Status: Complete.

A Little More Than Convenient


A few years into the future...
“Mom, I’m home!” Maria Elizabeth Remington announced as she tossed her backpack onto the floor and went into the kitchen.
Her mother pointed at it and said, “I’m seven months pregnant. I can’t bend, so take it to your room.”
Maria laughed. “Fine, but it’s not my fault that you’re pregnant?”
“How do you get pregnant, Mommy?” six year-old, Hunter Dylan asked as he tried to tie his shoe.
Maria giggled; Carmen narrowed her eyes at her, but smiled. “Maria, darling, backpack. Now.”
Maria trudged off.
“Mommy!” Hunter exclaimed.
Carmen sighed and looked back at her son. Finally she smiled and said, “You’ll figure it out when you’re older, sweetheart.”
He seemed to be okay with her answer and went back to his blocks.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it!” Hunter yelled, jumping to his feet.
Carmen hurried after him.
“Who’s here, Mom?” Ten year-old, Gage Michael asked, dragging his skateboard into the room.
“Luke!” Hunter exclaimed, throwing the door opened.
“Hey Luke,” Gage said, as Lucas Harp walked into the house.
“Hey everybody,” he replied, “Ms. Carmen, Mama had me bring this book back to you.”
Ross and Jessica Harp’s oldest child was only ten months older than Maria, and they were best friends, although it was quite arguable to anyone who knew them that they were soon to be more.
“Maria!” Hunter yelled.
“Thanks Luke,” Carmen replied.
Maria marched into the room with three year-old Destiny Michelle on her heels. Maria’s face instantly lit up when she saw that Lucas was here. His own expression mirrored hers.
“Let’ go to the rec room,” she said, grasping his arm. Hunter and Gage quickly followed them.
Destiny stuck around with her teddy bear in hand. “Bwaine Kuwt Awtie wants to know what’s fow suppah.”
Carmen smiled. When Destiny didn’t want to ask questions, she decided that her bear (named after Glee characters of, course) should ask for her. “We’re having pizza. It’s Friday remember? Movie night.”
“Oh,” she replied, pushing her long brown hair out of her face.
Carmen looked at the clock. It was five forty-seven. Trent was due home at any time. She checked on the pizza and the bread sticks, and then she heard a key in the door.
“Daddy!” Destiny exclaimed, running to him.
“Desi!” he yelled with just as much enthusiasm. Setting down his briefcase, he picked up his youngest child and spun her around.
“It’s Fwiday,” she announced, “we awe having pizza!”
“Daddy’s home!” Hunter yelled and ran into the room.
“Hey Hunts,” Trent hugged him, too.
Sometimes with this many children, it was hard to get any alone time, but Trent and Carmen managed.
Gage and Maria stayed out of sight. Since Maria was twelve, Gage was ten, and Lucas was there, they didn’t have much use for their parents at the moment.
Coming into the kitchen, Trent kissed Carmen.
“Welcome home,” she said, smiling at him.
He grinned back. “Thank God.”
“The president of the bank is tired?” she pretended to act surprised.
“Guess so,” then, he bent and kissed her again.
“Eww!” Hunter and Destiny yelled in unison.
Carmen and Trent began to laugh.
As Carmen checked on their dinner again, Trent walked back to their children. “One day, Hunter, it won’t be gross to you.”
Hunter laughed. “Girls are gross, Daddy!”
“Maybe right now,” he said, “but just wait. In a few years, you won’t think so.”
“Boys have buggies,” Destiny concluded.
Trent nodded and picked her up. “Boys do have buggies,” he replied, “Never ever kiss one.”
“Don’t wowwy,” she replied, “I won’t.”
“Supper’s ready,” Carmen declared.
Destiny and Hunter scrambled into the dining room.
“Maria! Gage! Lucas!” Trent yelled to them.
The three kids sprinted into the room.
“You can stay if you like, Luke,” Trent said, “there’s plenty.”
Lucas nodded and pulled out his phone to call his parents, although there wasn’t much need. His parents and Maria’s parents had been best friends for a very long time.
When the kids were settled, Trent caught Carmen’s wrist and whispered, “I love you, Mrs. Remington.”
She giggled. “I love you, too, Mr. Remington.”
And so, they continued in their normal, but perfectly flawless life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading, everybody! :D