Status: Active

Chance of Change


“Who’s out tonight then?”
“Usual crowd”
“Oh god Paige isn’t coming is she?”
“Unfortunately, she’s Rory’s girlfriend though so we just have to learn to put up with her” Lizzie sighed. Her voice was coming through the speaker on my iPhone which sat on a shelf in my bathroom as I sat in a towel with one leg up on my roll top bath as I moisturised in preparation for my night out.
“I suppose so. More importantly though what are you wearing?” I asked
“Baby pink Michael Kors dress with silver Gucci shoes, what about you?”
“Haven’t a clue babe, come over in a bit and help me pick something out? We can have a few pre drinks too”
“Well I was going to anyway, and so is Tessa, we’re just waiting for her to finish tanning”
“Is she going for the Essex look again?” I asked moving on to exfoliating my face
“Always” Lizzie laughed, “okay babe I’ll see you in a bit”
“Love you bye” I said hanging up.

I took the latch off the front door of my apartment so that Lizzie and Tessa could let themselves in, which they didn’t need invitation to do so. I lived alone in my one bed Fulham flat, well if you don’t count my two pugs Mabel and Bilbo to keep me company. It wasn’t a lonely life at all, like I said I had my dogs, and more often than not there would be a friend round or I would be out in town or at a friends but having the place to myself allowed for precious ‘me time’.

About an hour later I had done my make up and hair but was still sitting in a tank top and sweat pants Tweeting away on my phone when I heard Lizzie and Tessa come in, I had told them long ago the entry code to my building.
“Darling you cant wear that, we’re wearing the same colour” Tessa joked pointing to her elegant green dress, I got up and kissed both her cheeks taking the bottle of champagne that they had brought from her and getting three glasses out of the cupboard
“I’m guessing Lizzie’s in my wardrobe as we speak?” I asked popping the cork
“Where else would she be?”
“You look nice though, new dress?”
“Yeah Collin treated me” she said spinning around referring to her boyfriend buying her the dress
“Very nice” I said sipping my champagne, “although you’re a tad orange”
“Oh shut up you” she joked
“Why aren’t you wearing this?” Lizzie asked coming into the living room holding up a sparkly gold dress with huge ruffles around the knee
“Are you kidding me, I’m not wearing that”
“Why not, it’s such a party dress and we’re really going to party tonight”
“That’s a Christmassy dress though” I whined wishing my friend would see my point
“By next Christmas it will be out of style. You’ll look fabulous just make sure you keep it simple with shoes bag and jewellery”
“Fine I’ll go and try the outfit on, but I want you to keep looking for an alternative dress” I warned as I took the dress from her and undressed in the living room while my two best friends went back to my wardrobe. “See I look ridiculous” I said to them as I joined them in my wardrobe looking for shoes
“You look amazing babe!” Tessa practically screamed
“I look like the bloody sugarplum fairy”
“Darling she wore pink and you’re wearing gold. Now enough of this nonsense we all look amazing so we need to start drinking” Lizzie said, normally I am the organised one of the group; however when it comes to drinking and partying Lizzie will always be the one rallying us.

We worked our way through the bottle of champagne and a bottle of red before calling a taxi to take us to where we were meeting everyone, my favourite ever club Boujis. Once we were inside (we were all members of the club) and had a drink in our hands we found the rest of our group of friends at a table away from the dance floor.

I had met them all in completely different ways but we all seemed to work well as a group together. Lizzie was my best friend at university and she used to work with Tessa which is how I met her when they decided to rent a place together. I had met Rory and James though my ex boyfriend, when that relationship ended I decided to continue to be friends with them as they turned out to be much nicer people than he was (James was also Lizzie’s boyfriend). Jack and Amelia were engaged and I had originally met Jack when I was doing promotional work for bars a couple of years ago. Adam and Cheska used to work with James and Georgie was Cheska’s best friend. Finally there was Thomas who was Jack’s best mate, I also had a very complicated past with him, but we would always smile and act as the close friends we were. I looked around at my amazing group of friends and thought about how much I loved my life right at that very moment in time.

“What the fuck are you wearing Soph” Rory laughed, “you look like a bloody bauble”
“Excuse me this is couture at its finest” Lizzie said sticking up for me, I knew I looked ridiculous
“I need more drinks” I mumbled sitting down next to Amelia who giggled and kissed both my cheeks greeting me
“I think you look stunning, these guys don’t really understand fashion”
“I know, look at them” I laughed looking at our poorly dressed friends
“I told Jack to wear something else but he insisted because his dad got him that shirt for Christmas”
“That’s unfortunate” I giggled

