You're My Only One, the Only One I Ever Cared For


Steph’s POV

Sat in the back of the van with Ecklie was hell. I knew he was still armed and since i had now ay of escape right now i just sat there in the corner in complete silence. Ecklie was sat opposite be his beady eyes unmoving from me as i sat there, like he was prepared for me to attempt something. I noticed his one hand holding something with a tight grip and looked down to see the glint of the piece of metal that was still covered in nick’s blood. Seeing that made me think back to nick. Watching him lay there in pain was hard and i just hoped that he was getting treated now. I also hoped that Lottie was ok, i knew she was going to be i a bad way as i remembered the sound of her scream as the car came to a stop and she pushed me out it’s path. Seeing how distraught Greg was made thing’s harder i felt guilty because it should of been me. Lottie shouldn’t of been a part of this whatsoever no-one should of this was something between me and Ecklie. I wondered fi the rest of the team had gotten to the scene now as well, i hoped they were supporting Greg instead of looking for me. Greg needed them more than i did right now.

I was suddenly distracted by Ecklie’s movement. I watched as he crawled closer to me. His jaw was clenched shut and his eye’s were tense as he placed a hand onto my shoulder digging his fingers in slightly. I knew we had been on the road for quite a while now and so were probably in the middle of nowhere as i felt the van roll to a gentle stop.

“try anything and you will end up six feet under.”

Ecklie’s words were a snarl but he was also and old man. I knew he would probably stick to his word but i also knew i had to try and make a break for it, it would be my only chance of survival against this maniac. If that meant trying and getting killed for it then so be it, i was certain the rest of the team would understand what had happened eventually.

I heard the click on the van door’s as Ecklie pulled me to my feet. I walked inline with him exiting the van and obeying where he led me. I let my eyes evaluate the area we were in as the driver of the van climbed back into the cab and moved it onto the land beside a derelict house. I took this as my opportunity and took a swing hitting Ecklie square in the nose. He let go of me pulling his hands to his face and i started to run.

My feet moved as fast i could make them as i started move across the desert that surrounded the house. I didn’t realise Ecklie had started taking off after me already though and so had his driver. As i continued to ran i heard them behind me and so forced myself further forward struggling against the terrain.

Before i knew what was happening something struck me hard in the leg. I tried to force myself forward ignoring the pain but whatever had hit me had slowed me down enough to allow Ecklie to catch up with me. Ecklie had quickly took me down and i landed on my chest onto the hard sandy floor. I felt whatever had hit my leg get pulled out with force then and let out a yell of pain only to have Ecklie push my face into the sand to drown my scream making me inhale a lot of the dirt and start choking.

I was pushed onto my back as i tried to clear my throat and also take in more air. Ecklie was still knelt over me before he instructed the van driver, who was wearing a bandana around his face, to help Ecklie take me over to the derelict house.

“You will regret running now believe me”

I somewhat gulped knowing that Ecklie meant what he said now as he pulled me to my feet. Ecklie pulled something from his pocket and bound my hands behind my back. He then hooked an arm through my own his spare hand holding the piece of metal to my neck again to prevent me trying to break free again. Ecklie’s nose was trickling a little bit of blood as the van driver walked the other side of me and i was forced to walk on my injured leg. The wound wasn’t to bad the piece of metal having only took a small chunk out the side of my shin and so wasn’t leaving much of a blood trail behind at all.

As we reached the front of the derelict house i was forced through the door that was already only hanging on by one of it’s hinges. Various windows were smashed as i was taken through and into what was once a hallway. The house looked like it had been abandoned for a couple of years at minimum more than likely longer though, nature having gotten to it as well.

I was forced further into the house into what was probably once a kitchen going by the sink in the corner of the room as well as a couple of broken cupboards only just clinging to the walls. Ecklie disappeared then the van driver standing in-front of me his one arm holding a tight grip onto my own. This time i decided against trying to escape and just embraced what was coming my leg aching quite bad now. Ecklie soon returned however kicking chair across the floor to the driver who stopped it before forcing me to sit down on it. My hands were unbound from my back but Ecklie quickly grabbed my left arm tying it to the arm of the chair whilst the van driver tied the other arm down.

A large piece of duct tape was placed across my face even with me moving to try and avoid it. Eventually my feet were also taped to the leg’s of the chair and as Ecklie stepped back i started to fidget against the binds seeing how easy they would be to break. It turned out however that it was near impossible and i quickly gave up the rope on my wrists starting to cut into my skin. I looked up to Ecklie smirking at me as the driver left the house, Ecklie to disappeared i heard him move to another part of the house as i heard a car engine pull to a stop and door’s shut before the engine, which could tell belonged to sports car disappeared. It was then i knew i was officially screwed having been left alone with Ecklie who wanted me dead before i had tried to escape and give away his location.