Hate Amongst the Labels


The Aftermath

Tish: Her and Kevin went home from the hospital to announce the engagement to her mom. Her mom was thrilled and already planning the wedding before the end of the day. Kevin's mom didn't kick him out but did ground him, which was just stupid because he was going to live with Tish any ways. At their wedding everyone from Tish's side of the family came and congratulated her with love (her family is seriously open-minded). Kev's side of the wedding consisted of friends and most of his family members. They didn't really jump with joy at the wedding and most don't even think the baby is his. Trust me though it is, that's a whole other drama Ivy and me DON'T need to write so the baby is fucking his. Tish gave birth two weeks early to a baby girl and named her Charlotte. The delivery was fine and Kevin was there the whole time cheering her on. And no they didn't have sex on the hospital bed again.

Danielle: Her funeral was a week after her death. Not many people came, mostly just old friends and Taylor, Devin, Tish, and Kevin. Sam was informed of her death and contributed the mourning of her by cutting right next to her name on his arm. He's still an asshole by the way. Kevin and Tish announced their wedding to Taylor and Devin at the funeral, they were informed they weren't invited nor did they care. Danielle's dad moved a month after her death. He dates every now and then but is to sad to really commit to anything.

Devin: After Danielle's death he suffered from depression but was cured after a few years of therapy and pills. Devin finished school (not majoring in Science) went on to college and got a decent job as an advertiser. At 25 he got married (to a woman. I know hard to believe) and had two kids. Despite his good job Devin found his real passion in Boy Scouts and became a Boy Scout leader when his two twin boys joined. But after one tragic trip, Devin began canoeing, lost control of the paddle and fell in the water. He hit his head against a rock and was immediately taken into surgery where they had to shave his head for stitches. When awaking, Devin swore off Boy Scouts and realized how much better he looked without his fucking retarded bowl cut he'd had his whole entire fucking life. He still calls his mother every night. Oh and I feel I should throw this out for you curious people. Yes, he didn't lose his virginity till his wedding night.

Kevin: So big question is did Tish and Kevin last? Hell fucking no! What world do you live in?! Well the one I live in is that only about 2% of teenage marriages last happily. But I'm glad to report that it did end peacefully. After about 5 years of marriage Kevin and Tish raised Charlotte. They had another kid, a boy named Sean. But soon after his birth Kevin realized that he needed a job to support his family (fucking lightbulb!) so he started going to a college that accepted non-graduating high school kids. The time apart between Kev's job and school made him and Tish grow distant and they were finally able to live without each other. After 5 years they split. Kevin still sees his kids but quit school. He worked as a coach for his son's school but eventually got too fat to continue. After a drastic heart attack he lost all the weight and became a work out trainer and a motivational speaker. Tish got a small job and continued to live with her mom until she died of lung cancer at 50. She moved in with one of her brothers and raised her kids and kept a small steady job. She has had many lovers throughout her break up with Kevin but only one other relationship. After her kids had grown she moved in with her new love and has lived with him since.

Taylor: Taylor didn't get to run away with Ryan quite as soon as she thought. She was locked in her room for 3 weeks, and talked to Ryan often. When her parents found out about her nice little tattoo they were so furious they sent her off to an all-girls Catholic boarding school the very next day. She called a nun a cock sucking bitch, flipped her the bird, and on her way out flashed the whole class her bare naked ass on her 7th day there. She left and went to search for Ryan. She eventually found out where they were in California (Yea, she kept that address and phone numbers THAT long) and lived with them for a good while. Taylor joined his band, but after three years of hard partying and disagreements between the both of them, she left the band and Ryan. After jumping bands for a couple years she found a solid group to stick to. They haven't made it big yet, but are on the verge of success. For income Taylor works a job at Taco Bell and Starbucks, part time to support herself. She isn't married, doesn't have children, and doesn't plan on having either anytime soon. She found tattoos as a great way to express herself, and her collection is growing. Her favorite, of course, is her first She also found piercings as another way to tell people to fuck off, so she now has snakebites, gages, a stud in her nose and an eyebrow ring. She hasn't talked to her parents since the day they sent her to boarding school, but she will never forget what her last words to them were. Fuck Off.

Mr. Nick and Mr. Jordan: After hearing that the school was liable for a law suit due to the nighttime detention they both booked it to the island of Lesbians (no for real people I'm NOT joking there is a real island called that, Google it.) where they lived in secret.

Well, we're not really sure what the moral of this story is... Bowl cuts look faggish, don't be a bitch, don't kill yourself it really does no good, don't knock up your girlfriend in highschool, and don't LET your boyfriend knock you up in highschool! The Breakfast Club was a great movie that made us think "Wow, maybe if we didn't label people everyone would be accepted!" But the ending of our story was pretty much the opposite, No one ended up together, no one liked eachother, and nothing was really solved. I'm sure everyone that reads this can relate to at least one thing in every character in this story. So don't label, no one likes to be labeled. But it doesn't really matter, do whatever the hell you want. Anyways,
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Well this was definately a join operation right here, both of us wrote this part. This is the end my friends, I hope you enjoyed the ride. This story was fun to write and I hope it was fun to read haha. I believe more stories from us are to come, but I'm not exactly sure of what nature they will be themed....If that maked any sense whatsoever. We love everyone who commented and especially those who subscribed! Tell your friends about it if you liked it!

Layla Note: I just want to thank all our commenters and susbcribers! Especially Enfoldingdarkness, your awesome. I also want to thank the REAL; Devin, Taylor, Tish, and Danielle. and the man who inspired Kevin.