort of thing.
"Frankie!!!!" Suz ran up to Frank, hugging him.
"Ha!" Frank crowed, pointing at nothing in particular, "I get more love than you!"
"Bob!!" She hugged Bob too! C'mon! I don't get a hug! I pouted.

Kaitlyn's mom popped in and told Suz to leave MCR alone for a bit, as we were staying for two weeks. She just smiled and walked out.
"Mikey's her favorite." Kaitlyn said, out of the blue.
"Well I'm very honoured." Mikey proudly stated. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. That girl had her moments.

"Ahh well," She started. "Why don't we show you boys around this shithole." Frank and Ray grinned, looking mischieviously at each other.
"Can we take the Jaguar?" Frank asked, looking hopeful.
"No Frankie." She warmly said. Frank pouted. Ray looked at his feet. Her van was drivin by one of our roadies back to her house. It got there before we did. We all hopped in. She drove.

We were already at a small shopping center, with a Starbucks, I might add, when her phone rang, Teenagers and her ringtone. Frank was already making snide Fangirl comments, Bob telling him to drop it.
"Yeah B," She rambled. "Um-hm. Yeah, bye." Kaitlyn flipped the phone, hanging it up.
"Who was that?" Mikey asked, Inquisitively, as we walked into a Ross' store. Some fat people were looking at us funny. Frankie flipped them off.
"Oh, just my friend, he always calls to say hi." He? Why did this effect me? It shouldn't. I forced many thoughts out of my mind. Our group followed Kaitlyn to some junior's graphic tees. As she was rummaginng through them, A really short girl, shorter than Frank, (THAT IS SHORT) came up to her with her nose in the air.

"Sup, emo faggie." She greeted. "Who are your faggot friends here?" She didn't know who we were? WHY did this bewilder me?
"Fuck off, Sammie. Go fuck a jock." She mildly said, still scanning the racks.
"Fuck you. It's not my fault you're emo. Why are you SHOPPING? Shouldn't you be cutting yourself?" Sammie smirked.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!" Frank yelled. Sammie shrugged, then walked away. She whispered something in Kaitlyn's ear, that made her kick her in the jaw, then sock her in the stomach. Sammie got up and ran over to her friend.

"God, What did she say?" I asked her. A single hot, salty tear ran down her face.
"She said that you were hot and she wants your number." Why was this bad? An idea sprung in my head. It dissipated when the next thing she said came up.
"Also, she says, if I won't fuck you, she will." She cried on my sholder and hugged me.
"So? She shuld just fuck off." I finished. Her friend walked over, and we hurredly ran out of the store. Obviously, Kaitlyn was scared of this girl, although I can't imagine why.

We sped down the road, temporarily stopping at Starbucks (drive-thru.) By the time we got back to her house, it was ten O'Clock. her mom forced us to go to bed. We all slept on the floor in Kaitlyn's small room. She had a trundle bed, and one of us slept on the trundle each night. Tonight was my turn. I fell asleep the second I hit the mattress. In the middle of the night, I felt something on top of me. For some reason, I wanted it to be her. But it wasn't.

It was the stuffed dog, Allegro.
I held it tight, then went to sleep some more.