Coming Home to You


I frown as I wake up the next morning before Brian. He looks so peaceful, so at home here next to me. I really don't want him to go. This might sound selfish, but I would keep Joe and the gangbangers around here forever if it meant Brian would stay. It was only a matter of time, like Brian said, until they were going to be caught and apprehended. Which means that it’s only a matter of time before he has to leave. Well…at least I’ll have a warning this time around.

I shake my head, shifting to get out of bed. I can feel myself distancing already. I don’t want to lose him and go through all that pain again. I just got him back.


My head whips back around, turning to see Brian looking up at me with sleepy chocolate eyes. “Hm?”

“I have to tell you something.”

My heart skips a beat. “What is it?”

“I have to go into town in a few days for a few hours, probably the day give or take.”

I lower my gaze to the bedspread. “Is it for the investigation?” I question softly, my heart dropping a bit.

Brian nods, rubbing my forearm. “I won’t be long. I just wanted to let you know before.”

“Yeah-yeah. That’s fine,” though I’m not sure that I can even convince myself.

Brian sighs, “Mattie, I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise.” Doubt fills my mind, but I nod nonetheless. “I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ll meet you downstairs in a bit.”

“Okay, babe,” Brian kisses my cheek, sending me a sweet, reassuring smile. I smile, although on the inside, I feel as though something is going to happen…and it won’t be good.

The hot water feels great as it cascades down my body, relaxing my anxiety, and pushing all of my worries to the back of my mind for the time being.

After my shower, I throw on a simple pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and my work boots. A smile appears on my face as I slip on the promise ring from Brian, butterflies erupting in my stomach and a blush tinting my cheeks. It feels good to wear the ring again.

Walking downstairs, I’m surprised to find only Jimmy and Johnny in the kitchen. I greet them before pecking Brian’s lips, earning a few wolf whistles from the giant beanstalk and garden gnome. I silently flip them off, smiling, before wrapping an arm around Brian’s waist. Jimmy walks towards me, finishing off his coffee before placing the mug into the sink.

“I still can’t believe you topped.”

Brian chuckles, “Come on, Jim. Is it really that big of a surprise for you?”

“Yes! I mean, seriously! You’ve gotta be bluffing!”

Brian smirks. “Really? Because we could have hot, passionate sex right now on the kitchen table to provide visual comfirmation. Or better yet, the kitchen counter. It’s not like we haven’t done it before, because trust me, we have...plenty of times. Dad didn’t have to buy a new kitchen table, but he did have to reinforce the countertops. We preferred that over the table anyway, give or take some nights.”

Jimmy blinks, wide-eyed and stunned, while Johnny chuckles.

“You mean to tell me that you two horizontally tangoed on the kitchen table?! Where we eat our food?! Oh, and let’s not forget about the kitchen counter! Where we prepare the food! But, even though it sounds extremely hot, it’s wrong on so many fucking levels. You couldn’t settle for a bedroom?!”

I shake my head. “Bedrooms are overrated. You’ve gotta get with the times, Jimbo. It’s all about every other room besides the bedroom nowadays. Plus, my little sex kitten here likes to spice things up a bit every once in a while. Right, baby?” I tease, lightly squeezing Brian’s ass in the end. I’m rewarded with a small whimper from Brian, obviously turned on, and gagging from Jimmy as he glances back and forth between the counter and the table. Johnny just shakes his head before lacing a hand with Jimmy’s, pulling him outside.

I decide that we should follow suit, having a lot of work to do around the ranch today.

“Come on, babe. Let’s go.”

Brian smirks before wagging his finger at me, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. I tilt my head curiously, raising an eyebrow as I watch my sneaky boyfriend hop onto the kitchen table.

“You know…I think I prefer the table today,” Brian mumbles softly before seductively biting his bottom lip, those chocolate brown eyes of his scanning me from head to toe. He beckons me over, licking his lips, and I happily oblige.

“Really?” I ask, lightly nipping his bottom lip.

“Mmm, hell yeah,” Brian gasps, giving me a chance to shove my tongue into his mouth. A shiver runs through my body when a loud moan escapes from him, and my knees nearly give out when he begins palming my erection.

“Fuck, Bri…if you keep doing that, it’s gonna be over.” Brian doesn’t respond, he only smirks, connecting his lips with mine passionately while applying more pressure with his hand. I grip the edge of the table harshly, desperately trying to stay standing.

I’m about to let him go further until it all comes to a crashing halt. Heavy footsteps pad into the kitchen, immediately breaking Brian and me apart from one another, only to move close together to see who the person is. It’s Joe. I can feel Brian snake a protective hand around the small of my back while I grip his shoulder tightly, gulping.

“Don’t let him see the fear, Matthew, don’t let him see the fear,” I lecture to myself quietly.
Then, I bite my lip nervously, because he could possibly smell it anyway. It’s practically radiating off of me right now. Joe just gives me the creeps. Always has, always will.

“Um, hey Joe,” I greet nervously. “What’s going on?”

“Nothin’ much, boss,” Joe smirks. ‘Bout to head on out to work. I see you two have gotten relatively close over the past few months.”

