Sequel: The Fire Within
Status: Calm your tits... I'm trying to update!

Closer to the Edge

Chapter 15: Unholy Confessions

Frank's POV

Two weeks had passed since the Bert incident. If you could say this Gerard and I became closer, if you could say that. I know my morals, I usually say not to fall for someone. But it's really not hard to fall for someone as beautiful as Gerard.

Today is my birthday and I was sitting on the couch, both of my parents were sitting on the sides of me and the house was silent. Which in my opinion made me feel as if I were in a morgue, because my whole family was sitting in the living room. I should feel claustrophobic because my family was loud. It was large too. And everyone was here. Even my great grandad that was well in his ninety's, sitting in his wheel chair with his oxygen tank. He would outlast me and that made me feel like I had fucked my whole family up. Iero's were supposed to live long. Not live till their eighteen and die.

But that's all I could do. Sit there and stare into space. The only thing that broke the silence was the cry of one of my second cousins. I bit my lip and felt tears well up myself.

"Can anyone say something?" I whispered, "It feels like I'm at my own fucking funeral."

"Well it's not my fault that the year you came out gay that you were diagnosed with cancer. Well is it?" My aunt asked. My eyebrows furrowed and I felt the tears well up even more. I hated the fact that even though I was dying, she still held the grudge on me for being gay. She didn't like the fact that I was gay at all. She'd rather of me married her best friends daughter instead. I also hated the fact that, despite her religion, she couldn't accept the fact I was gay. She thought me getting cancer was because I had turned my back on god.

"Karla, that's not appropriate. Especially for you saying it to my son if your gonna say that you might as well get the hell out of my fucking house because he's family. And you just don't talk down to your own family like that." My mom said.

"Well Linda, it's your fault for not raising him right." She hissed at my mom.

"I don't care that your my sister. It's just not fucking right to talk about my son in that manner. And you have no fucking room to talk about raising kids. Last time I checked my son wasn't fucking every guy that he lays his eyes on." My mom yelled back.

"Hah right my baby is a virgin, she's not stupid enough to lose her virginity before getting married. Isn't that right Mary?" My aunt asked my cousin, whose face turned pale at the mention of virginity's.

"U-Uh yeah." She stuttered, my aunt whose oblivious to the fact what my mom had said was right.

"See, as pure as the day she was born." My aunt said in a 'I'm right, your wrong' tone.

"My ass, as soon as I brought that up she turned as pale as a ghost. You just can't see what everyone else see's." My mom snapped back. 

"Will you just shut the hell up?!? I'm fucking tired of this! I ask for someone to talk and you two start a fight. Your sisters... And me..." I pointed to myself. "I'm dying and you can't show me some fucking sympathy and treat me like I'm a human being. I still have feelings. Just cause I'm dying doesn't mean I don't have them. Man, I'm fucking out of here. Way to ruin my last birthday." I said getting out of my seat and storming out of my house. I slammed the door behind me and I took a couple of steps of my porch and I sat down. I ran a hand through my hair and I closed my eyes. I swallowed my tears and I took a deep breath.

"Hey Frank," Gerard's voice appeared. Instead of his beautiful black wings he was wearing a dark t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. He had a small smile on his thin chapped lips.

"Hey Gerard," I sighed. "What's up?"

"Nothin' much I thought I'd like to come here and say happy birthday to you. And I'd like to give you this." He said pulling his hands out from behind his back. "I know you'd think that, 'hey he's over one hundred years old, and the fucker still don't know how to wrap.'" Gerard laughed once I grabbed what looked like a beat up box. I giggled and tore the pumpkin covered wrapping paper. 

"Oh my god, thank you I love it so much." I said standing up. I hugged Gerard holding onto the Smashing Pumpkins cd and Batman comic book. 

"Can I give you one more present?" He whispered into my ear. I pulled away from the hug and I nodded. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

We hadn't shared much kisses but when we did it was full of meaning. I closed my eyes and I threw my arms around his neck. His smile grew and I let a smile form on my lips also. 

When we pulled away I heard a girly shrill. I turned to see my whore cousin. Gerard tugged on my shirt, knowing what he wanted me to do. I nodded my head and he swooped me off of my feet. 

"Frankie is this your boyfriend? Does he know your dying? Oh god he's hot!" She squealed. 

"Mary..." Gerard said capturing her eyes. "I want you to go back into the house. And I want you to tell everyone that Frank is at his friends house." She nodded her head before turning around opening the heavy oak door and stepping into my house. Gerard started walking to his house carrying me there the whole way. 

When we got to his house he sat me down on my feet and I pulled my shirt down and pulled my pants up. I was still holding my cd and comic book between my arm and my body. 

"She's either in a relationship with a demon or she is one." Gerard said.

"Wha?" I asked. 

"Your cousin, she is surrounded by darkness. But I don't think she is a Demon because I wouldn't of been able to compel her as easy." Gerard said. 

"I figured, she ain't nothin' but a whore." I mumbled.

"Yeah, but a demon could take over her body because it's open to anything. Demon or angel, and lemme tell you there's not many angel's in this world. And there are no pure white winged angel's on this earth." He explained. I nodded and bit my leg.

"Hey Gee, you home?" Mikey yelled throughout their house.

"Yeah!" Gerard shouted back.

"Damn." I could hear him mumble. I giggled and I heard him walk down the stairs. I let my jaw drop and I'm pretty sure Gerard's did to.
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Title credit: Avenged sevenfold.
Comment and I'll finish the next update.