‹ Prequel: Deuces Are Wild
Sequel: Follow You Home

A Sin For A Sin

Chapter Seven

We all stayed up late last night, watching movies and eating the pizza John brought home. John and I finally retired to his bedroom at about two in the morning, leaving Dom alone in the living room with his thoughts.

I wake up with my back to John, facing the window. I roll over to find him still asleep. I wrap my arm around his waist and snuggle into him. He stirs under me and looks down at me with a sleepy smile. His hand tightens it's grip on my hip. I roll around so I'm completely on top of him and kiss his stubble roughened neck. We hear a noise in the living room and both stop our snuggling.

"He's been up all night." John says.

"How do you know?"

"I have been too." I frown. He sees it and smiles again, wrapping his arm around my neck and kissing me.

"Did you like sleeping in my shirt?" he asks.

"Yes." I sit up so that I'm straddling him and he starts unbuttoning the shirt. He pushes it open and I slide it off my shoulders and let it fall onto the floor, then bend down to kiss him.

When we're done, we lay together until his alarm clock goes off. He moves out from under me and walks naked to his dresser. I watch him get dressed, then climb out of bed and put my shorts on and take off his shirt and put my bra on. He turns and stares at me, standing in the middle of his bedroom in my shorts and bra. He reaches into his dresser and pulls out a white wife beater tank top and tosses it to me. I pull it on and then go into the bathroom. I pull my hair into a pony tail and brush my teeth. He comes into the bathroom, slapping my ass as he walks by me. We work around each other as I do my makeup and he shaves. When I'm done, I pad out to the living room and find Dom peeking out the curtains. He looks up at me silently.

"Did you get any sleep?" I ask.

"Yeah, a little." he lies.

"I'll make breakfast." His eyebrows raise.

"You? Make breakfast? I'll pass." He follows me into the kitchen and watches as I start looking through John's cupboards. I pull out a box of Pop Tarts and put two in the toaster. Dom smirks, but doesn't say anything. I start a pot of coffee, as John steps into the kitchen.

"Morning." he says. The Pop Tarts pop up and I wrap them in a paper towel and hand them to him. He looks somewhat impressed and takes a bite of one as I put two more in the toaster. I pour three cups of coffee. John takes his and gives me a peck on the lips.

"I'm going to work. Have a nice day." he says to me.

"OK." he nods to Dom.

"I'll see you when I get back." then he's gone.

"That was a pretty fucking domestic scene back there." Dom says, as I hand him his Pop Tarts. I ignore him, because I felt it too. It felt strange but comfortable at the same time. I take a sip of coffee and chew on my lip while I wait for my Pop Tart to cook. I have bigger things to think about than John and I acting coupley in his kitchen. Dom walks over to the dining room table and sits down, eating his second Pop Tart. I sit down next to him and pull one foot onto my chair under me.

"I'm sorry I went to Frank." I say.

"It's OK. I understand why you did."

"What about the baby?" I ask. He sighs and runs his hands over his face.

"I told her when she found out that I had no kind of life to be raising a kid. She didn't care. She loved me and wanted us to be a family. I should have been there when she told him though. I should have been parked across the street or something. I fucking failed them, Izzy."

"Hey, you had no idea what was going to happen, Dom."

"I had a fucking chance at a family, you know? He fucking took that from me." he says, a steely resolve darkening his features.

"Dom, you have to let the police handle this." I say, cautiously.

"He's one of their own! Their not going to do shit to him. Not what he deserves, anyways."

"Dominic, I know you're in pain, but you're not thinking rationally. If you try to go after him, you'll go to prison. Anna wouldn't want that for you." he stands up abruptly.

"I'm done talking about this with you." he goes down the hall and I can hear him going through his rounds, of looking out all the windows. I sit and finish my coffee then clean the kitchen.

By noon, I'm feeling like a caged animal. Dom is slouched on the couch, watching TV, every now and then, he'll go through the house. Meanwhile, I'm picking my cuticles apart and bouncing my knee up and down, anxiously. All of a sudden, John's dog starts barking outside, breaking the silence. Dom stands up, hand on his gun, and goes to the window. Then, we hear a banging noise at the back of the house. Dom quickly walks out to the laundry room which leads out to the back porch. I'm right behind him, hand at his back. He has one hand on his gun and the other on the door knob, slowly turning it. He pulls the door open and we look out to see a black lab, going through some scattered trash next to a knocked down garbage can. I let out a breath. Dom yell at the dog and it runs off. He puts his gun back in his jeans and shuts the door.

We go back into the living room and Dom's cell phone rings. He checks the readout and then answers.

"Yeah?" he listens to whoever is on the other end for a moment.

"OK, thanks." he says and then hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"An associate I asked to do a couple drive by's of Gazarra's house, just in case he decided to go back home. It doesn't look like he has yet. He did a drive by of your apartment building too and didn't see any cars like the one I saw Gazarra in yesterday." I nod and plunk back down on the couch.

At five thirty, I hear John's truck door shut and the dog barking outside. I get up and walk around the couch, waiting as he keys himself into the house with a bag full of Chinese food in his hand and case of beer. He sets the bag of food and beer on the table and then grabs me and kisses me, right in front of Dom. He lets me go and I feel myself breaking into a smile.

"How was your day, dear?" he asks in a chipper voice.


"Yeah, mine too. I got all of your favorites." he says, motioning at the table.

"Beer and Chinese food?"

"Do I know you or what?" I grin and start going through the bag of food.

We eat in the living room, watching the news. Between the three of us, we finish off all of the beer and food in a matter of a couple hours. Even though having John here is a little bit of a relief, I'm still feeling restless. I want to go out. I want to know what's going on. Dom is drunk and tense, going through the house every hour, on the hour. Finally, he falls asleep on the couch. John and I go to the bedroom and I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands.

"I fucking hate this." I tell John.

"I know." he sits down next to me and wraps me up in a hug.

"I'm worried about him. He's in so much grief, I don't know what he's going to do."

"He'll be fine. It's going to take some time, but he'll move on."

"I don't know. I've never seen him like this. He's more dangerous than ever."
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This is kind of a filler chapter. Hope you enjoy. Comments are like Shinedown's new album! Trust me on this, it's amazing. xxoo