I nod, while Brian tightens his grip on me. A slight blush creeps into my cheeks as a small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. I’m never gonna be able to get use to the fact that Brian is mine again. I’m loving it, I’m loving it a lot.

“Yeah, we have,” Brian replies shortly, a harsh glare taking over his features. Man, if looks could kill…

“Nice. I’m glad you’re upbeat again, boss. Hopefully, nothin’ will happen to turn that smile into a frown.” And with that said, Joe exits the house, leaving Brian with steam rolling out of his ears, and me…well, let’s just say that right now, I’m definitely wearing the skirt in the relationship. And don’t act like you haven’t had those moments, because you’re a fucking liar if you say that you haven’t. Only real men confess their occasional flaws.

“Matter of fact, I’m perfectly content with just staying inside all day. I’m sure that Jimmy and Johnny can handle it. Let’s go upstairs,” I say, beginning to tug Brian towards the stairs.

“No work means no play. No play means no sex,” Brian challenges, resulting in ultimate defeat for me.

I roll my eyes, “Fine, but you’re tending to Maverick and Chestnut with Jimmy and Johnny in the pasture today while I brush down Harper and Epona in the barn. That way, you can see me and I can see you. Deal?”

Brian chuckles. “Deal, babe,” he pecks my lips.

Lacing a hand with mine, Brian pulls me outside and towards the barn. All the while, I’m trying to ignore the sick, nervous feeling that Joe has caused to settle into the pit of my stomach.


Third Person POV

A deep, malicious thought runs through the darker man’s mind as he pieces together part of his own plan. He was not going to let that cop, nor that cop’s personal bitch get in the way of anything around here. The business was just too good, everything was going perfectly up until this point. He wouldn’t let things go any farther than this.

He finds a few of his comrads out in the field and motions them towards himself. They talk in low, hushed voices so that the tall, skinny man riding Maverick can’t hear them.

“We’ve got problems,” Joe speaks first. “And we have to deal with them quickly. That ranch hand over there is part of the law, and we can’t let him ruin our business.”

The two cronies look at each other. “What are we gonna do about it?”

Joe smirks viciously. “We set up a trap. With the boss’s help of course.” One of the comrads,
Mike, chuckles. “What do you have in mind, boss?”

“It’ll all fall into place soon enough. Right now, just continue doin’ work on the ranch. Keep yourselves busy, that way Sanders won’t get suspicious. I have a feelin’ that cop has been drillin’ shit into his head. Be careful, got it?” The comrads nod once more before leaving Joe to his thoughts.

Joe smiles evilly, making his way to the barn, knowing that his target will be there. Walking up behind Matt, Joe clears his throat, quickly capturing the ranch owner’s attention. A smirk forms across Joe’s face when Matt’s body tenses visibly.

“Looked like you were ‘bout to get some action back there earlier in the kitchen, boss.”

Matt nods, fidgeting slightly, the uncomfortable atmosphere slowly closing in around him.

Joe begins stalking towards Matt, like a lion hunting its prey. With each step forward, Matt steps back, his back soon meeting the barn wall.

“Tell me, what’s the story between you two, huh?” Joe pries.

“Uh, we were a couple…a few years back. Things happened, we lost contact for a while, and now we’re making up for lost time,” Matt replies softly, attempting to appear unfazed while trying not to shit his pants.

Joe nods, “Why were you so hostile towards him in the beginnin’? You barely wanted to be around him, and now you can’t keep your hands off him.”

“I…he hurt me, and I held on to it for a while. But, now I know that he loves me, and I love him just the same. He’s my everything, and I’ll do anything for him,” Matt answers, glancing down at the promise ring that’s resting on his finger.

Joe notices this, and glances down at the ring as well, a smirk spreading across his face.

“He must be really special to you, huh?”

Matt nods once more. “Yeah, I guess you could call me his ultimate weak spot. But, like I said earlier, I’ll do anything for him. And I know he’ll do anything for me.”

“I bet,” Joe responds.

“Yeah, um, listen, is there something you specifically needed? I really wanna finish brushing down Harper and Epona in time for them to graze with the others.”

Joe narrows his eyes, before backing off of Matt, folding his arms across his chest.

“Yes, actually there is. Have you noticed anyone going into the old shed lately?”

Matt tenses. “No,” he replies quickly, too quickly.

“Really? Because a few of my things have been rearranged. Are you sure?”

Matt nods, shifting his gaze momentarily. “I’m positive. Jimmy, Johnny, and I never go in there. We never have a reason to.”

Bingo,” Joe thinks to himself.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you at dinner,” he nods, swiftly turning on his heel before walking out of the barn.

As he comes into sight of his fellow mates, the final pieces of his plan begin to fit together perfectly like a puzzle, and the plan is transformed into something much more devious than originally planned.

Business was just too damn good, and he’d be damned before he let anyone bring it down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so, this is a re-post.
Mibba went fucking haywire, and we lost this chapter along with the readers we gained and the new comments.
But, I hope you all liked the chapter...again, yeah.