A couple of hours later I was dancing with Georgie when we went to the bar to get another drink, “love the blazer darling” I winked at her, I had gotten Georgie a gorgeous cream Karen Millen blazer for Christmas which she had stylishly worn over a fabulous red dress
“Thanks babe, you look amazing tonight even if the guys can’t tell” we laughed as the bartender brought us our drinks
“You do look amazing Sophia” I heard a male voice behind me
“Hugo” I exclaimed seeing my old boss and kissing each of his cheeks, “I thought you were in New York?”
“I was but I’m back for a couple of weeks”
“Brilliant” I then realised how rude I was being, “oh I’m sorry Georgie this is Hugo my old boss, Hugo this is my friend Georgie”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you” he said greeting her, I rolled my eyes knowing his reputation with women
“I just thought I’d let you know that there are a few of your friends here tonight” he winked at me, by that he meant celebrities but you couldn’t say that word out loud, that’s just not cool
“Oh yeah who?” I asked nonchalantly
“Jude Law and Sienna Miller apparently” I grinned impressed, “a few of the Chelsea football players” I made a face, I had a very bad opinion of footballers, “and a certain red haired prince”
“That is impressive, well thank you for the gossip Hugo” I said handing the barman some money for his drink
“And thank you for that” he said clinking his glass against mine, “I’ll see you around hun. It was very nice meeting you Georgie” he said kissing our cheeks and leaving to talk to someone else
“How the hell did you ever get any work done when he was your boss?” Georgie asked checking him out
“We’re too good friends for anything like that to happen” I said sipping my drink
“Didn’t seem to stop you with Thomas”
“Enough of that” I said almost ready to leave the bar when I saw the person Hugo had been referring to only moments earlier, “hey George, fourth in line to the throne is about 20 feet behind you right now” I said as quietly as possible over the music. She coolly turned around without looking like she was looking for something in particular
“He looks good tonight”
“He does doesn’t he, I haven’t seen him in here in a while” I mused
“I think he’s been training with the army hasn’t he?”
“Oh don’t say army to me, you know what I get like around army men” I giggled
“Well army man combined with a royal title”
“Oh don’t” I swooned
“He looks good but I’ve always been more of a fan of Wills” she pondered
“Sorry to be the one to break it to you babe but he’s getting married this year”
“Exactly, I’ve still got a couple more months to get in there”
We were just getting up to leave the bar when an attractive dark haired man approached us, “would you ladies like a drink?” he asked mainly looking at me
“We’re alright th-”
“Sure that would be lovely” Georgie answered for us, I gave her an annoyed look while he bought our drinks for us but she just glared back at me
“I’m Edward by the way” he said extending his had
“I’m Georgina and this is Sophia” he kissed each of our hands as he shook them and I mentally rolled my eyes immediately being able to tell what kind of guy this was
“If you’ll just excuse me for a moment guys” I said looking back to our table
“I’ll come with-” she being the good friend and offering to accompany me
“No there’s no need you talk to Edward, have my drink as well babe” I said getting up, “it was nice meeting you” I said kissing his cheeks and making my way back over to my table when the subject of our discussion stepped out in front of me
“I’m sorry about Eddie, the second he spotted the two of you he said he ‘had to get in there’ to quote” Harry said laughing
“It’s alright; he’s exactly the type of guy Georgie goes for so I thought I’d leave them to it”
“Aah and here I was thinking you’d left them to come and talk to me”
“That could be a secondary reason” I grinned not knowing what to do with my hands because I hadn’t brought my drink with me
“Would you like a drink?” he asked as if reading my mind
“Gin and tonic?” I asked hopefully. We stood waiting for our drinks swaying absentmindedly to the music
“You used to work here didn’t you?” he asked which really surprised me
“Yeah I used to do promotional work for Kensington and Chelsea’s members clubs”
“You did Raffles and Mahiki as well didn’t you?” he asked
“I did yeah” I replied smiling
“I knew I recognised you” he smiled handing me my drink, “well I can’t believe we’ve been seeing each other out for this long and I don’t know your name”
“Sophia” I said the smile stuck to my face; a prince of England was flirting with me
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Sophia” he said grabbing my hand and kissing my cheeks, “you look lovely tonight by the way”
“Thank you, you’re looking very dapper yourself” I then heard my phone going off somewhere within my YSL clutch bag
“Aah that’ll be a reminder on your phone that you need to put my number in it” he grinned
“I can’t believe you’ve just said that” I laughed at the cheesiness of it
“It worked though didn’t it” he said and without even realising I had done it we had swapped phones
“I can’t work these” I said handing him his BlackBerry back as he seamlessly put his number into my phone
“That’s alright because I’ve just text myself off your phone so I have your number” I looked at the message he had sent himself ‘I love you Harry x’
“So that’s your name” I pretended to act cool and sipped my drink
“I like you, you’re not like other girls you know” he mused cocking his head to the side
“I like to think of myself as one of a kind” I smiled looking round to see Georgie all over Edward and all of my other friends were staring at me from their various positions in the club, “it’s been lovely meeting you Harry but I think I should get back” I said kissing his cheeks and walking back toward our table
“You too Sophia, I’ll give you a ring sometime”
“Okay” I grinned turning around to look at him one last time before sitting down next to Cheska.
“As if you just swapped numbers with the most eligible bachelor in the world” she exclaimed
“Well when you’ve got it” I said rubbing my shoulders laughing; only looking up to see Harry watching me and being totally embarrassed.

“We can get a taxi over to Raffles, a couple of guys from work are there and I’m getting a bit bored” James suggested as we discussed what we were going to do with the rest of the night, “everyone cool with that?” he asked looking around the table where for the first time since we had originally arrived we were all sat.
There was a unanimous ‘yes’ and we got up to leave, I looked over to where Harry and Edward were chatting to a couple of other guys by the bar and looked to Georgie wordlessly asking permission to go and speak to them one last time.
“We’re just going to say goodbye” Georgie explained as everyone was making their way outside, “we just though we’d come and say goodbye” Georgie said as she approached Edward and he looked at us
“You’re not going already are you?” he asked disappointed
“We’re heading to Raffles if you want to come with?” she asked hopefully
“Sure we may head down soon, we’ll have to see what it’s like outside” he explained, I didn’t really understand this as surely one would just get a taxi from bar to bar, especially when they’re as far away as those two.
“Okay well if we don’t see you again it was lovely meeting you both” she said kissing Edward and I kissed Harry goodbye
“Yes it was a pleasure to meet you too, I’m sure we’ll be in touch again soon” he winked at me

Needless to say we didn’t see the guys later on in the night, not that this bothered Georgie, she was all about the chase. I was a little disappointed not to see my prince again; but hey London’s a small town, and I was almost positive that we would bump into each other again.
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Okay so I'm so excited by my Prince Harry story so feedback would be amazing.