Status: Dunno.


Lose It

“Gilbert~” his voice hissed in my ear. “Oh, Gilly~” I flinched at that annoying nickname.
“Was?” I sighed. I turned and he grabbed my arm, twisting to stop my turning. I winced in pain. “Fucker...”
“Where were you last night, my adorable little albino?” he asked, his voice sending shivers down my spine. Oh gott... I swallowed hard.
“N-Nowhere, Ivan.” I stuttered out. I could sense he was smirking. He knew. The fucker always knew.
“You weren't seeing your brother, were you? I'm sure he wouldn't want to not be able to visit you from now on.” he growled. He twisted my arm more, making me whimper. Luddy...
“I'm sorry, Russia! I won't do it again!” I begged him to stop. He smirked.
“I do love when you beg for mercy, but I guess I'll stop hurting you. For now.” the last two words made me shudder at the thought. He's already raped me... thirty times... It's only been a few decades since... Well, that damn wall separated me and Ludwig... and I already hate it here. Russia had me reinforce the damn thing so many times...
I used to be cocky... and now? I've hit rock bottom and I'm... well, let's not talk about that right now..
Ivan was gone now. He left after torturing me for a bit. I hated that bastard for everything he did to me... He used to let me see Ludwig, but not anymore...
I shivered as I heard my cage creak. Yes, Russia put me in a cage in his goddamn basement. I sometimes got Latvia or Lithuania to let me out so I could see Ludwig, but it wasn't often.
I heard the door to the basement slam shut, meaning Ivan was coming back down. Adrenaline pushed through my veins and I stared out of the steel bars, shivering. No no no... Please be in a good mood... I saw him and he smiled at me. His smile was small and cute and made you think he was a very large child. But really, he was evil and liked to cause others pain... not that he even knew it was bad or wrong or anything. He isn't aware of how he was.
“Hello, Gilbert.” he said, opening my cell and walking in,. Not bothering to close it. He knew I wouldn't run. I...
“Hello.” I said quietly back, avoiding his eyes. He was watching me. I burned. He grabbed my face and painfully forced me to look up at him. I bit at my lip.
“I've punished Latvia already for letting you out this time, but I don't think you really know how serious it is that you want to see him more than me. You belong to me, Prussia.” I flinched at my old name. I wasn't Prussia anymore... I was the German Democratic Republic. I still could control some things that went on in my 'country', but I myself was controlled by Ivan, no matter how much I hated it...
“You shouldn't punish them... They're terrified of you.” I growled. Ivan's eyes sparked.
“I can do whatever I want to them. They're mine. As are you.” a shiver raced down my back. A smile twisted Russia's face as he pushed me to the ground. I just lay there helplessly, knowing I'd get less hurt if he got what he wanted. He paused to touch my face, raising it gently so I had to look at him. His face was softer now. “I love you, Gilbert.” He leaned down to kiss me and I let him into my mouth to explore. It made me lightheaded, to my dismay.
“Ivan...” I whispered as he entered me slowly. He was gentle this time. He slowly rocked his hips into mine, kissing me and whispering things in my ear. It wasn't painful. I felt beautiful pleasure fill me as he brushed my prostate and I let out a small gasp. He paused to see if I was okay and then went on to brush it again, experimenting. I shivered, my eyes closed and my head thrown back. “More... please...” I heard myself say.
He picked up speed slowly, bringing me higher to my peak. I was moaning his name and arching and begging for more. He seemed to treat me like I was a piece of porcelain instead of his sex toy whenever he felt like it. I yelped his name, gasping and clawing at his back as I climaxed and we rode out our orgasms together, holding onto the other for dear life.
“I love you too, Ivan.”

