Under the Giant Oak

Family Breakfast

"Are you coming to bed?" I asked Ronnie once we got home from our less than awkward walk from the club. What was i supposed to say to him after that. Yeah it is pretty hard standing up after you've fallen down, but I wouldn't know because I never tried. Because that would go over just great.

"Do you want me to?" He asked in reply.

"It's your bed. Who am I to tell you not to sleep in it." I answered. Honestly, I didn't mind sharing a bed with him. It was quite nice. Would I tell him that? Not on his life.

He followed my upstairs, and we both stood in the bathroom brushing our teeth like all those cliche couples on TV do. We then got into bed, and I didn't feel awkward about it at all. It was kind of a shock to me that I was completely comfortable with this. I wonder what else I was comfortable with now.

We were both lying on our back, and no one made a move to move closer to the other or anything. It was quite annoying actually. So, I made a move, and being a fertile, that was weird.

I rolled over and snuggled close to his side. My head was resting on his exposed chest, and my arm was flung over his torso and resting on his shoulder.

I don't think he knew what to do because he hesitated. Hesitated long enough for me to get impatient. I grabbed his arm and pulled it over my body and grabbed the other and did the same thing. There now, he didn't have to think about it because I did it for him.

"I wouldn't have asked you to come to bed, if we were going to lay there awkwardly the entire night." I muttered half asleep already.

"I'll keep that in mind." He whispered. I didn't say anything else because I fell asleep too quickly to respond. They always said it was easier to fall asleep in someone's arms than it was to not.

*****Time Lapse*****

It was a gorgeous Sunday morning. The sun came in just right. You could hear birds chirping outside happy as could be, and I was completely and utterly alone. Yep, some time during the early hours of the morning Ronnie had left. I don't know which was worse that me being a very light sleeper didn't notice this or him being quiet enough to actually make sure I didn't notice it. Either way I was a tad bit upset that I was waking up alone.

I drudged down stairs where I could hear talking loud enough that I could hear from the hall way. It was Pete and Ronnie. Patrick would've been in there, but he wasn't talking, so I didn't know.

"So, why is a fertile as pretty as that not marked yet?" I heard Pete ask. Oh god, what was Ronnie going to say to that.

"He wants to wait for a more special date. You know how fertiles are." He replied. Interesting that he chose to bring me into his escape, but I wasn't letting him mark me so it was mostly true.

"He knows that you can protect him better, if you mark him right?"

"I don't think he does. Honestly, I'm not sure if fertiles know at all what that the mark means. They think it's just a sign of possession."

"True. I remember this one time where Patrick was in trouble, I can't even remember what about now, but when I got there he was so confused because he didn't know that I could sense and find him anywhere, anytime. I can still remember the look on his face though. It was priceless." They both laughed then. I didn't really understand what he meant by sensing and finding their marked fertile, but I was sure going to look it up later.

"I don't, man. You really have no idea what kind of trouble Max has been through. I thought that the whole screaming scenario was as bad as it got, but that was just the tip of the ice berg."

"I'm sure whatever made him freak out like that wasn't pretty, but the way you described him before shows that he trusts you even the littlest bit now. I mean, you said the kid barley talked, was an ass to people he just met, and didn't trust anyone. It doesn't seem like the same kid that we caught you with on the couch last week."

"Yeah, he has gotten a lot better. He has some personality now, but I feel like no matter what happens he'll just retrogress and go back to that scared fertile he was before. I don't know maybe I'm paranoid, but even if I haven't marked him and stuff, I still feel like he's mine one hundred percent. I just wish he felt that way, too."

"Just give it time, Ronnie. These things don't happen over night." There was a pause there and I took my chance.

I walked into the room, and saw Pete on the couch and Ronnie in the chair. They both stood up when they saw me. It was a respect thing I guess.

"Good morning. What are you boys doing up so early?" I asked walking over to Ronnie.

"Just had some errands to do earlier." Pete responded sitting back down. I'm sure that wasn't the real reason, but I wasn't one to pry. I quickly kissed Ronnie before he somehow managed to get me to sit with him for a little while. The doms continued to chat about random things before I actually had to get something eventful done this morning.

"Where are you going?" Ronnie asked as I tried to detach myself from him to get up.

"To make breakfast, but if you want I could let you all starve."

"By all means, go ahead." He responded letting me go.

I walked into the kitchen and started to cook as much food as I thought was necessary for two doms and two fertiles. It ended up being a simple breakfast. I wasn't much for fancy work in the morning.

"It smells good, sugar." Ronnie said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Most you always call me sugar?" I asked turning my head, so I could see him partly.

"Yes because you are the sweetest thing in my life. . . . and because it annoys you." He admitted smirking. I just playfully hit him.

"Just eat this food before I change my mind and make you go seat in a corner somewhere." I said.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would."

The morning was quite peaceful after that. Patrick came downstairs, and we all sat down to eat a very simple, yet nice meal together. It was the closet thing to a family breakfast I ever had. Maybe because it felt like my real family sometimes.
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Not the longest I've ever made, but some of you were starting to have with drawls, so this is the best I could do under the circumstances.