Coming Home to You

Tear You Down


I smirk, knowing that I've got Matt right where I want him now. It only took a few days, but sex is his biggest weakness, and exploiting it around here is easy enough without getting caught.

I let him off the hook yesterday, and in doing so resisted my own urge to jump on him right then and there. I don't know how much more he can take of this, but I'm just about through. Tonight is when it's going to happen. When my plan comes to it's fruition. I smirk, grooming Epona's mane. She senses something's up, and turns to look at me.

'What the hell are you planning on doing now?' Her eyes ask.

"Oh nothing," I practically singsong.

"What was that?" Johnny asks, turning to look at me as well.

"Just talking to Epona," I answer him back.

I lead her out to the pasture to graze, walking by Matt in the process. I turn my shoulder to knock his harshly, earning a deep grunt as we pass by without a word. I finger the ring on my thumb, pushing it back up into it's place. Matt's fingers were always slightly wider than mine, and I want nothing more than to have it back on his finger before I lose it.

I'm just about to take my lunch break when Zack calls.

"You know, I never did find any traces of the weapons or drugs when we were looking around the barn."

I snort. "That's because word got out and they probably wanted to hide the stuff better than usual."

"What do you mean word got out?" Zack hisses.

"Zacky baby, calm down. It was the Humane Society, I didn't know you were coming. Everything would've been shot to hell if the Humane Society found out what's been going on around here."

Zack grumbles something incoherent, but I don't bother asking him to repeat himself. "I think you did it more for that ranch's sake, not the FBI's."

So what if I did, I almost think out loud. "Look, I have everything under control," I say instead. "Don't worry about anything."

I hang up on him so he can't get another word in. I rub my forehead, wondering how long it's going to be until the director is on my ass about this. I ignore his call a second later to go back to work, forgetting all about lunch. I shake my head when my pocket vibrates with a text message.

Later on, it's nearly twelve when Johnny and I finish all of our work and close the barn for the night. The other workers thought it'd be funny to sit on their lazy asses all day and do nothing, so we had to make up for their lost time and work as well. Jimmy appears out of nowhere, collecting Johnny in his arms to carry him back into the house with a tired but happy look in his eyes. I smile, remembering when Matt did that to me once when he first started out on the ranch all those years ago. It didn't work very well, since he put a bit too much of his back into it. Then slowly but surely the smile is replaced with a slight frown as I try not to let the memories get the better of me. I shake my head, knowing that there's no use mulling over them if they only bring up bad feelings now.

I lean on the pasture fence for a bit, looking up at the stars, wondering if Matt's sleeping or not. I feel closer to him already, looking up at the night sky. We always used to secretly take Epona out at night and ride her together to the old tree in the field, looking up at the stars together, trying to find constellations. We'd sometimes fall asleep and wake up the next morning going 'oh shit'. We wouldn't get our showers in, which was probably the worst part because Epona wouldn't want to be around me after the day ended I stunk so bad. Matt didn't care. Or at least he pretended not to. I'd catch him wrinkle his nose once in a while when we'd get close.

I sigh, getting off of the fence. Is it even worth going up to Matt's room now? It's so late. Well, if he's sleeping, I'll just try tomorrow night.

I slowly creep up to his room, trying to avoid all the creaks in the floorboards I remember as to not disturb anyone. We became experts at it, sneaking into each other's rooms late at night. I don't even bother knocking on his door, I just turn the knob slowly and peer in. The light is on, and when I open it further, I see Matt lying on his bed, reading a book. Nikki Sixx's autobiography.

Suddenly, Matt turns to me, feeling that there must be someone else with him. I smile gently, letting myself in his room and close the door behind me.

Matt sighs. "It's late. Go to bed."

"I should say the same for you," I cross my arms over my chest.

"I can't really sleep," Matt frowns, more to himself than anything.

I step over to his bed, crouching down to his level. He narrows his hazel eyes at me. "What do you want?"

I shrug, kissing his cheek.

Matt rolls his eyes, throwing the book carelessly at me. "Hey, that wasn't cool," I say.

"You're not cool," Matt grumbles, sitting up. He's only in boxers and a plain white t-shirt. His muscles ripple under the soft fabric as he lifts himself off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Somewhere else to sleep."

I beat him to the door, ready to defend it with anything necessary.

Matt sighs, starting to get frustrated. "Brian," he warns.

"Matt," I mock his tone.