He was gone now. He left before I woke up. It didn't bother me. It was better than him beating me to wake me up like he sometimes did. I was actually surprised he was gentle last night. He seemed rather angry. But Russia was a country that never ceased to surprise me.
The door flew open and Ivan glared at me, storming down the stairs. I stared. What did I do? “Gilbert fucking Beilschmidt. You fucking whore. I bet you enjoyed that fucking last night, didn't you? You liked it when I shoved my cock up your ass; you were moaning like a whore, you know.”
I kept my mouth shut, pondering what he wanted. He ripped open my cage door, shoving me into the back wall. His breath smelled like vodka, like it usually did.
“'I love you too, Ivan' 'I'd suck your cock for a day you didn't beat the shit out of me, Ivan' 'Let me bend over so you can fuck me, Ivan'!” he spat in my face mockingly. “You'd like that wouldn't you, whore? Suck my cock then, whore.” he shoved me to my knees, pressing his clothed crotch in my face. I made a face and tried to jerk away, but he twined his hand in my hair to stop me. “Suck my dick, slut.” he snarled.
“Ivan, please...” I looked up at him pleadingly. He just sneered and made me pull his damn pants down so he could shove his half-hard dick in my face.
“Suck it. Don't try anything either, or I'll beat your fucking face in.” he snapped. I obediently, hesitantly, placed my lips over his head, surprised at how it felt on my tongue. It wasn't... revolting... or anything, so I took more of him into my mouth like a good sex slave, feeling a bit satisfied at his little pants as I teased him. I slid my mouth up him, holding back a gag as it touched the back of my throat, and sucked, using my teeth slow and gentle and teasing. He was groaning under my touch and he shuddered and released a moan every time I bit him lightly. I even put my hands on his hips so I could use them as leverage as I bobbed my head up and down his cock. His moans were becoming louder and his hips bucked every now and then as he came to his climax. I deep-throated him and he gave a strangled moan as he bucked his hips violently forward, yelping my name and coming into my mouth. The rush of hot liquid startled me, but I managed to swallow most of it.
“My god...” Ivan panted, leaning against the wall. I wiped a bit of his cum off my mouth that I missed. After a while of silence, other than his heavy panting, he patted my head and left, saying, “good boy.”
I laid backwards on the floor, pondering on the fact that he tasted... good...

“Mr. Russia wants t-to see you, Mr. Gilbert.” Latvia stared through the bars of my cage. I nodded at him, getting to my feet carefully. I only hit a few of my bruises this time. I followed Raivis up the stairs to the dining room. Russia was sitting at the head of it, smiling at Estonia as he stuttered excuses for something. He spotted me and his smile widened.
“Privjet, Gilbert.” Ivan said cheerfully. Russia? In this good of a mood? Scary...
“Hallo.” I replied, keeping steady eye-contact with the larger man.
“I've got... a request for you.” he grinned to himself, probably about the nature of his request.
“You can stay up in the main house and I won't abuse you anymore if you agree...” he smirked. “to marry me.”

