The Other World

Chapter 1

What is X?
X is a place that is unique to each and every person who has ever been there. It is a place of infinite possibility, where anything is possible and the only limit is imagination. People can enter X at the same time, but only a very small number ever arrive together in the same place.

For me, X is a place of timelessness. It is a place of silence and isolation where I am the only living person in the world and mother nature rules. My existence has no meaning. Nothing cares about me and whether I live or die. In X, I have no sense of obligation or worries, no thoughts about death and no disease even exists that can kill me. It is a magical bliss where I can do anything and the world is waiting to be explored with something amazing waiting to be found. I am the lone traveler looking for something I don't understand, and I hope that I can find someone to help me along the way.

Into X
X is not a place that one tries to get into, at least not at first. To go into X the person usually has to have certain conditions that allow them to because the entrance to X is not a physical one. X only even exists once someone has arrived, and it only exists for them.

I don't know all of the conditions because I only need one; others may need a few or even just any drug that can cause hallucinations. My condition is one where for me to even realize I'm in X I have to be there for a while.

How do I know I'm there? Entering X is like entering a dead world. Nothing exists and there is no one else, so there are no worries nor obligations nor danger. When I enter X I can feel the weight on my shoulders lifting and feeling a strange calm wash over me, knowing that for the time being everything is alright. It is a world of my own, a place where I sort of recover.

How do I get there? My condition for entering X right now merely requires me to simply enter the unknown in the real world. All I need to do is go somewhere that I've never been before or wander around a place I rarely ever visit, a place where no one is around and it's just me and I start the process of entering X. Once I feel the weight lift off my shoulders my mind clears and the process is over; I have entered X.

Out of X
To fully be in X the visitor must suspend all of their disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is common for watching movies or reading books; it allows the viewer or reader to fully engage in the story without questioning some of the impossible things that may happen. X is similar to that. While it isn't a place where one can jump off a building and land on their feet without injury, it's a place where to experience the bliss that it offers the simple things can't be questioned or it all falls apart.

X is almost always left involuntary, similar to how it's entered. However, the process of leaving X is quicker than entering and usually once the visitor is out of X, there can be sadness, worry or even fear.

For me to leave X, I must simply go to a place I know of or simply decide to go home. Once in a familiar area X disappears almost instantly (and sometimes it does disappear instantly). Seeing recognizable buildings or areas reinvokes the visitor's sense of disbelief and can pull him or her out of X because the world relies on them not knowing what their true purpose is. X takes existing locations and gives them their own unique meanings for X. Without that the world is fragmented and shatters and the visitor is out of X.

There are many ways out of X, but I only know of a few. Contact with someone not in X can pull someone out of X, intervention by someone trained to pull people out of X or obviously, death. Depending on what one sees when they enter X (which isn't always good), it can be bad for them to leave X or they can think of it is a great relief.

For me, X is a wonderful place. I've only partially been there, I haven't let myself become completely absorbed in it yet. But when I do I just might not come back.