Hate Amongst the Labels


Author’s Note: Um normally I wouldn’t put this at the beginning but…this chapter is a little different. So basically I wrote this chapter, showed it to Ivy and…she burst out laughing…during the sex scene. So I just wanted you people to know if you do the same…yeah.

Chapter 3


Tish’s POV

God, why is life cruel!? I didn’t do anything to that skank Taylor but it seems she just loves to pick on me. And why was she covered in mud? You’d think she’d have some fashion sense. Just like Kev. I think that’s one of his down points on why I think he’d never be a good dad. He’s defiantly a bully. He gets turned on by it or something.
I member once we were walking through the park and this kid was getting pushed down by some other kids. And you’d think that he’d you know stand up for the kid but he doesn’t, he just laughs and said that’s funny. I didn’t respond.
Another reason Kev is a bad father is because he drinks like a fucking fish. My god. Its like if he isn’t drunk he’s horny. I couldn’t raise that kid with him plowed all the time.
So why did I stay with him? Because unlike most of his whores he calls his girlfriends, I saw the sweet side to him. The hidden side. He told me ALL his secrets, all his wishes and all his hopes. He told me why he thought his dad never loved him, and why his mom left him. He told me all of it. That’s the Kev I feel in love with. That’s the Kev I want raising my child but that’s not the one I’m going to get.
SO for six months I’ve been literally KILLING myself to stay away from him. Luckily we are in a different grade so it’s been easier to avoid him. And as much as I hate it, I think I hurt him enough for him to move on with his life.
“Fuck everyone.” I whisper. I’m alone behind the props. I’m hanging back here because I’m not ready to face Kev or Taylor.
“Why?” I hear some random voice call out.
I literally almost shit myself. It’s so fucking creepy back here.
“Why what?” I mumble angrily.
“Why say F everyone?” His voice was high and sweet…How old was this person?
I laugh. How funny and cute. “I was just expressing my anger by saying Fuck.”
“I know that, but why?” He was whispering, but it seemed like a comfort to him.
“Lots of reasons.” I say shortly. Why did he care. Why did anyone care about Tish, the whore.
“Oh, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. You just seemed sad.” He seemed to understand, but I could here some sadness in his voice. Like he assumed I didn’t like him or something.
That’s the last thing I need another person judging me. So I asked, “What’s your name?”
“Devin. Devin Tearh.” He says
Oh my god. He was Oblivious to who I was. That’s perfect! If I confronted in him maybe he’d give me some dirt on Taylor!
“You know Devin…I think you should come sit closer to me.” I have a HUGE grin across my face, but he wouldn’t be able to see it, in the dark.

