Hate Amongst the Labels

Magazine Racks and the Incredible Hulk

Taylor's POV

I can't believe that motherfucker had the nerve to ask me to do something after what he just did.

I walk to the elevator, all the same, and hit the down button.

I hear Kev catch up and come to stand next to me while we wait for the damn slow elevator.

"Do you think everyone will find out about this stuff?" He asks me suddely, making me almost piss my pants.

"Uhh, well yea. Some girl died. They're bound to talk." I say semi-sarcastically.

"I wonder what crazy stuff they'll come up with." He muses. I shrug.

"Who gives a fuck." I mutter as the elevator bings and the doors slide open.

We stand in the elevator in silence. I can tell it's awkward for him because he keeps shifting from one foot to the other, but I'm used to awkward. I'm not really affected by it anymore.

We step out when the doors open, and outside.

The rush of cool air on my face as the automatic doors slide open makes me take in a big refreshing breath of air.

Then, I remember I don't have a car.

"Awh fuckit!" I howl.

I see Kevin jump, at my outburst.

"Whaaat!?" He asks.

"I forgot that my mom took the car back!"

"Oh, that's it? You're not dying?" He asks sarcastically.

"Go suck a cock." I mutter under my breath, causing him to laugh.

"It's only half a mile." He reminds me.

"Yea, I know. But I'm not the physical type if you haven't noticed." I explain.

"Bullshit. I saw you run through a whole fucking neighborhood in 3 minutes flat."

"Because it was an emergency! I would never run anywhere willingly, unless you've got a gun to my back." I state as we start walking out of the parking lot and onto the side of the road.

I slowly start to feel my pissed-off-ness towards Kev evaporate the longer we walk, and I actually laugh a couple times.

"Yea, well, you know that girl smells like shit too." I say as we step up onto the curb in front of the convenient store, talking about this girl that smells real bad that he claims "is a good person".

"Plus, since when would you care if someone's "got a good heart?" I mutter.

He just shrugs, with a big smile on his face.

He steps in front of me as I go to reach for the door, and holds it open for me. I take one look at him, and bust out laughing.

"What?" He asks as he pats his hair down like something's wrong with him.

"Did yer daddy raise yu riite?" I say in a thick southern accent.

He scowls and mutters a quiet "Shut up," as I walk through the door and he follows.

He walks over the the big drink cooler thing and picks out an energy drink. I pick up a couple magazines, some candy bars, a keychain, and a big water bottle.

He's standing at the counter counting out change that he's got and I just simply roll my eyes and push him out of the way.

He lets out a faint "Heyy..," but goes silent when I slap down the crisp new 50.

"You don't have to pay for that." He pipes up.

"Listen Kevin, I don't do many nice things in my life. You've basically witnessed a miracle. So shut your mouth, before I change my mind." I sarcastically explain to him.

He puts up his hands, palms facing me, and backs away slightly. The man behind the counter doesn't seem to speak english very well, and is having trouble scanning my water.

I sigh and tap a finger on the counter impatiently, when I see someone familiar trudge through the door.

"Eck." I say under my breath as I internally barf, as Kevin turn to the door and notices him.

It's Brad. One of Kev's football buddies. He either wants to a) hump everything that moves b) tackle things or c) be an ass to everyone else.

I fall in the C category, incase you were wondering.

"Heyy man!" He hoots as he comes over to do the I'm-a-cool-man-handshake thing with Kev.

"Hey, what's goin' on man?" Kev asks. I don't know how you could be friends with such a creature.

"Ugh, my moms all pregnant and she needed a doughnut RIGHT NOW, so my dad made me come get one at fucking 2 AM. So, what are you doing here?" Brad complains.

"A friend, I mean uh-erh someone I know, was in the hospital and I just needed an energy boost." Kev practically lies.

By now, I'm trying not to be noticed by the incredible hulk, as I pretend to look through magazines over in the back corner.

"Ahh, if it isn't a little whore!" Brad booms from the other side of the store.

Damnit. I roll my eyes and let out a disgusted sound.

"Ugh, fucking shove it up your girlfriend's plastic ass, Brad." I hollar as I slam the magazine I'm holding back onto the rack.

He walks over to me and gets in my face.

