Status: Active

Chance of Change

Everyone Enjoys A Holiday

“Any dirty deets from last night then?” Tessa asked as we ate breakfast at our favourite hangover bistro in Chelsea.
“Just swapped numbers with a Prince of England, other than that nothing interesting” I replied sipping my coffee nonchalantly
“Pretty boring by your standards then”
“Yes I suppose so” we laughed at my rather unfortunate reputation when it came to men on nights out, “I feel bad for Lizzie having to work this morning”
“What can you do, when you have to work you have to work” she said once again emphasising that I was between jobs
“Yes okay I know I need to be looking for work again, Lizzie said there were a couple of jobs going with her but I just don’t feel like going from a professional job to retail if you get me”
“I understand” she nodded. Tessa was a managing director of a fitness centre and absolutely loved her job as it combined her love of sport and exercise and her amazingly organised academic mind, Lizzie on the other hand had not been as fortunate in landing what we call a ‘proper job’ after university and worked part time at Harrods which paid her rent and her staff discount paid for her fabulous wardrobe.
“Are you actually looking though babe, because it’s not getting any easier out there” she asked concerned
“Well I sort of am, but I’m just enjoying being able to do whatever I want so much that going back into a 9 to 5 job just doesn’t appeal at the moment. Although I’m sure I’ll get bored soon”
“I don’t see how you aren’t bored already; you’ve been back in London for six weeks without working”
“Yes but during those six weeks was Christmas and New Year so they don’t count as proper weeks, and anyway I haven’t just been in London I’ve been to visit mummy and daddy and I went to Bristol to see Alice” I said referring to my little sister who was in her second year at Bristol university
“Those are all settling back in things, now that the dust has settled from your move you’ll get bored. I know you Soph” she said all knowingly
“I’m sure you’re right” I said reaching into my bag to where I had heard my phone go off, “but the fact is-” I stopped as I read the text and grinned to myself
“What? Who is it?” Tessa asked sitting up attempting to look at my phone
“Oh nothing, just a reminder” I said still grinning putting my phone back in my bag
“Well that’s a lie” she said reaching under the table in an attempt to get my phone
“It’s nothing, don’t be so nosy” I said and the waiter came just at the right time with my croissant, “thank you” I smiled at him taking a bite looking back to see Tessa still looking sceptically at me, “do you want to go away, I fancy a break?” I asked to change the subject
“Are you joking, a break from what you don’t even work?!” she asked laughing
“A break from the weather, London is depressing at this time of year”
“I can’t believe you; back in the country 5 minutes and you already want to go away again”
“Some things never changed” I smiled sipping my coffee again

Once we had finished our breakfasts and paid we left the bistro where I reached into my bag for my pack of 20 Vogue’s and lighter, “I thought you were quitting in the New Year?” Tessa asked disappointed as I sparked up
“You only live once” I shrugged as we strolled down the Kings Road not entirely sure where we were going, “speaking of which are you in for this holiday? I was thinking Morocco because the weather would be lovely at this time of year”
“I’ll have to see if I can get some time off work”
“Excellent” I smiled knowing that was a yes, “who shall we invite, just the girls or the guys too?”
“I recon the guys would be a bit moody if we didn’t invite them. They wouldn’t all be able to come anyway because of work but if we invite them its polite”
“You’re right, I’ll send a group text now” I said wiping my phone out to see another unread message, this time Tessa was able to read who it was from before I could hide it from her
“I thought nothing happened last night?” she asked
“I told you everything that happened, I just swapped numbers with a very handsome young man who just so happens to be a member of the royal family”
“Yes but this is more than just swapping numbers, this is texting”
“Well it’s not texting because I haven’t had the opportunity to reply”
“So you like him?”
“This is a very juvenile conversation; can we go back to discussing this trip?”
“Is it alright if I ask Collin to come because James and Lizzie will be there together?”
“Great just leave me then, would you four prefer to just have a romantic couples holiday instead and I’ll just stay in London?” I asked sarcastically
She giggled before replying, “You know what I mean, and anyway Cheska and Georgie are single too as well as Adam and of course Thomas” she winked at me
“You had better not bring up New Years eve when we’re in Morocco” I warned
“I promise that I won’t, but you know everyone else will” I groaned as we walked home linking arms together.