Ludwig was pondering a way to get his brother back. No matter how many times Austria told him that damn wall was for both their own good, he felt like part of him was gone with Gilbert not here to pester him and make messes and support him with anything he needed and help him with things... There was no question he missed the albino. And he knew Gilbert missed him; however many times over the years he snuck out to see him, even with the threat of Russia finding out hanging over the alabaster head of his.
Germany sighed. He missed his big brother. Even though he was annoying and messy and loud... he was the one who raised him. He was the one Ludwig always looked up to. That damn Russian... Even though it was Gilbert's idea, Russia had to have influenced him. Gilbert wasn't one to abandon... Damn wall... damn everything.
Ludwig stood from his chair to pace. Austria watched him, amused slightly by how stiff the German was.
“Pacing won't bring him back.” thank God, he thought. Roderich hated that damn albino. Prussia was the reason... well, everybody knows that story. Austria didn't want to relive it, after all.
“Shut up, Roderich.” Ludwig grumbled, shooting a glare at him. The smaller country sighed.
“Forgive me. Only being realistic.” Germany turned to him, looking like he would strike him. Austria shuddered, glancing at Ludwig's large muscles.
“Shut. Up. Or I'll make you. Not in the verdammen mood.” he snapped. Make him? Austria almost smirked. He'd enjoy that, he thought, looking at the blonde's well-built form. Roderich blinked. Did he seriously just think that...? He was sure he wasn't... that way... He flushed, shaking his head to clear away the unwanted thoughts. Ludwig wouldn't be pleased if he knew...
“I just wish they'd forget that damn wall and tear it the fuck down.” Germany growled, pacing faster. Austria sighed. Another image of the two countries kissing sent shivers down the brunette's spine and his face turned a peculiar shade of red that Ludwig noted when he looked at Roderich. He almost smirked. He wasn't sure if he was right, but...
“Ludwig...” Austria said quietly. He had to know... The muscular man turned to glare at him, fighting back the urge to smirk. Oh Roddy just fell into this one... He felt rather... mischievous. Gilbert would be proud.
“Didn't I tell you to shut up?” Ludwig walked over to the brunette and stood before him, looking down at him. Roderich felt...well, maybe a little excited, considering.
“You did.” he challenged.
“Then I'll just have to make you.” The German lowered himself and captured Roderich's lips with his, placing a hand on the smaller country's thigh. Austria submitted quickly, whimpering under the gentle pressure of Ludwig's hand and lips. Oh, it was delicious, the way heat piled in his belly. Not that Roddy would ever admit he enjoyed it to the larger male... They both had reputations to protect.
Ludwig let go of him to breathe. “Tell anyone, I'll castrate you.” he growled, kissing him again. Austria lost himself in the kiss, groaning quietly. They pulled away again, gasping for breath.
“Wouldn't dream of it.” he said as he pulled the blonde down on top of him, connecting their hot mouths again. Ludwig ground his hips into Roderich's making them both groan at the friction. They pulled away to breathe again.
“All... the way?” Ludwig asked breathlessly. Austria nodded, grabbing the larger country's hips and pulling them down to press their... vital regions against each other. Germany shuddered and groaned, diving in to viciously attack the smaller's mouth sloppily. He pulled their clothes off while they explored each other's mouths, hands searching hot bodies.
Ludwig shoved his fingers into Roderich's face. “Suck.” he commanded. Austria obediently took the fingers into his mouth, smirking up at the blonde's face as his tongue and teeth teased them. “Hurry the fuck up, Roddy.” Annoyed at the stupid nickname Gilbert had dubbed him, he bit Luddy's fingers a bit hard. Blue eyes narrowed. “You want to play that way, hm?” He ripped his hand from the brunette, lifting Roddy's legs up over his shoulders, pushing the head of his cock, which was pretty damn big compared to anyone Roderich had seen, into him without preparation. Austria whined, squirming at the pain of being torn and stretched.
“Th-th- haah- t hurts, d-damnit...” Ludwig pushed deeper in, biting down on the smaller nation's neck. The sharp pain made tears well up in Roderich's eyes as he squirmed under the German. He shouldn't have provoked him...
“Mnn, Roddy... So tight...” Ludwig teased, pushing into him a little harder. Austria gasped. He hit something... Oh my god was it amazing... The blonde seemed to know what was going on. “Found your prostate, Roddy~” He hit that spot again and the brunette moaned as pleasure shot through him.
“Th-there... again... p-please...” he begged, clinging to the larger male. Ludwig just smirked and obliged to the other's request, thrusting a bit harder into his prostate. Roderich threw his head back and moaned Ludwig's name as he was brought higher and higher and oh god he was getting close and his dick hasn't even been touched and nnng! Germany rocked his hips harder, his own climax nearing. “Nnng...! more!”
“Hahh~ you c-close, Roddy?” Ludwig moaned as he moved faster, shuddering. Roderich was amazed. He looked... damn.
“Y-y-yes!” Roderich managed to yell out. His hips bucked and he clung to Ludwig as he came and screamed, “Gilbert!”
“Russland!” They stared at each other, panting. “My... brother?”
“Russia..?” Awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that was a fun first chapter, ja? COMMENT, VERDAMMEN. Else Gilbert might say no and set Russia offf... Yes, I'm that low to threaten all of you. *evil laugh* I love you all~