Coming Home to You

Under Cover

"Haner," I hear my name being called out. I whip my head around to face my partner, Zack Baker. "The director wants to see you."

I frown, wondering what this could be about now. More importantly, why isn't Zack being called in as well.

"Did she say why?" I ask.

Zack shakes his head, sitting back at his desk. I don't like the looks of this. Zack and I are always called in together.

I get up from my own desk across from Zack's, and head to our director's office.

"Rough night last night?" She comments, noticing the bags under my eyes.

I nod. "It was a breakthrough in the case though," I say quietly, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Indeed. I commend you boys on a job well done," the director agrees. "Do you know why I called you in here and not Agent Baker, Brian?"

"Um, no. I'm curious."

"Agent Haner, with the new information we've managed to extract from the gang members in custody, we have managed to locate another one of their main shipping and receiving locations."

Still not knowing what my boss is getting at by just debriefing me, I watch as she projects a map from the plasma screen T.V. The area of Nevada looks familiar, and when the image switches to a huge ranch, I gasp.

"Yes, Agent Haner, a lot can happen in so many years."

I look from the director back up to the picture of the ranch, my home where I grew up as a kid. I can't believe I didn't recognize the map.

"Are you- are you sure?" I gulp. I haven't been home in seven years.

"Quite positive," my director sighs. "Look, Brian, I called you in to have this meeting to make sure you were okay with going under cover there."

My eyes widen, even though I shouldn't be surprised with why I was chosen. I can see the worry in her eyes now, this wasn't her idea.

"My superiors have seen how you and Agent Baker have made tremendous progress on this investigation and they wanted you personally to go. Not Baker because that would draw too much suspicion, and you have a history there that could help cover for you."

I gulp, remembering my last days on that ranch. They weren't exactly happy.

"Brian, you don't have to take this operation if you don't want to," the director looks at me softly. She must've read over my files.

I gulp, torn. "No, I want to. If something is really happening there they'll get suspicious, like you said, if anyone else went. I still have people around there that know me."

The director nods. "Your flight leaves tomorrow morning, eight a.m. sharp. You're expected to keep Agent Baker up to date with the operation."

I smile grimly as I walk back out of the office doors. No one was expecting me to say no.

Zack gives me this curious look when I get back to my desk. "New assignment," I mumble reading his mind.

"I'm not on it?"

I shake my head. "It's an undercover operation, they thought it best if only one of us went. I'll keep you updated though."

Zack frowns, because of course being updated isn't enough. "How long is this assignment going to take?"

"Probably a couple months. As long as it takes to get the job done."

I understand the confusion in his green eyes right now, we're never split up on an assignment.

"Well, call me when you get there, I'll be here for whatever you need. Be careful."

"I will."

I check back at my computer. I have a new email from the director. It's the phone number for the ranch. I can't bring myself to call.

"Hey Zack, can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure thing."

I scribble the number down on a sticky note and hand it to him. "Can you call this number for me? It's where I'm going under cover. Just call in asking for a job. I'm sure they'll say yes. They always need people. And my name is Brandon."

I have to listen in as Zack calls the ranch.

"And who am I speaking with? Matt Sanders? Hi, my name is Brandon, I was wondering if I could work at your ranch? I've read about you guys and the work that you do and I just find it..."

I smirk. And this is how you bullshit your way into a job.

Later on that night, after all of my bags are packed, I'm supposed to go over some case files to keep myself updated on the assignment, but I know the case like the back of my hand, Zack and I have been working it for close to a year. It's damn near impossible shutting down the largest drug cartel and weapons dealer in the United States.

I keep telling myself that I should read over the file one more time, just to make sure I'm not missing anything. But all I can think about is my life back on the ranch, what I left behind there, him. I can still feel his hands tugging at the back of my hair, when it was a lot longer, and his hot breath against my skin.

I shove the files away from myself abruptly, to stop the images, startling even myself. I run my hands through my hair, trying to calm down my tensing body. I try to tell myself that I have a long day ahead of me, a really long day, but my body just won't submit to sleep. And my mind won't stop thinking about him.


The flight is delayed by an hour, much to my dismay. For what, I have no idea, the weather is just fine. I think the pilots just want to spare a couple of minutes. The only thing that helps my mood is the fact that Zack calls me while I'm waiting for the flight.


"Morning sleeping beauty." I groan as I can hear the smirk in Zack's voice over the phone.

"Zack, I've been up since five, here since six, cut the crap. Give me some good news please."

Zack chuckles. "That, I will do. I've gotten word that the ranch is sending someone to pick you up from the Las Vegas airport."

I close my eyes, smiling. "Zacky, baby, that's the best thing I've heard all day."

Zack laughs. "Get over yourself Haner. It's only eight thirty. I gotta get back to finishing up this report. I'll interview those gang bangers again for you too."

"You're the best, Zack. The Garcia to my Morgan. Love you," I smirk.


"Bye." I hang up, and try to catch a few minutes of shut-eye before my flight.

The flight is long, a pain in the ass since all I can think about is seeing him again, Matt. What if he's the one picking me up? I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to ship my sorry ass right back to California.