He grinds his teeth, moving to shove me out of the way. I block him, pushing him back from the doorway. Pissed, he comes at me with more motivation. My back slams loudly against the door as he tackles me, pushing me roughly up against it. "Oh really?" I smirk. "I was just thinking the same thing."


I cut Matt off, shoving my lips harshly up against his. Matt grabs my face to pull it away. "You're a fucking prick, you know that?"

"You fell for it," I counter. "That's the reason why you fell for me."

Matt tries to grab my shoulders harshly to wrench me off to the side, because he knows it's true. I grab his arms and lose my balance. I stumble a bit, before taking Matt down with me. There's a loud crashing thump.

"Stop it," Matt hisses, trying to pull free from my grasp. "We're gonna wake everyone up."

"If you weren't trying to fight me, we wouldn't even be in this mess," I struggle against him.

"You started it," Matt growls.

My head bangs against his dresser, and I hiss in pain, squeezing my eyes shut because I hit it pretty hard.

"Serves you right, Haner," Matt nevertheless moves his hand to the back of my head to massage it.

"You still care."

"I wish I didn't," Matt spits back. "Trust me."

I get up from the floor, Matt following. I take the chance when his guard is down and body slam him back onto his bed.

"Fuck you, Haner!" He curses loudly from under me.

"Fucking give in and listen to me, goddamn it!"

By this point, I don't care if the whole house, or the barn can hear us.

"You know what? Fine!"

Matt's lips crash into mine forcefully as he wraps his heavy arms around my body, pulling mine closer to his. I close my eyes, relishing the moment as I kiss back with as much fire as he does. My hands curl into the back of his head as he trails his lips along my jawline, kissing and nipping right under my chin, the sweet spot sending chills down my neck. I hiss when he bites particularly hard, knowing he drew blood. My shirt is literally torn off as Matt whispers dirty words into my ear, turning me on faster.

All of my clothes are discarded before Matt grabs me, throwing me down onto the bed so he can come out on top.

His shirt comes off, and I stare at the Thicker Than Water tattoo adorning his muscular chest.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to think straight," Matt growls into my ear. "The way you like it, right?"

Matt smirks, knowing that he has the advantage over me. My legs wrap around his waist and he punctures me without another word. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain, the last few years I haven't been taking, especially with a size like his. They weren't even men.

Matt won't ease up on the pace either. I let out a strangled cry before I can shut myself back up again.

Matt smirks above me. "Fucking pussy."

"F-fuck you."

Matt's calloused hands pull roughly at my hair, jerking my head back. His lips attack the exposed flesh on my neck, earning a long vibration from my throat as I moan loudly into the heavy atmosphere.

Matt groans. "Show me how much you love me. Show me that you still fucking care."

He rocks his body against mine just as he used to. The pain is forgotten for one second when he brushes up against me perfectly. I let my head roll back, releasing another sound of content as he grunts, pleased.

"Right there? That where you like it?"

I can't even respond.

He adjusts himself, changing angles. "That better?" He teases, just missing it.

"No!" My fingers curl into his back, scraping against his skin out of frustration.

Matt changes angles again. Barely missing. He's enjoying this. "Right there, huh?"

I groan, bucking my hips up into his to adjust him myself. I gasp as again, it hits right on point.

"Oh, there it is," Matt coos.

He doesn't tease any more. He just thrusts over and over again, literally fucking me senseless. Our movements become less and less choreographed, moving sporadically only to push ourselves to the limit. Without warning, Matt lets out a strong, gravelly moan as he releases into me. I gasp, that alone enough to send me over the edge as well.

When Matt finally pulls out, he collapses against me, breathing heavily onto my chest. We lay like that for a while, just wanting to feel weightless for a time like we used to. I kiss the top of his head, folding my arms around his drenched body. Matt looks up at me, his hazel eyes sporting the shinning innocence they held before I left. He kisses me softly, gently this time and I slide his ring back onto his middle finger. His eyes trail down to it, then back up at me.

He doesn't say anything. He just kisses the side of my mouth before turning his back to me, readjusting his pillow for his head. I move closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and chest, nestling my head into the crook of his neck.

"I love you so much," I whisper, planting a small butterfly kiss to his collar bone before closing my eyes.

A larger hand takes mine, holding it and squeezing it. I can finally fall asleep with a smile on my face.
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I'm so sorry this took so long to get out. I hope it was worth the wait though :)