Status: Comment please :)

But Would Anything Matter If You're Already Dead?

Don't be Afraid, I've Taken my Beating

“So Georgia, tell us a bit about yourself... what do you do for a living?” I stared at Mikey blankly as he shoved a chip in his mouth.
“Um... I go to school...” Josie laughed from behind me and asked Alex to pass the sauce; we were sitting on the beach eating hot chips and other junk food that Josie had brought from the shops.
“Wow, that’s quite extraordinary, how’s that working out for you?” he asked mockingly as he dug his feet into the sand.
“Well, I have ugly skank tagged on my locker and got slapped this morning so... not that great actually”. I was only meaning it as a joke, but they all stared at me with angry expressions. “It’s not a big deal though... I mean what was I expecting?”
“If anyone gives you trouble again, just let me know alright?” said Bob with a mischievous smile.
I laughed “No, I don’t want any trouble here. I’m just going to go to school, keep my head down and then when school finishes I’ll leave and go to Art College”.
“Good plan” said Josie approvingly.
“Don’t you mean boring?” said Mikey “My plan for high school is to get as many girls pregnant as possible. Everyone will remember my name. The Mikeynator. ”
We all laugh “And how’s that working out for you? Because I’m pretty sure you’re a virgin” said Josie with a smirk.
“Yeah, I think you have to reach puberty before you can get girls pregnant” said Jack
“And you’ve still got a while till then, haven’t you Mikey?” said Bob
“Screw you guys” Said Mikey grumpily as he shoved a handful of chips in his mouth.
“You should come back to mine Georgia and we can have a girls night with Rose”, said Josie.
“That sounds good but who’s Rose?” I asked, I didn’t really know Josie that well but I was hoping we would be good friends. She was cool.
“Bob’s twin, she’s cool, you’ll like her” she said with a smile.
“She’s a bitch” said Bob.
“But don’t worry Georgia, I’ll be there”, said Mikey with a wink.
“Um actually you won’t be there Mikey, you’re not allowed at my house, you’re officially banned remember?” Mikey frowned at her.
“They completely over exaggerated! I didn’t even do anything!”
“You set fire to my mum’s hair Mikey” replied Josie, I laughed and Jack shook his head.
“It was an accident! And it wasn’t even that bad!”
“She had to wear a bandanna for a month!”
“Fine then, I don’t care anyway”, he replied with defeat and shoved more chips in his mouth.
“Oh poor little Mikey, but just look at the Brightside, you can watch glee tonight!” said Jack clapping him on the back, Josie and I laughed.
“No I can’t... Glees on Friday...Shut up you guys! It’s a good programme!” We all laughed and Mikey glared at us, Josie sighed and reached forward to grab some chips but Mikey slapped her hand away.
“Say that Glee is a cool programme or you don’t get any chips.” He moved the chips away from her and put them behind his back.
“Mikey give her the chips or I’ll break your arm” said Bob without even looking at him and concentrating on building something in the sand. Mikey quickly pulled them from behind his back and chucked the bag at Josie.
“Apoligise Mikey” said Bob.
“I’m sorry Josie” he mumbled under his breath
“I don’t think she heard you Mikey”
“It’s okay Mikey” she said with a smirk and shoved a handful in her mouth. Bob smiled at Mikey and carried on building his sandcastle, Mikey glared at us all before turning around so his back was facing us.
“Oh Mikey don’t get angry at us, I love you”, Josie wrapped her arms around his back and kissed him on the cheek then pulled back and sat down again. Mikey turned around with blushed cheeks and a small smile on his face, but in the process of turning around he smacked his arm on Bob’s sandcastle and demolished it completely.
“Oh shit!” said Mikey, he quickly jumped up and soon enough Bob was chasing after him down the beach.
Josie rolled her eyes and scooted over next to me “Boys huh”
“Are they always like this?” I asked as Bob tackled Mikey about 300 metres down the beach.
“Always.” She sighs “But I have Rose and we normally just ignore them when they get like this”.
“So are any of you guys dating or anything?” I asked
“Nah, I don’t like any of them like that, they’re my best friends not boyfriends. Why do you like one of them? Please don’t say you like Mike-”
“No!” I laugh “I don’t like any of them, they seem like great guys... but just friends” I said truthfully, the boy who I met at the dairy was still on my mind. I decided to tell Josie about him, I described to her what he looked like and his name, Frank, but I couldn't remember his last name.
“I’m sorry, but I have no idea who he could be. He sounds really hot though... have you seen him around school?”
“Nah, he looked like a senior though so I wouldn’t, would I?” The west side of our school was dedicated to the seniors, they had their own space with flash science labs and like expensive computers, to be honest I don’t really know what it looked like, as I’d never been in it. They don’t trust the rest of the school in there so the seniors have it all to themselves. They barely leave it, and I can’t really blame them, I heard they have a ping pong table.
“Mmm, yeah, true. My brothers a seniors, I’ll ask him when what he thinks when we get home... Alex and Jack might know him; they have music with the seniors. OI JACK! ALEX!”She yelled. They were cuddling in the sand dunes and looked up at us, she waved them over. Half the beach was glaring at her and I couldn’t blame them, I think I just lost the hearing in my right ear.
“Is there a problem ladies?” asks Jack, his arm was wrapped around Alex and Alex was looking very happy cuddled into his chest. Josie described Frank to him but neither of them knew who he was.
“Sorry, Georgia, I think I’d remember seeing someone as hot as that. But I’ll keep a look out for you” said Jack “Well we’re gonna go home now, I’ll seeya tomorrow Georgia. Josie.” He did a little bow and then they both left.
“Don’t worry Georgia, we’ll find him. He can’t hide forever” said Josie determinedly.
“OI GUYS! ROSE AND RAY ARE HERE!” yelled Mikey from down the beach. I had a feeling the people at the beach were going to hate us.
“He is so rude honestly, waking up half the fucking beach” said Josie “MIKEY! SHUTUP! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO RELAX!”
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I really wanna know what you guys think of the story
should i carry on writing? or delete it?
comment :)