Coming Home to You


After I finally got myself to sleep, I kept having these horrible dreams involving Brian, Zack, and me. It kept switching all the time, first, I was fucking Brian, and he turned into Zack. Then, I was fucking Brian and he got up to go have sex with Zack. Finally, Zack was having sex with Brian and I shoved him out of the way to take over. It was too weird.

One of the guys who works here, who Brian considers a criminal, says that dreams try to tell people something. I really hope that my dreams aren’t telling me that I’m going to end up having a threesome with those two. Not that I believe in that kind of thing.

The only thing I believe is that I woke up with a huge tent in my boxers from the end of the final dream. Because it was actually real. Even though I didn’t really want it to be.

What sucks even more though is how thinking back to the dream is the only way to get me off to release as I shower. I start rubbing the shampoo a bit harder into my scalp than necessary. It doesn’t help to get rid of the thoughts.

Maybe I should just stay away from Brian for a while, like I originally planned before everything got fucked up.

I conclude that that’s the best way to handle things as I trudge down the stairs, turning the lights on in the kitchen as I’m always the first one awake and moving at four in the morning.

I don’t want things getting too complicated, especially with that Zack guy lurking around. Brian has to go back to California sometime, there’s clearly more to Zack than meets the eye, and I just don’t think I can put up with reconciling with him and losing him all over again. It’s not worth it.

It’s been about a week since the humane society’s visit, which means that it’s been about a week since the argument between Brian and I, and we haven’t muttered all of two words to each other. Not that I mind, I’m perfectly fine with the silent treatment, giving it and receiving it. It makes my day a hell of a lot easier, not having the deal with the drama queen all day. And yes, I did mean drama queen.

Although, even though we barely speak to one another, Brian does send me mixed signals, and it aggravates the hell out of me. One day, he won’t even make eye contact with me, the next he’s winking at me and trapping me at the most inconvenient of times. Last night, the sneaky little bastard nearly made me jizz my pants when he trapped me up against my bedroom door. And I had just so happened to be in nothing but my boxers due to a late night bathroom trip.

Turning towards the coffee maker, I shake my head to erase the provocative thoughts from my mind, and a slight frown settles upon my face when I notice that there’s a freshly brewed pot of coffee sitting beside the coffee maker, steaming hot and ready to go. But, there’s about one-third of the liquid gold missing. Damn, someone actually got their lazy ass out of bed before me.

Nonetheless, I shrug, pouring myself a delicious mug of coffee, taking a much needed sip. Hell yeah, I need this. I relish in the power of coffee for a few more minutes before I’m snapped back into reality by the front door opening and closing. The heavy sound of boots hitting the hardwood floor meets my ears and I gulp down the rest of the coffee, the scolding hot liquid burning my throat as I look up at the source of the sounds. I nearly choke when I see Brian standing before me.

“Brian? What are you doing up so early? Usually Jimmy has to use the Jaws of Life to pry your ass outta bed,” I gasp, earning an eye roll from Brian.

“I wanted to get an early start this morning, so I took Epona out for a ride. It’s beautiful out there at this time of the day.” Whoa, I was not expecting that. He actually answered me without reverting to sarcasm, avoiding the role of being a complete asshole, and it catches me off guard.

Brian notices this and smirks, stalking towards me like a lion towards its prey. I swallow thickly when my back meets the counter, and I nearly whimper like a bitch when Brian’s hands make contact with my waist. Bastard.

“Cat got your tongue, Matthew?” He questions, his voice husky and seductive, and fuck, I haven’t heard that tone of voice from him, or dealt with this side of him, in seven years. I don’t know how to handle it anymore.

“Fuck you.”

“Oohh, I bet you would love that. Just like old times, right? I still remember the way you loved it: slow, rough, and hard. I bet you dream about me and wake up wanting me, needing me, craving me. Don’t deny it, baby, we both know it’s true,” he whispers into my ear, nearly making my knees buckle.

For the record, I’d like for you to know that this is what has been going on for the past week, and I’m so damn close to my breaking point that I can practically taste it.

I try to shove Brian’s body away from mine, only to have his grip on my waist tighten to the point where I know there will be bruises there tomorrow morning. I wince and groan, the pain making my skin burn, yet making my pants tighten at the same time, turning me on to a completely different degree. It’s so fucking confusing, I can’t stand it!

“Brian, stop,” I whisper through clenched teeth. Brian chuckles. “I don’t think you want me to, Matt. Your mind says one thing, but your body says another,” he brushes a finger against my crotch, sending chills throughout my body, even to the tips of my fucking toes. My knees give way slightly and I find myself tightly clutching Brian’s shoulders for support. He’s got me right where he wants me, and he loves it right now.

Fuck,” I gasp when Brian slips his hand into my jeans, working his magical fingers, making me feel on top of the fucking world, and he knows it. He’s always been able to reduce me to a pile of goo. That hot little ball of pleasure is building up in my stomach, but I hold back as if my life depends on it, but I’m slowly losing this war.

But, I can’t give Brian the satisfaction of knowing that he’s still got a hold on me. It’ll ruin the little fragment of dignity I have left.

Gathering up enough strength, I shove Brian away from me, my breath heavy and labored, sweat trailing down the nape of my neck. Brian smirks once again, knowing that when it comes to anything intimate, I damn near submit myself to him. If I allow it.

I leave the kitchen faster than ever to start the day working, just to get away from Brian. I have no fucking clue what’s gotten into him, but I hope it’s only a phase. So much for enjoying the quiet time.

Throughout the day, my concentration is complete shit due to Brian’s silly mind games. Even the mere brush of his hand against any part of my body sends my brain into overload, and it’s like I’ve fallen in love with him all over again. And I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

By the end of the day, I’m fucking exhausted and Brian is still being a teasing bastard, despite my efforts to avoid him along with desperately trying to keep myself calm. It’s when he practically dry humps me in the doorway of my bedroom that I snap.

“What the fuck is your problem, Brian?! Why do you keep touching me?!”

Brian smirks. “I don’t think I’m the one with the problem, Mattie. Seems like you’ve got something on your mind. Care to share?” Care to share? What the hell does he think this is, kindergarten?

I tightly clench my hands into fists, strongly fighting the urge to pummel him to the fucking ground.

“Fuck off, Brian. Get out of my room.”

“Actually, I’m not in your room. I’m more in the hallway.”

Cocky prick. “Fine, then get out of my house.”

“Actually, last time I checked, and trust me I did check, this house is still in my father’s name. So, technically, you’re in my house.”

Don’t hit him, Matt, don’t do it,’ my conscience chants, but the little devil on my shoulder is urging me to just land one right in his fucking nose.

“Brian, I’m warning you right now. Stop whatever you’re doing and leave me the fuck alone before I end up doing something. And, trust me, I won’t regret it.”

Brian narrows his eyes, his gaze hardening, his jaw set tight. He’s pissed, but I could care less.

“Really? What are you gonna do about it, Matt? Go crying to Jimmy and Johnny?” He teases, poking my chest mockingly, walking backwards towards my bed.

“No, but I’m all for beating your ass right here, right now,” I push him back. A growl meets my ears and before I know it, Brian’s on top of me, containing my hands above my head in a near wrist-breaking grip. He straddles me, his ass right in line with my crotch, and I bite my lip when I see the fire in his eyes.

“I’m tired of your bullshit, Matt. It’s about time you’ve listened to me.”

Fuck, there goes that sexy authoritarian voice again…along with the tightening of my jeans.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sexy, teasing Bratt time? What?
Hell yeah, it is!
Are you McLovin' on it?!