Don't Touch My Hair

Chapter 2

Byron leaned in closer to Jorge. Now they were only inches away from what they have been waiting for. But then the bathroom door opened.

Jorge immediately pushed away. The person who opened the door turned out to be the vice principal of the school. She was probably the most hated staff member in the whole school.

"Hello, boys. What are you two doing here this late?"

Byron looked at the time on his phone. It was only fifteen minutes since the bell rang.

"Umm. We were-"

"We were using the bathroom," interrupted Jorge.

"Yeah, what else?" stated Byron.

The vice principal stared at them suspicously. "Okay then. Get out now," she said, pointing out the door. So they followed her direction and walked out.

By this time, Jorge had completely forgotten the reason why he was hiding in the bathroom. As it turned out, his 'stalkers' weren't just waiting for him, they were also waiting for Byron.

"Oh shit!" shouted Jorge. Byron laughed.

"Oh-MY-GOSH, Becky!! It's Jorge, AND Byron!!" shouted Emily.

Byron almost fell on the floor from laughter.

"It's not funny! Run before they attack you!" screamed Jorge.
Byron waved to one of the girls.

"Oh-MY-GOSH!!! Did you see that, he waved at me. ME!" screeched Becky.
Byron walked towards them. It was amazing how the girls didn't come any closer.

All ten of those girls started giggling and waving and shit. They were sqealing and making more annoying sounds that seemed to amuse Byron.

"No, Byron," said Jorge.

"Oooooh! FANS!!!" squealed Byron.
Byron continued walking towards them.

"If you don't come back here, I'm going to break open the fortune cookie!!!" yelled Jorge.

Since Jorge and Byron were secretly dating each other, they usually used code words and phrases. One of them happened to involve fortune cookies. 'Breaking open the fortune cookie' meant that they would break up.

Byron laughed, "Come on, Jorge. You don't mean that,"

Jorge looked at him, and then walked away. Byron looked toward the mob of girls.

"COME ON, BYRON!!! We want to TALK to you!!!" yelled those darn girls. But Byron ran out with Jorge.

"Sorry, I was just kidding," said Byron.

"Yeah, but I wasn't," replied Jorge.
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