‹ Prequel: Let Me Go
Status: discontinued

Promise That You'll Remember That You're Mine

Holding my breath

“John, let go, please” she croaked.

The feeble voice made his body jolt in surprise, eyes immediately going to the frail body in front of him. But he was met with disappointment seeing her laying still. Turning his head seeing Ana standing beside him.

“John, please” Ana said again “You need to rest.”

“Fuck, Ana” he sighed “I can’t just leave her like this.”

“John, please, go eat or something. You might end up here too.”


“No ‘but’s go” she shooed him away.

“I swear to god, Ana if something happens-“

“Nothing’s going to happen if you leave for 15 minutes, I swear on my deathbed.”

“Ana” he sighed giving her a look.

“Jeez Louise, go eat go” Ana said pushing him out.

“I’ll be back in 15 minutes” John said diverting his eyes back to Ivy lying on the hospital bed before shutting the door closed.

“Olivia, what am I ever going to do with you?” Ana sighed, taking Ivy’s cold hand, holding it tightly.

“That boy loves you to bits, you know that?” she laughed to herself. “But, you know, I can’t help but feel jealous of him. I feel like he’s going to steal you away from me. I know he’s a giant asshole but I also know that he loves you more than he loves himself. So wake up soon, darling dear. He needs you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Mibba decided to crash and delete my two new chapters and my subscribers
So i'll be posting the rewritten chapters again
Again feedback'll be much appreciated :-)