My Second Heartbeat


I ran my hands over my bulging stomache as I watched Hey Arnold! and drank some of my tea. I looked down at my stomache and was amazed at how large it had gotten over eight months, I had a human being growing inside of me. I heard someone open the front door, I dragged myself up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. There I saw Jared, the father of my baby, the one who made my heart complete.

"So how did shopping at Walmart go?" I asked him as I opened the fridge searching for sweet pickles.

"It was fucking expensive!" He growled, he sat the grocery bags, that were filled with baby stuff, down on the kitchen counter.

"Welcome to proverty my dear." i frowned as I ate a pickle, Jared turned around and looked at me.

"Sweetie don't worry about that, I'm gonna get my GED and find a well paying job soon." I sighed and looked down at the tile.

"I just want my baby to have a good life." I whispered, Jared walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You don't need money to have a good life baby." I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, trying to envisoin what my child will look like.

"I can't wait." I said, Jared smiled, he kissed my cheek and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Me either." He whispered in my ear.

|||1 Month Later|||

"Oh my fucking god, get this child out of me!!" I screamed, I was breathing hard and pushing like my life depended on it. I wanted this kid out of me now, I swear my vagina is the size of a watermelon. I had some stupid nurse next to me telling me how to breathe so I can relax, I pushed her away from me and screamed some more.

"Baby calm down, just relax and push." I heard Jared say to me, I screamed and tried to breathe like the nurse was. I felt my baby being pushed out, so I pushed harder and soon I heard crying. A baby crying. I smiled and my body went limp, it was over now I finally had my baby.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor exclaimed, I looked at my baby and burst into tears. I held my arms out for him, when he was finally in my arms I looked up at jared and said,

"Look at what we made, a beautiful boy." I cried, Jared leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Our little baby boy, Matthew Charles Sanders. "

"He is going to make us so happy Jared, I can just see it." I whispered, I stared into my little boy's eyes and was amazed at all the beauty I saw in him. One day he'll make something good out of life, he'll inspire people to be themselves and do what they want. What they dream of.
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