Under the Giant Oak

Have a Nice Trip, See You Next Fall

I struggled my way to first period. I didn't get a wink of sleep because my body ached every time I breathed. I don't know what was so different about this beating compared to the others. Maybe that got better aim. I don't know.

I was pushing my way through the halls when everyone ran out of the way. That was unusual. They wouldn't get out of my way, but they would get out of-. I looked behind me and I saw a group of the newer vamps walking down the halls. I saw Blondie, Slash look alike, and the pale guy from first period. I also saw the short guy that was Blondie's friend, and another typical, psycho looking dom with a mop of black hair and pale skin. But, that wasn't it. Guess who was bringing up the front. Ronnie.

I glared my best daggers at him, as the group walked past me. He just winked. He fucking winked. The nerve of this guy.

The warming bell rang and I hulled my ass to math. I never missed class. I was one of the best students in school because nothing stopped me from studying or doing homework besides my job at the club, but that left a couple hours of unpreoccupied time.

I walked to class, and everyone was chatting and no one was in their seats. Of course, all the new vampires in the class were surrounded and talking with Ronnie. Who sat right next to me. So, they were surrounded my desk, too.

I slugged my way across the class trying to go unnoticed for the most part. That is until someone stuck their foot out. The class froze. I don't know why. These guys did this all the time. It wasn't a new experience.

"Dude, you're going to get pummeled." I heard one girl mummer while I collected my fallen back pack from the ground, and the class started to talk again.

"Why? It's just that stupid fag from the back of the class. No one cares about him." That stung a little I had to admit.

"Don't you know a dom from the other school made a protection pact. He gets to kick your ass now. I herd he's one of the scary ones, too."

Wait, what? A protection pact? That was only put on valuable assets and future mates. I was neither to any new dom. I wanted to continue listening to their hushed conversation, but the teacher came in and everyone went to their seats. I got the rest of the way to my seat without any trouble.

"You okay?" The pale guy in front of me asked.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

"Do they do that often?" Ronnie asked butting into the conversation.

"Does it matter?" I spat.

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Yeah well, if you guys are so interested just ask them yourselves." They both got a glint in their eyes that suggested something violent. i sunk back in my chair. That glint was never good, especially if you are on the receiving end.

"What do you think plan 64 or 93?"The pale one asked Ronnie.

"I think we should do plan 54 actually. It causes a more wide spread pain, and gets information quicker." Ronnie replied. The pale one seemed to agree because they both shot out of their chairs, and grabbed the kid that tripped me before storming out of the room with him begging for his life.

I had no idea what was going on. I was joking, kinda. I didn't think they would take me seriously and actually ask the kid. Maybe, it had something to do with the said protection pact. They could get permission from the dom who put it on me to torture humans away for more information.

The teacher jabbered on and gave us some new notes. She then assigned partner work. My partner wasn't here, and there was no way in hell I was going to be a pathetic human's partner.

"Max, just work with the group next to you." The teacher said when she passed the worksheets out. I looked to my side and saw Blondie giving the Slash look alike a weird look. I inwardly groaned. Why did the teacher start making everything group work when I didn't want to be in a group? Life hates me that is my final conclusion. I got up and moved over to the desk closest to the guys and started to work on the first problem.

"You're Max, right?" Blondie asked.

"Uh, yeah." I said skeptically. I don't remember giving this kid my name, and I hadn't talked to him except for when he told me I should go to the clinic.

"Cool. I'm Monte, and this is Robert. We all call him Ortiz though. It's more exciting." He explained introducing me to him and his friend.

"Nice to meet you guys. I guess." I muttered.

"Can I ask you a question? After this one of course."

"Um, I guess."

"What's your relation with Ronnie?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, are you guys like a couple or something? He did put a protection pact on you."

"What?!" I asked while nearly choking on my own spit. If life didn't hate me earlier, it definitely hates me now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Come on you kinda saw that one coming. Shorter than the other two by a bit, but I'm dead tired. So, yeah. That's it.