By Wednesday we had booked for Tessa Collin Lizzie James Thomas Rory Paige Cheska Adam and myself to have four nights in a luxury holiday resort in Marrakech Morocco. I was so pleased with myself for having organised this is at such short notice that I decided to go to my mum and dads house in Surry for an evening to enjoy the comforts of home.
“So what’s new darling” daddy asked as mummy served us a gorgeous smoked duck dinner
“I’m going to Marrakech next weekend for a few nights with some friends” I replied buttering my bread roll
“Honey you’ve only just got back to the city, why are you going away again already?” mummy asked sitting down at the big dinner table in the huge country kitchen
“Well why not, the weather isn’t exactly the best here is it and most people could get the time off work so we thought we would go somewhere where there’s a nicer climate”
“And why not darling, you’re only young once” daddy said winking at me, “I’ll give you some spending money if you would like”
“Thanks daddy” I smiled at him
“How’s the job search going dear” mother asked
“Well I’ve been looking but I’m going to start seriously looking and applying for a couple when I get back from Morocco”
“Hmm” she replied going back to her dinner clearly not impressed I wasn’t taking my job search more seriously
“Oh by the way mum, I was out in town on Saturday night and I bumped into Prince Harry” I smiled and she smiled back at me encouraging me to continue, “And I may be meeting him for lunch on Saturday”
“Oh wow Sophia, you’re going on a date with a prince” she exclaimed excitedly
“Oh Sophia, why did you pick that one” dad moaned, “why not his brother, he seems to be the gentleman of the family whilst Harry is a bit of a party animal”
“Daddy his brother is getting married in three months time” I sighed. I shared almost everything with my mother when it came to dating and men, but my father was very protective and hadn’t really approved of any of previous boyfriends
“Oh lay off it Andrew, our little girl is going on a date with a prince” mum gushed, she seemed to be more excited than me
“Well it’s only a lunch date mum, nothing serious”
“Yet” she said starting to clear plates up
“Mum, do you mind if I stay here tonight then we can both go into the city tomorrow and do some shopping for my holiday and my date. If you’re free that is”
“That sounds lovely darling, we haven’t been shopping together in ages”
“My bank manager seems to disagree” dad mumbled leaving the table.

Later on that evening I was sitting in the hot tub with the book I was reading at the time and some mellow music on quietly coming through the speakers on the hot tub when mummy came to join me.
“I can’t believe my daughter is going on a date with a prince”
“If you carry on like this mum I will be getting out”
“I’m sorry darling; I’m just so excited for you. Takes me back to my youth this does”
“Oh Christ mother are you reminiscing back to the Stone Age now?”
“Don’t be cheeky” she said splashing me, “I actually went out with a prince you know”
“Really, before daddy I’m guessing”
“Of course it was before your father. It was more of a summer romance than anything really; Prince Felipe of Spain who I believe is actually next inline to the Spanish throne”
“Oh my god mummy, I can’t believe I never knew this” I said half shocked half impressed with my mother
“Well like I say it was a summer romance, no need to ever bring it up really. It was 1979 and some of the girls I was at university with and I had decided to have a couple of weeks in Monaco and I happened to meet this guy who was staying at the same hotel as us. I didn’t know who he was and he didn’t tell me for a while” she said grinning and I just looked at her shocked, “that’s right darling, mummy had a life before you children”

The next day I drove mother and I back to the city in my electric blue little Mini One for a spot of dress and bikini shopping. When we are on good form mother and I are unstoppable when it comes to shopping, daddy always says we waste our time energy skills and most importantly his money on shopping, but he always provides a healthy budget for us so we take advantage of that gratefully.
“Mum I cant find anything that’s appropriate for Saturday” I whinged as I looked through the dresses on the rail
“What about this one, it’s cute but still quite informal” she said holding up a dress that was a blouse at the top
“It’s pink, you know I don’t wear pink mother” I said starting to get annoyed with her
“Well what about this” she asked holding up a playful floral dress
“Not appropriate for Saturday but I may have that for Morocco” I said picking it up to add to my dressing room the shop assistant had set up for me to try things on, “oh this is nice” I said holding up a very cute cream spotted Michael Kors blouse, “I could just wear it over black jeans with that smart black jacket I have and brown chunky heels and my Mulberry” I said mentally planning my outfit.
Half an hour later we stopped for a coffee after having picked up three dresses for Morocco and that blouse for my date
“Oh darling I do wish you would quite” mum said as I sparked up, I had made her sit in the cold outdoor area just so I could smoke so really I was in no position to argue back but of course I did
“You’ve always told me to never quite at anything mother” I grinned
“Don’t be pedantic; you know its ever so unattractive when young ladies smoke”
“I have an addiction mother, I will quite eventually. I don’t want to be one of those wrinkly old hags who looks 90 but is only actually 65 still always having to nip to a corner shop to pick up a packet of cigarettes”
“Well I suppose I’m glad you have a long term plan to quite” she sighed as the waiter brought us our coffee and she clung to her mug to warm her up.
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Baso this is just a bit of character history and more of a filler chapter than anything, but it's necessary to the plot of the story.