Status: New Story! ^-^

I'm Taking Back the Life You Stole

Chapter 1

July 5th, 2012 at 03:23am
Hey Shazzy! Lozza here!
GUESS WHAT I DID TODAY?! I got fucking rainbow hair! And it's uber fucking bright and amazing! I had it cut too. It's sorta in the shape of a U at the back and I have this new sweeping side fringe thing going on, and I actually rather like it. Hair dressers in the US of A are much better than back home! lol xD
Anyway, what's new with you?! Have you heard about the huge concert My Chemical Romance are having over here? I'm trying to get tickets to it, and I think I just might get there! Do you think you'll be able to see them here? I know it's a bit of a flight... but it would be so worth it!
Anyhow, I'm off to save the world!
Much love,
Neon Angel <3

July 5th, 2012 at 04:21am
You're joking! I've always loved bright and colourful hair :') I wish I could see it :(
I still can't believe you're spending a month in America - you're so lucky! I'm still trying to pester my mum into letting me go over for a week or two, and now I have more reason to! Flight tickets are expensive, especially from the UK, but I'll find a way, I promise.
Oh my god, imagine if we met them!
Speak to you soon!
Violet Vengeance x

July 6th, 2012 at 03:37am
Hola Shazzy!
Haha, you should come see it *HINT HINT* :P I'll take a pic sometime and facebook it if I have to xD
I love the brightness of my hair, it actually makes me feel really confident and almost... daring? It's just nice to have a self confidence I've never had before. I mean, I'm receiving quite a few odd looks because of my hair but it just doesn't seem to matter? I just give them a grin and they turn the other way, like ashamed or something.
It was kinda creepy, but kinda oddly cute the other day! I was in this store buying my outfit for the MCR concert(Yeah, I went out and bought an outfit for the concert, shhh! I know I'm lame! :P) and I was in line to pay and this little girl saw my hair and started tugging at it and squealing and then out of nowhere she grabbed a lock and pretended it was her own hair before telling me that I was the most awesome girl she had ever seen and that she wanted my hair when she was older. I think her mum almost fainted. LOL xD
I know! I don't mean to rub it in, but I feel like the luckiest girl ever! I've wanted to visit America for years and now I'm finally here! Would it make it any easier if I paid for your flight back? Just as a way to convince your mum at least?
Yeah :/ That's what sucks about flying, but it's so uber fun! Especially take off :3
My life would be complete if I met them with you :')
Although you'd be all chill and stuff and I'd be a massive dork-a-tron or something. I have no idea what I'd say to them if I met them...
Yeah, it's getting pretty late here(early in Aus though! XD) so I'mma head off.
I hope you can make it :)
This is Neon Angel(AKA Lozza) signing off! :P

July 6th, 2012 at 04:39am
Hey Lozza!
I wish I could! I've been getting on the good side of my mum...I have a good feeling about this! I couldn't make you pay for my flights, though! silly :p
I can't wait to see your hair, it would definitely make you stand out more, which proves you are pretty confident! And this little girl seems so cute! Haha, that mum better give her that haircut! XD
You ARE the luckiest girl ever! I mean, you're in California! And you're seeing MCR! How could you not feel lucky! Of course, meeting you with them would change my life completely. Hell, seeing them with you would change everything! It would be so fun though, we'd just be sitting there, speechless :')
Stupid time zones, I've just missed you! Damn!
Anyways, let you know what my mum says ;D
Peace out! Violet Vengeance x

July 7th, 2012 at 02:36am
Hehe, what does that entail? Breakfast in bed? :P
You wouldn't be making me pay! I'd freely be offering it up! xD
Haha, it makes me feel good ^-^ LOL! Imagine like a 6 year old walking around with rainbow hair! That'd be fricking epic!
Haha yeah, true... Cali is amazing, the beach really is the place to be, except wear lots of sunscreen! I got burnt today, and now I look like I'm first cousins with a red lobster >.<
MCR FTW! I'm so pumped! Did you know I have NEVER seen them live before? So I'm pretty excited I'm getting to see them in beautiful fucking Cali.
Hey, who says anything about being speechless? xD But you're right, it would make it the best day of my life-ever.
Oh least I've caught you now? :P
I can't wait!
Over and Out.
Red Lobster xD

July 7th, 2012 at 12:05pm
It's a dream come true! :'D not only do I get to finally meet you, after what feels like a lifetime of such a close friendship, but I get to watch my favourite band perform live with you! :'D I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT!!!!
I'm flying out tomorrow!! I'll tell you more about everything next time!
Violet Vengeance! x

July 7th, 2012 at 12:14pm
FUCKING FINALLY! OH MY GOD! I'M SO EXCITED! I can't wait to meet you! We'll do all the awesome stuff here in Cali! Oh, it's going to be amazing!
You got tickets?!
Haha, 'next time' we might actually be in person xD
Would you like me to pick you up from the airport?
Keep running xo
Neon Angel

July 8th, 2012 at 08:55am
I'm just getting ready to leave for my flight :') This is going to be AMAZING! I'm meeting you in less than a day!! I can't freaking wait! :'D
YES! Come meet me at the airport! Our flight gets in at around half 4, so I'll see you there ;D
Signing out one last time,
Violet Vengeance :D x

July 8th, 2012 at 01:34pm
I'll be there :')
<3 Lozza
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is just to get us all warmed up. Kinda just a bit of an introduction and maybe a bit of background into the characters and who we are and such xD
Anyway, first co-write so go easy on us, okay?
With that being said, con-crit is ALWAYS appreciated :)
<3 Loz.(deathXbeforeXdisco)