It's a relief to spot a homemade sign bearing my alias, Brandon. A tall, thin guy looks bored holding it up. At least it's not Matt.

"Hey," I walk up to him, removing my sunglasses.

His crystal eyes shock me when he turns them to me. "You Brandon?"

"No, but I'm definitely the guy you're looking for."

The guy looks at me strangely. "My boss, Matthew Sanders spoke to you on the phone about taking a job up at the ranch?"

I smile, extending my hand. "That's me, Brian. Must've gotten the names mixed up." Somehow, my gut instinct is telling me that I can trust this guy, which rarely happens.

The tall, dark haired man takes my hand, shaking it. "James. But you can call me Jimmy, Brandon Brian."

I laugh, and we're right on the road after I pick up all of my luggage.

"So, Brandon Brian, what brings you all the way out here to Nowheresville, Nevada?"

I don't know how much Matt told this guy about my story, but I decide to come out with at least some of the truth, for the cover. I can explain everything to Matt later, if he even listens. "I used to live out here on the ranch with my parents, Matt came to work."

Jimmy nods. "No kidding. So why'd you have to lie to him about your name?"

I smile cynically. "I told you, he must've gotten the name wrong."

I watch as a sort of dark realization dawns over Jimmy's face. He doesn't offer me any more conversation the rest of the drive.

It's almost completely dark when I finally see the familiar sign over the dirt road leading to the ranch. However, something is different.

"Sevenfold Ranch?!" I gape.

"Yeah, why?" Jimmy looks at me curiously.

Anger starts rising in my chest, because it was my family's ranch, not Matt's. He had no right to go changing the name from it's original state.

"It was Haner Ranch before I left," I fume quietly to myself.

"Well, here we are," Jimmy parks the pickup truck before the house. I get out, taking the luggage from out of the back.

"I'll take those," Jimmy points to my bags. "Talk to Matt, straighten things out. He'll probably be in the fields rounding up the horses or in one of the barns getting them ready for the night."

I nod, taking off to the barn. I always remember still being in the barn after nightfall with Matt when all the horses were in their stalls, witnessing the release of all of our hidden passions. I stop at the thought. Facing Matt again seems worse than conducting a police raid.

"You okay, Brandon Brian?" Jimmy calls out to me, noticing that I'm not moving.

"Uh, yeah... I'm going!"

When I open the shed doors to the first barn, Matt is there, giving some TLC to a new horse that I haven't seen. I'm absolutely floored.

"Jim? That You? Did you bring that-"

Matt looks up, seeing me for the first time in years. A shocked silence envelopes the both of us.

"Hey, Matt," I smile shyly. Not being able to take it anymore, I cross the space between us in two full strides, wrapping my arms around his huge shoulders in a brotherly hug.

But it doesn't last long. Matt shoves my body away from his harshly, snarling. "Brian? What the fuck are you doing here?"

In a split second, my cover story I had set up in my mind is blown to hell as my brain goes numb.

"I- I guess you heard wrong. I said Brian over the phone."

Matt's warm, hazel eyes narrow into slits. "No, I definitely heard Brandon, and you definitely don't sound like him."

I groan as Matt slams a barrel of oats down to the floor, startling a few of the horses. "Matt, let me explain."

"You can explain by getting the fuck back off this ranch," he brushes past me. "Last I heard, you got some big promotion into the FBI. Why are you here? What could you possibly have left here? Are you investigating? What?"

"Keep it down," I warn. This guy is going to have my ass handed to the gang bangers without even knowing it before I even have a chance to investigate. "And last time I checked, this was my ranch."

Matt scoffs. "Keyword: was. You lost that right as soon as you booked it off to good old California. Like the new name? I think it has a nice ring to it."

My blood starts to boil, and Matt only rubs more salt to the wounds.

"You know what your father told me just after you left? He said 'Son, when Suzy and I are gone, this ranch is all yours. I know you'll take good care of it.'"

"Fuck you," I spit, and Matt is out of the barn.

I rush to catch up with him.

"Look, I didn't want to say anything back in the barn because maybe they have it wired." Matt snorts, not believing me. "Yes, I am here on an assignment," I keep my voice low, "so if you could just help me by letting me work here, I'll leave you alone. And once everything is handled, I'll be off your hands again."

Pain flickers for just a second in Matt's eyes, but he nods. "Fine. Just mind your own business and stay the fuck away from me."

I nod in agreement.

"Hey Johnny!" Matt calls out. I look behind myself and squint through the dimly lit darkness around the ranch to see a small figure closing a pasture gate. Once they're done, they come sauntering over. I immediately peg him as being a complete opposite of Jimmy when I get a good look at him.


"Take him up to the guest suite," Matt motions to me.

Johnny nods, looking over at me curiously. He doesn't say a word though.

"I can find it myself," I protest.

"Brian, I doubt you even remember where your own room is anymore." And with that, Matt takes off back to the barn.

Johnny leads me towards the house with a quiet 'ouch'.

Coincidentally, the guest room is my old room.
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We're glad you guys are enjoying the story so far :) Thank you for the tons of comments ^.^