You're My Only One, the Only One I Ever Cared For


Grissom’s POV

After receiving a call from brass requiring the teams immediate attention i made sure we were all in the Tahoe in record speed as i headed down to the scene in question. As we got to the scene brass informed me it was my own team that were involved and i felt twinge of emotion but buried it inside me needing me attention fully on this case.

As i stepped form the Tahoe hearing the other doors behind e i watched nick get loaded into the back of an ambulance and get taken off. Before long an emotional /Greg was heading in the second ambulance with Lottie as i turned to brass.

“steph was kidnapped by Ecklie, we are trying to piece together the number plate of the van used now but i think you know we are on limited time. As the team took in various area’s of the crime scene i couldn’t help but think that just a couple hours ago we were all happily socialising. The rest of the team were already collecting evidence form the car and where Nick had been injured whilst i walked over to skid marks left on the road from the van taking off. Before long brass was again stood beside me looking a little relieved and i knew he would have got the number plate.

“we have the full number plate for the van and one of the officer’s is using GPS to track it down and see if we can find it. They have a BOLO out on the road to as well and an APB out on Ecklie. Is the lab able to try tracking her cell phone or pager to?”

“i have already phoned Archie and he is already on trying to track it down now. It could take a little while though. I’m going to see what we uncover in the vehicle there may something to help us out there.”

Brass walked off leaving me to head to the vehicle. Sara and Warrick were covering the area nick was injured and the area the van had taken off form now whilst i headed to Catherine who was currently processing the driver’s seat of the vehicle.

“Gil you got any idea of where he would take her?”

“None at all, i was hoping this would give us some idea. We have a BOLO out on the van as well as an APB on Ecklie. Archie is trying to track Steph’s cell and pager to though so hopefully we will get something soon. Any chance of you phoning Greg and seeing if he knows how Lottie and nick are in a little while?”

Twenty minutes after Greg had left the scene Catherine headed to call him and within ten minutes had walked back over to myself.

“Lottie is in a bad way, sever injuries and on a lot of powerful drugs. Greg sounded awful on the phone. Nick is apparently already on his way back here.”

“Thanks. I know Lindsey won’t be able to baby-sit Brandon all night so could you possibly go pick him up and take him to Greg. He will need to be with Greg at this moment not only to understand what’s happened but to also in a way to help comfort Greg a little more. Once we have something on steph if i need to i will take Brandon myself.”

“If we hear some news on steph i shall look after him, don’t worry Grissom we will cover it.

Catherine turned taking the Tahoe and left the scene. I turned my attention to the inside of the car seeing what Catherine had found so far and also seeing if i could find any form of clue as to where steph could of been taken.

It was a good half an hour before Nick finally arrived at the scene. He looked a little worse for wear his face pale and showing that he was in pain as well but he was also determined. I hadn’t found anything of relevance within the vehicle by that point and I was just hoping Archie was getting somewhere with tracking Steph’s cell phone or pager. I knew nick had spotted me and i waited for him to head over to me as i continued t check the vehicle’s interior.

“Hey Gris, you need any help?”

“No you just make sure your not making your injuries work.”

“Ok but when you and brass know something about where they have taken her I’m coming with you.”

“i had a feeling you would and i understand that but nick we can’t have you getting injured. We need to think of this as any other case as well. Catherine has taken Brandon to Greg as well. We will find her nick don‘t panic yourself”

I was interrupted by my cell phone ringing out and hurriedly pulled it from my pocket answering it to Archie. I seemed grateful as he informed me he had managed to track Steph’s cell phone we just had to hope it hadn’t just been ditched on the way to wherever they were heading. Archie informed me it was off one of the many beaten desert tracks completely out the way from anything and i started to get an uneasy feeling build in my gut.

I hung up the call before walking over to brass, nick following closely behind wanting to know what i knew.

“brass Archie has found Steph’s cell phone. It’s just off of route 157 Kyle canon road. It’s all we have for now though.”

“Ok get into my car we shall take that, they won’t be expecting to see that if that’s where they are. “

Brass had pulled his keys from his jacket as each of us climbed into his sedan before brass ht the gas pedal sending us speeding gout of the street. Brass hit the lights and sirens throughout the city centre as well noting he would cut them once we got closer to the scene not wanting to give away the game.