You're My Only One, the Only One I Ever Cared For


Nick’s POV

After Greg had hastily sped out of the room i headed out searching for any nurse or doctor that could help me. I was panicking as i made my way to reception and demanding the room number showing my badge. The receptionist seemed reluctantly but soon gave me the required information just as Catherine caught up to me.

I pointed in the direction we needed to head and both me and Catherine headed off at a fast walk following the signs for the ward we required. The further into the confusing corridor system we got the more isolated corridors gratefully became making it easier for us to find our way at a faster pace than usual.

We finally approached the room but as i glanced through a window there was someone already in there. There back was to the window and their head bowed but both me and Catherine knew who it was. I stepped forward pushing the door open and the two of us stood inside having alarmed Ecklie who swung around to face us.

As his glare became fixated on us his smirked. As i went to step closer to Steph’s bed i was surprised at how quickly he pulled a pistol from his side placing the gun against Steph’s temple. It was this motion that bought Steph around. I watched on as she seemed to notice the metal in her skull and fear quickly became etched on her face. She looked over to me and i watched as she spoke a single word. As she spoke my name in a whisper i felt my heart break a little more before her eyes closed once more.

Her speaking caused more of a reaction from Ecklie though and he lowered the gun from her and instead turned his hand holding her throat. Catherine tried to step forward this time but Ecklie pulled the gun once more letting us know he would shoot if it came to it. He was hell bent on finishing what he started and i knew i had to do something, i had to save steph before he killed her and i had to act quickly.

“she may of gotten this far with your help Stokes, but her time ends now. Try anything and it shall be her brain you are cleaning from this white walls.”

I decided i had to get Ecklie’s attention focused on me and stepping back i moved further around the room also distancing myself from the bed. Ecklie was watching me instead of Catherine. He didn’t realise Catherine had her gun trained on him he was to preoccupied with what i was doing because i was moving. Before he could turn around Catherine let off a shot. I watched as it hit Ecklie but as he went down he fired his own weapon. My attention was focused on the fact the bullet had missed steph and so it wasn’t until i felt the bullet hit my side that i knew it had an intended target.

I gritted my teeth dealing with the pain and just pressing my hand to my side as i moved over to where Catherine was now tackling Ecklie. The gun was lose on the floor and so i kicked it clear of Ecklie’s grip just as security ran in followed by Brass and two officer’s. Brass was red in the face showing he had probably ran the length of the hospital as his officer’s detained Ecklie. Catherine’s shot had hit him in the leg and was a through and through and i watched as he was handcuffed to a trolley that was quick to appear as the security and officer’s went with him followed by Brass, who had opted to walk.

I leant me hand out helping Catherine up from the floor who seemed relieved that small episode was over as she flattened her hair once more placing her gun back in it’s holster and turning to me. I still had my hand held to my side but my attention was focused on steph know. I placed my hand gently to her neck grateful she was still with us. A nurse had soon entered and placed an oxygen mask over Steph’s face. I stayed stood beside her watching her as i moved some strands of hair form her face leaving my palm against her cheek. The nurse started checking vitals and made notes before getting mien and Catherine’s attention.

“Sir, she will be ok. She is lucky to have you two here. She may still be unconscious for a while her injuries from the kidnapping are still having an effect on her over all strength but she should be awake relatively soon.”

I stood up and turned to thank the nurse to see her look towards where my hand was on the side.

“sir, your hurt, your bleeding.”

I looked down then pulling my hand form my side which was now covered in blood. I pulled my shirt away from the wound to hear a horrible sucking sound. Catherine was son holding my shirt up and away from the wound as the nurse cleaned it making it sting considerably before bandaging it. I informed her i was hit my a bullet and she looked up.

“Your lucky it only grazed your skin and didn’t it you full on. It will be a little tender the next week or so though as it heals.”

I nodded and once more thanked the nurse as she finally left the room. As she did i turned to Catherine a pulled her into a hug.

“if it wasn’t for you thinking after Ecklie had escaped i don’t want to know what situation we would of been dealing with right now.”

“I’m glad to of helped a friend’s life. If you hadn’t of diverted Ecklie’s attention it could of been different.”

I had nothing to say and just hugged Catherine gratefully until the sound of the door opening caught our attention. We both watched as Grissom calmly stepped into the room, this time without Brandon and just Sara following behind him. Neither of them spoke as they stepped into the room and i moved closer to Steph’s side once more.

This time though i leant against the back of the chair leaving a gap between myself and the bed. Now that the calm had arrived i remembered back to the message and thought about the situation when steph had called out my name. Was it all a set-up was the video just Ecklie’s twisted way of getting between us or was it meant? I couldn’t work it out had steph called my name because i was the only one she seemed to see?

I hadn’t realised there was a conversation going on between Catherine, Grissom and Sara until Sara’s voice was calling my name to get my attention. I pulled my head up and looked at her apologising as they continued to hear what had happened as well as informing us that Greg was looking after Brandon and that Warrick had also gone to see Lottie. I knew Greg would appreciate that knowing Lottie saw Warrick as her brother within the team.

I looked down at steph once more then before turning on my heel saying nothing to the other’s in the team as i felt the room unable to hold a calm fort. I headed outside first and the cooler air was nice against my skin as i calmed myself down considerably. I didn’t realise Catherine had followed me out until she was stood beside me making me jump slightly as she placed a hand onto mine in a comforting gesture.

“What is it Nicky? I can tell something’s up.”

“I may have helped save her but i can’t be in there. That message is playing on my mind and mixing with the situation that we just had i just don’t know what to think.”

“I know steph cares about you. I know that Ecklie was sick enough to try and kill her that he would try and get under at least your skin in the process. I say discard that video or at least wait until you can ask her yourself.”

“yeah i suppose your right Cath. I will her ask when she comes to.”

“How about we see if there’s one of your t-shirts lying around in the boot of the Tahoe for now though so your not covered in blood?”

I nodded feeling that seemed a wise idea and so walked over to the vehicle with Catherine, grateful when we did come across one of my old t-shirts. I changed quickly and soon we were making our way back inside the hospital. I decided i would go see Greg before i headed back to Steph’s room and informed Catherine who was heading back to steph. My mind was still running as i grabbed a coffee on the way and i couldn’t help i as visions form both videos ran into my mind. The struggle steph had put up when she was drowning, how she was now lay in a hospital and yet still i didn’t know the full extent to injuries she had sustained at Ecklie’s hand. I wanted to know but something was pulling me away from it and i knew that instead i had to go see Greg, he needed me now like i needed him earlier.