Coming Home to You

Square One

"Hey, wake up," I gently shake Matt's shoulder, earning a muffled groan from against the pillow. "Mattie, please. You promised."

Matt shifts over, eying me curiously with sleepy eyes. "Promise what?" His voice cracks.

I chuckle, kissing his nose. "You were going to take me into town today."

Matt groans again. "Seriously?"


"Come on, Bri. It's... five thirty in the morning."

"You get up earlier all the time," I laugh.

"Not since you came back, no. Besides, what if I don't want you to go?" He smirks up at me playfully.

I sigh, kissing his cheek. "I have to. To set everything up with Zack. I'll only be gone two, three days at the most," I promise.

Matt breathes out deeply. "This is really happening, isn't it?"

I nod solemnly. "They'll be gone soon. And the ranch will be safe again. You'll be safe. That's my top priority."

We don't say anything for a while, just try to study each other's expressions. Then Matt goes, "I know. But that also means you're going to be leaving soon too. For good."

I squeeze his shoulder. "Come on, Mattie," I beg. "Not now. I'm not leaving just yet."

"You know, that's your problem," Matt snarls, shoving me off of himself to get off the bed. "You never think of things until they're right on top of you. In a month from now, you're going to be gone, Brian. Back in L.A. Hell, two weeks, maybe even a week and a half. Ten days. And then we're never going to see each other again. Our lives are going to revert back to being alone and miserable. At least for me it will."

I shake my head, because it hurts when Matt talks like this. But he's right. The case is closing. I'm not going to be here for much longer. I'll leave, go back to my cushy job in L.A. And where does that leave us? Right back at square one. Do I really want to sacrifice what we've managed to rebuild in the past few months? Leaving once was hard enough.

Matt pulls a clean shirt over his head, throwing on some jeans. I've been ready. "Come on," he mumbles. "We'll get some breakfast in town. There's a pretty good place there."

He makes it clear that he doesn't want to make any more conversation, and the long drive into town is silent, and so is breakfast.

"Where were you meeting Zack again?" Matt asks, turning on the ignition as we both get into the truck again.

"He said some little beaten up motel. You know it?"

Matt nods, pulling off the curb. Once we're at the motel, Zack's already there, having a smoke outside. I look back at Matt, who is eying him carefully with a frown.

"Matt," I say. "Come on."

"What?" Matt bristles, getting defensive. "What am I possibly doing wrong now? Can I not look at a person?"

"It's only a couple of days," I remind him.

"Not why I'm pissed," Matt grumbles, gripping the steering wheel and facing away.

I sigh out of exasperation. "Grow up," I snarl, tired of his shit today.

Matt doesn't say anything, so I just get out of the truck, hauling my duffel bag out of the trunk myself. Zack finally notices, or pretends to at least, and comes over. "Hey, Bri. You're early. It's seven."

"A little early for a smoke too, isn't it?" I smirk back.

Zack chuckles, blowing the toxins out of his mouth before he tosses the butt to the ground, stomping it out. "Yeah. You know me. I get stressed when a case is finishing. Gotta get it right. I'm up to two packs a day."

I shake my head. "Please tell me you're not trying to beat your last record."

"Three? Nah. Last time I did that we had a physical right after. My lungs nearly collapsed."

"Alright, let's go." I look around. "Anyone else here?"

"A few S.W.A.T members, but that's about it. The director told me not to waste all of our resources until the plan is solid."

"Kay, I'll meet you in the motel, what's your room number?"


I nod, and Zack walks back inside. I close the trunk and walk over to Matt's side of the truck.


"You done?" Matt asks in a bored tone.

"Yeah. I'll see you in a few days, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Matt revs the engine, but not before I yank the driver side door open, surprising him.

"I know you're mad at me and all, but give me a kiss."

"Fuck you, Haner," Matt growls.

"Please?" I pout. "It'll be a while until we get another one."

"You suck." But he still leans in, brushing his lips softly against mine. I deepen the kiss for only a second before pulling away. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you later." I walk back onto the street, pick up my bags, and head straight to the motel room Zack described.

"Took you long enough," he mumbles. Case files and papers upon papers litter the only bed in the room.

"Did you even sleep last night?" I ask.

"Does it look like I did?" Zack snaps moodily. "I just want to shoot the damn gang bangers and get this fucking case over with. I'll sleep so much better at night."

"I bet you will," I answer absentmindedly.

Zack turns to look at me strangely. "I can see you're about as thrilled as I am to go home. Something up?"

I rub my hands roughly against my face. "This is my home."

Zack blinks. "You- you're serious, huh?"

I nod, looking away towards the window. "I know you're not all for shoveling horse shit around all day, but I grew up on horses. I've known Matt for most of my life. Been romantically involved with him for more than half of that time. I- I don't know anymore, Zack."

There's a long silence in the room until Zack sighs. "You know my motto. Do it."

I snort. "Yeah, do what?"

"Whatever you want," Zack shrugs. "Don't settle for happy when you can get bliss. Trust me."

"Oh, and you're suddenly the expert on this?"

"Yep. Because unlike you, this job isn't happy for me, it is bliss. Even with all the stress and shit we go through every day, I still love it. Maybe you do want to shovel horse shit around all day with your boyfriend. Then do it."

My mouth is hanging in disbelief once he's done talking. I know he isn't even trying to be offensive, he's just telling me like it is.

"But let's think about the future after," Zack suggests after he's let what he said sink in. "Because the way this case ends is our future."

"Yeah," I say. But now, all my concentration is on Matt. And our future. Zack gave me a ton of more shit to think about now. Even he knows, a future with Matt means ending my career with the FBI.
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Sorry for the long wait guys. I've been having major writer's block issues since the crash.