"Her ass is way nicer than yours." He says stupidly.

"Wow, nice one gaywad. Like I care what your girlfriend's ass is like." I say as I turn to walk away from him.

Kev is standing quietly about 2 feet away, looking pretty nervous.

He hands me the bags as I walk by. I take them, to pissed to object.

"So you're Kev's little bitch now?" He barks.

That's it. My second internal rubber band has snapped for tonight.

I storm back over and get right in his face.

"I'm no one's fucking bitch." I say as I grab a fistful of the front of his grease stained t-shirt.

He makes a little kissy face at me, and I can't take it.

"Go die!" I howl as I hurl him back with just enough force to knock him off balance. His back slams against the magazine display and he falls backwards taking the rack down with him, making a huge mess everywhere.

I stride out of the store and I don't even bother to say anything to Kev on my way out.

"You'll fucking regret that you will slut!" I hear him bellow and flip him the bird behind my back.

I hear the faint ding of the door as I whip them open, and I jump down the curb.

Kev's POV

I pick up the bags, Taylor dropped when she stormed back to kill Brad.

I don't say anything to him, I just turn and walk out of the store after Taylor.

"Taylor!" I yell into the night.

"What!?" I hear her scream back.

"Wait up!" I yell as I run to catch up with her.

"I'm sor-" She cuts me off.

"Just don't," She hisses.

We fall into silence, and the only sound to be heard is the cars zooming by on the street and the rustle of the plastic bags I'm carrying.

"You're friends a dick." She says, as she kicks a rock.

"He can be, but that was no reason to push him into a magazine rack." I say.

"It was ALL the reason to push him into a magazine rack." She says.

After a long pause she speaks again.

"Why didn't you stay and like help him up or something?" She asks.

I shrug. I really don't know why I didn't help him.

"Just didn't really think about it I guess." I explain.

We walk the rest of the way in a thoughtful silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, you could just tell both of us were thinking pretty hard the whole time.

We walk back into the parking lot and up to the big glass sliding doors.

Taylor's POV

I try to take some of the bags from Kev, but he won't let me have them and assured me he was fine carrying them. We stepped into the elevator in silence, the slow beat of the elevator music and the quiet hum of the elevator make my want to rip my all my hair out.

Finally, the bell bings after what seems like forever and we walk out.

We both walk to the room him and Tish were in, and find her sleeping.

I set the bags down so I can get his drink out and take my things elsewhere.

Tish stirrs and rolls over, opening her eyes.

"How did you sleep?" Kevin asks sweetly, causing me to want to spill my guts.

"Fine," Tish mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh Lord, wait till I am out of the room before you begin the cutey crap." I cut them off.

They swap devilish smirks and I hold back another gag.

I pull out Kev's energy drink and hand it to him.

"Oh, yea. Tish, Taylor pushed Brad into a magazine rack." Kev says as he pops open the drink and takes a sip.

"BRAD? As in Brad from school, Brad? The HUGE one?!" She asks.

"Yeah, knocked him and the magazine rack clear over." He comments.

"Woww, that kid is giant." Tish say simply, raising her eyebrows in disbelief.

"He was being a major ass." I mutter as I grab my bags and walk out into the hallway.

I choose a spot and plop down. I pull out my first magazine and flip through the pages. Munching my way through candy bar after candy bar, until there aren't any left.

My eyes skim over page after page about celebrity gossip and horoscope bullshit.

I'm ready for some sleep but there's no way I'm getting any in this sterilized bubble they call the 'hospital'. The place you go to "get better", even though that's not always the case. I don't see how people get better here. First off, it's way to frickin cold. Second, the atmosphere sucks. Everyone's sad or in a big fucking hurry all the time. Third and finally, there's no room to breathe. There's a rule against anything that might be slightly entertaining. I've been yelled at too many times for the stupidest things.

"You're getting yourself all dirty!"

"Someone might trip over you!"

"Candy isn't good for you!"

I mean honestly, WHAT THE HELL?

I'm not bothering anybody, can't the world just leave me alone for just five minutes?


I'm sure to be out of this hellhole soon enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to post this and sorry it's so short. I honestly could NOT think of where to go from here. Comments are loved! Ivy Chapter.