A Grand Affair, For a Beautiful Disaster

A Grand Affair, For a Beautiful Disaster

Come join me at this grand affair, where the masks hide the true identities
Flowing gowns and sharp suits simply hypnotize the eye
The ceilings are high and draped with red velvet, warming the soul
As we stroll thru notice the precision of the dance
Every step timed perfectly, as if they knew what was coming next
The smell of brandy and fruit lingers among those hudled against the walls
Even under a mask, their sour looks would turn even the prettiest of faces ugly
One gentleman catches the attention of some
Sitting on a magnificent thrown, with such fine detail it's hard to process
Gold shimmers off the wood, and the deep pruple accents just beg to be noticed
You sir are not as intriguing as the chair you sit on
A set of double doors is thrown open, and escorted in by a small butler
Is a woman that catches the eyes of all people in attendence
Her mint green gown with a hint of turquois jewels gleams with elegance
Who is she everyone mutters to themselves and their dance partners
Guest of honor of course, and caught in that slow motion stare
Is none other than the boring gentleman sitting upon his thrown
And the elegant beauty who's gracing us with her presence
She saunters past the group of ooglers, casualy glancing back and forth
As she approches the man on the thrown, her mask sparkling in the dim lights
A smirk comes across her face, right before her hand drops a portion of her gown
Rises again, and slaps him
Everything stops for that split second, then the questions begin to pour in a million miles an hour
She then leans down to his ear, his expression still full of surprise
And whispers, "you never kiss me when youre sober
You say you cant handle my simple looks without the moonshine of this grand hall
Yet Ive single handedly took the attention of every man and woman in this place"
He drops his drink, which happened to be water instead of vodka tonight
Storms over to the beauty beginning to dance with a new suitor
Grabs her by the waist, throwing her suitor to the ground
Rips off her mask and just smiles
Her simple beauty is all that he could handle
He grazes her cheek ever so lightly, then kisses her with every ounce of passion he possesses
She drops to her knees, her breath taken from her body
The people have moved around and seemed to be stopped in time
All that is left is the smell of brandy and fruit