

A scream of pure terror echoed down the halls of Vixen's Orphanage. The building plunged into darkness as the storm outside hit a line. Seven year old Tally McDowell pressed herself closer to the wall, she knew something terrible would happen, she had sensed it since she woke up...she knew telling somebody would do no good. A vicious snarl to her right caused her to gasp and turn to face a small wolf. She was next, all the other children were either already dead or had been helped. Just when the wolf should have attacked, it didn't. Instead something strange happened...a light formed around it and within seconds a boy stood naked as the day he was born.

"Go, before they find you." he whispered to her causing her to shake her head.

"You- you changed!" she gasped; he shoved at her to get moving.

"I'm saving you, don't make me regret this." he said quickly; she whimpered her hand catching on something which broke away from the boy and she soon found herself running down the hall not sure where to run, her legs did the work.

"Tally! Wake up!" a voice from somewhere echoed, her name slowly growing louder before she felt someone shaking her, her dream world fading to black and then opening her eyes to see her best friend Chelsea starring at her with another pissed off look. "It's almost two! If you'd stop staying up so late to write stories you wouldn't sleep in so late" she said with her hands flinging around like usual. She met Chelsea a few weeks after moving to America to live with her new foster parents. Chelsea was the only one not interested in her accent and actually interested in her. Tally's accent has toned down majorly over the past twenty years but when she gets mad it comes back out.

"Oh, it's really two?" Tally asked sitting up to stretch.

"Yeah, now hurry up and get up! I'm starving and we have a nail appointment at four!" she sassed before flipping her blonde hair. Tally scoffed before she dragged herself out of the bed and walked towards her bathroom all zombie-like. "And some guy left flowers on your steps again. Or maybe woman, I don't know I didn't read the card. And wear something nice cause at six is the premier for "Handsome and the Beast" I really hope I don't look too dramatic in the sex scene." Chelsea said as she played with Tally jewelry. Tally based her latest main character after Chelsea, so who better to play the part in the movie then the person the character was based off of.

Tally constantly had nightmares about a beast turning into a man growing up, so one night she decided to bring her nightmares to life. She called them werewolves, a man who transformed into a giant wolf beast, she always gave the main male character a kind heart with a rough past in her first couple of stories she wrote, and at 18 her first book got published. 'A Hidden Desire' was a slow take off but as soon as people began to read the story and had friends and family go out and buy the book she started getting in some big bucks, after about six months a movie director came to her about wanting to make it into a movie, she couldn't say no. Since then she has released over twenty books, and had seven of them made into movies, she was a rollin bank. She had just spent most of her night writing another story, expect for the fact her mind was drawing horrible blanks and for once she was afraid she was getting writers block. Her mind was always full of story ideas, yet she couldn't get past the first two chapters in her story.