Danielle’s POV

I’m lying across the ugly blue patterned seats, waiting for the night to move on. I wonder where the skank and the pussy went. I’m in here ALONE with the alcoholic and the bully. It amazes me. How fucked we are even though we are in high school. But that’s life right. And in between it all your NOT suppose to kill yourself? Did I get that right. Because that doesn’t make sense to me. Why would God put all this shit in our way and still tell us um yah your suppose to make it though all this to get to heaven, but you can’t kill, or fuck, or do anything along the way. It’s so dumb.
My opinion at least. I mean I think I’m lucky enough to make it as far as I have in life. And how could I go a life time without having sex? That’s impossible. Sex is like the only happy thing. Well it’s the only happy thing for a few minutes then it kind of just becomes depressing afterwards.
I sit up. I should change into my pajamas or “jammies” as Mr. Nick likes to call them. But doing that means I would have to go into the bathroom where there’s light. And I don’t think my eyes could handle that after being under this dark light for about an hour now. What time did we get in here? 7:00? And it’s now…8ish. Ugh this is gonna drag on. I might as well off myself now before I suck up any more air.
I reach into my bag and pull out my black sweats and my overly large Invader Zim shirt. I slip into them quickly and lay back down on the seat.
“Okay this is boring.” I get up and decide to sit next to the bully. Whose a few good rows in front of me. I hop over the seats, nearly falling every jump, until I get to her. I park my ass right next to her. At first she looks a little shocked, but then she goes back to her tough face acting like she could care less if I was here.
“Why are you covered in dirt? And leaves? And…Is that drool?” I almost laugh at myself.
“Because I like to dress like this. Why do you cut?” You can hear her angry sarcasm flow thickly through her voice.
“Because it’s the closets thing to sex, besides actually fucking myself. And since I’m in a school it’d look a little weird if I was getting off with my finger when you tripped over my backpack.”
“Wow that was a little more sexual content than I needed for one day.” She looked a little careless when she said this.
Kevin walks over and sits next to us. “Sex?”
“Wow didn’t expect that.” Once again Taylor says this with angry sarcasm.
“You’re just jealous.” He says putt off.
“Of what?” Taylor nearly laughs, like as if anything he’d say would make her jealous.
“Because I’m getting some and you’re probably a virgin still.”
I laugh a little. I don’t know why it’s not even funny. But I do. I have my elbow up against the seat top and my body is turned to face Kev and Tae.
Taylor begins to laugh hysterically.
“Oh come-on. You don’t fool me.” Kev says, he’s smiling. And I’m not sure whether or not he does or doesn’t believe her.
Taylor continues laughing. “I ain’t a virgin.”
“For real?” I ask.
“Yeah I haven’t been a virgin for over a year now.”
“You lost your virginity freshman year?” I ask again. I’m kind of curious. I mean Taylor’s kind of a bitch…who’d want to fuck her?
“Hellz yah.” She smiles.
“How much have you done?” I ask again.
“Bj’s and Hand jobs and some kinky sex every now and then. Oh and a guy ate me out once last year.”
I don’t say anything I just look at her with a kind of shocked impressed careless face. I’ve been proven wrong. Unless she’s lying of course. But I could have sworn I would have done more than her. But I was wrong. Her sex resume puts my whole sex life to shame.
“You?” She asks to Kevin.
“We’ll obviously I’ve had sex regularly and I’ve gotten some Bj’s but that’s it.” Kevin says to Taylor, and then he looks at me. “What about you?”
Taylor looks towards me, and at first I’m a little afraid to say anything, but if I lie and get caught, they’ll think I haven’t had any sex. So…I tell the truth. “Me and my ex boyfriend had sex for a few months, I gave him one Bj and he never ate me out. We broke up last month and started dating in May last year.” I finish and hope there not going to make fun of me.
“Was he your first?” Taylor asks.
I nod.
“Ahh how cute.” She says in a non cute way. Bitch.
Kev doesn’t say anything he just looks back at Taylor. “I’m still not convinced.”
“Really? What you want me to do? Prove it to you?”
“Actually Yah. That’s what I was thinking.” Kev smiles. And I’m just sitting here thinking…is this really happening?
“Are you fucking serious?” Taylor asks. Her face is hard to read I can’t tell if shes excited or pissed that he’d think of her like that.
“Yeah, you’ve been turning me on all night.” Kevin looks dead serious.
I want to move, but I can’t seem to find myself to pull away. It’s like a car wreck!
Taylor just stares at him for a long time, probably trying to figure out if he was serious or not. She just kept staring at him. And I’m moving my eyes back and forth trying to decipher what shes going to do.
And after what seemed like FOREVER, Taylor says:

Taylor’s POV

“Okay you’re on.” I say. I figure if he was lying he’d get what was coming to him later…like his dick chopped off.
“Sweet.” He gazes his eyes up and down my body and then his face goes confused. “You’re covered in dirt.”
“No shit.” I say. What an idiot. Let’s see if he can get the nut in the bolt.
“How we going to do this?” He doesn’t look at my face he’s still staring at my dirt covered body. He reaches by my pants and pulls out a leaf, and starts examining it.
“What about the locker rooms…they…have showers…” I keep looking at him and the leaf, he looks like it’s the most weirdest thing he’s seen. I look back and forth between him and the stupid leaf. I eventually grab the leaf feed up that he hasn’t answered me.
“The locker rooms.” I say frustrated. Maybe this isn’t a good idea.
“Oh okay.” He says this. And doesn’t move. My God. You’d think Tish would teach this boy but obviously not.
I grab his hand and lead him down the isle, walking past the emo Danielle girl. I walk down the whole auditorm when I remember the exit doors are locked. I look around there has to be a way out. Then I remember the trap door on the stage. I lead him all the way up the stage and open the door. I jump in dragging him with me. He’s obviously not sober because he doesn’t realize he has to land on his feet and he lands right on me. Causing me to fall. AGAIN!
“Jesus. Dude you’d think you’d actually move.” I say pissed off.
“Sorry.” Is all he comes up with.
I grab him and start looking for the exit door. And I see it. I grab the handle and it’s open. Sweet Jesus. I was afraid. I look around outside the door and I don’t see Mr. Nick anywhere. He’s kind of stupid. But a pretty rad principle. I mean how many of your principles let you slide after you cheated on someone’s test? NONE! But he believed my story and said if I ever did it again I’d “be in some serious trouble” So I give him props. We start walking down the hallway when Kev stops.
I look back at him. “What?”
“This is my locker.”
I look at him dumbfounded. I then look at the locker for a sec and then back to him and say; “That’s very nice Kevin. I’m proud you know that.”
He frowns. “No I mean I need a condom.”
“Oh…we’ll open the fucker up and get one.” I say feeling a little mean. But I refuse to be nice. I mean this man is playing with my area he can’t have it and my kindness. That only goes to the special people.
He starts opening his locker, and I notice his hands are trembling. Ohhhhhhh Taylor likey. But honestly though I’m nervous too. I mean I know I said I did all those things, and I did, except I haven’t had like, sex sex much. Only twice. And it was with two different guys. So I’m not really sure I know what I’m doing here. My stomach is really sick feeling, like I’m going to barf and hopefully I’m not because if I do…and it goes all over him…it may be the gossip of the day on Monday morning.
He finally gets it open and pulls out a blue Trojan condom. I nod and grab his hand and continue leading the way. We turn corners and go down a few halls, and as we’re going my heart just keeps beating out of my chest. It’s the closer it gets the more realistic it becomes. Like when someone says to me, HEY! Let’s have sex! And I’m like OKAY! It usually doesn’t hit me until my pants are down and I see some random person on top of me breathing there douche bag breath into my mouth.
We finally get to the locker rooms and stop. “Which one I say?”
“Girls…probably get herpes in the boys.” He says without looking at me. I still got a grip on his hand.
“Good point.” I say. I just stare at the door, me heart is racing I think its going to stop soon. After one big breath I push forward on the door and we are in. And once we are in, all the nerves go away and we just start going.
Its not a second that we are inside that his lips push against mine. And I’m just pushing back as hard as I can. And ouf feet start moving and stop as soon as I hit a gym locker. It makes a clash sound as we bang against it. And for only a second I think Mr. Nick heard that, but then I don’t care cause I’m focused on Kev’s lips. Kev has me pushed hard against the locker and I can feel his “member” go up against me. Better than never. I pull away from his lips and grasp my hands around his hoodie’s trim. He begins kissing my neck as I pull the grey hoodie over his head, revealing his white tee. I place my hands on the sides of his cheeks, forcing his lips back with mine. I slightly open my mouth as he shoves tongue in with mine.
That gets me going, so I continue, without taking my lips off his, to remove his shirt. I grab its trim just like the hoodie and rip it over his head, but this time it reveals his football abs. I slide my hands down from his cheeks down his neck and place them gently on his chest. They feel so hard.
We continue to tongue the shit out of each other completely forgetting that I’m covered in dirt. Kev pulls back to take off my shirt. And he remembers. He looks at me and smiles, “You’re a dirty girl.”
“Yes. I. Am.” Kev grabs my hand and turns away from me and we run to the end of the locker room. He turns on one of the showers and throws my tee shirt off. We start going at it again. But this time it’s so much hotter because it’s in water. Kev unzips my jeans and takes them off. I do the same for him. And all while this is happening the only thing I can think about is how am I gonna do this. It’s scary but focus is lost when Kev pulls down my black lace undies. That ques me to pull down his plaid boxers.
And once that happens we just kind of back off for a minute. He looks at me for just a moment and runs the fuck off. And I’m just standing here wondering what the hell just happened. But I’m answered when Kev comes running back with his man hood wrapped in a beautiful blue rubber.
I smile and I don’t have time to say anything because it’s like as soon as I saw him the next thing I realized he’s slammed me against the wall. And he’s kissing me with such passions it’s like he actually wants to be here. I wrap my arms around him pulling him tighter to my body. The water is so fucking freezing but I can’t stop to care.
Kev grabs my thighs and ass cheeks and hoists me up against the tiled wall. Wrapping my legs around him I feel his member go in. And at first it’s just a little rough but after that. Holy Shit. His body is thrusting right up against mine. And I’m just groaning and I’m trying not to scream, but it’s hard.
He keeps pushing on me and the water makes it hard to hold on but I’m gripping his back and I hear his yelp a little. And I WANT to say sorry but I can’t because it gets me going even more. I start moaning even louder. And the louder I moan the more he’s thrusting. The feeling is so good. Like never before.
Kev continues to thrust me up against the wall until he finishes. And once that’s happened we’re kind of standing there; well he is, I’m just hanging on him. He pulls out and I slip down but he doesn’t let his hands go of me.
I look at him and give him a slight kiss. Stepping back from him, I grab my undies and head into one of the stalls.
I think this is why I rarely have sex because of how it feels afterwards. I grab some toilet paper and wipe away the wetness. Slip my undies on and step out. He’s dressed. And he looks hot, hair wet, body sweating, and if I wasn’t feeling so shitty I may just have fucked him again. He looks down at my clothes. “I don’t think you can wear those.” And with that he tosses me a towel. I wrap it around me and we head out. No holding hands, no talking. Were walking down the hall when I ask; “What am I going to wear?”
“You and Tish are the same size. She has extra clothes.”
Wow, and with that I feel very regretful of fucking him. Because I think I just realized he isn’t over Tish. No he’s far from over her.
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Are you laughing? Or shaking your head at my bad descriptions? Either way yeah this chapter is by Layla.