Love Is the Movement

Chapter Four

It was pitch black. I was trapped inside the small, rectangular compartment. I couldn’t tell how long I had been here, since the entire “room” was concealed in darkness. My hair was in knots, my eyes burned from all the tears I had shed.

“Don’t worry, Lupin. Sooner or later, we’ll get out of here. I promise,” Said a gruff, pained voice.

I looked over at the corner opposite of me. A man was on the floor, leaning against the wall. I couldn’t see his features clearly, but he held one hand up to where, I suppose, his eye was. He had a long mane of hair, and his leg was missing, from the knee down. I sighed inaudibly.
Stop trying to make me feel better, because it won’t! I thought.

“You shouldn’t promise things you can’t deliver, Mad-Eye.” I told him, hugging my knees to my chest. “The only way either of us is going to get out of here, is if we die.”

I could sense the old man glaring at me through the darkness. Rolling my eyes, I laid down on my side, hoping to get some sleep. But sleep never came. So instead, us two prisoners waited for the man “upstairs” to bring us our rations for the day. Well, what I thought was a day. It could of been a week. Or a month.

Before I knew it, the ceiling of the enclosed space opened up. I couldn't see the man’s face, or if it was a man. The usual box tied to a string was lowered. Our meal had arrived. I looked up trying to catch the face of our captor, but the lid slammed down before I could even get a glimpse, leaving me and Mad-Eye Moody surrounded in shadows.

I gasp, my hand going to straight to my heart in fear, as my body lurched forward. My head ached, and I felt hot tears running down my face. “Kat? Are you alright?”

I looked over at Ana, who seemed apprehensive in coming to comfort me. Sniffling, I shook my head no. “It was just a stupid dream! Why is it affecting me like this?” I thought aloud, hoping to get answers I knew would never come, as Ana lead me down to the kitchen.

“Hot chocolate, or coffee?” Ana asked me, checking the cupboards.

“Coffee. Might as well stay awake. We have to wake up early today anyways,” I said after seeing that the clock read “4:57”. She nodded and made me a big cup of Joe. I got up from my seat and grabbed the chocolate-caramel coffee creamer from the refrigerator. I opened the blue cap and poured in a good amount, before snapping it back shut and returning it back to its rightful place.

I brought the finished concoction to the couch, where I sat down, and pulled my feet up. “Do you want me to stay awake with you?” Ana asked, concerned, but also tired. I shook my head, telling her to go on back to bed. She half-smiled and headed up the stairs. I sighed, “Well, drink up,” And put the cup to my lips.

After drinking about half of the cup, I set it down on the coffee table. The clock read “5:23” now. Twenty-six minutes down, an hour and thirty-seven more minutes to go. I stood up and walked up to the fireplace at the front of the room. There was a secret compartment there. When taken out, the third brick from the bottom revealed quite the hiding place. It wasn’t really big. It was about a wand box deep, and a foot and a half tall. I hid my most prized possession in there. A photo-album.

I reached into the nook, bringing the album out. With the book in hand, I made my way back over to the couch. I opened it to the very first page. It showed a picture of Hogwarts. Was probably taken on that lake Ana and Isobel told me about... I thought staring at the photograph. On the next page was a photo of my mum and dad during the summer. They were riding a muggle bicycle, together. After that one there were tons from throughout their years at school, some after too. Most of the ones towards the end had them with their friends. The last picture is my favorite. It had me, Silas, our mother, and our father in it. The first family portrait we ever took, and the last.

I had a sad smile on my face, as I shut the book and put it back in it’s place. Now the clock read “6:55”, so I went upstairs to change out of my pajamas. Ana was up and getting ready too, so we walked back down together. We were wearing these:

Once the boys were down as well, and we ate breakfast, the five of us headed out the door. “Aunt Isobel, where is it we’re going anyways?” Silas asked her, after we had been walking for almost 2 hours. “We’re headed to the top of this hill. There we’re going to meet our traveling buddies!” Isobel told him. The rest of the walk up the great hill was silent. Everyone was either too tired to speak, or just didn’t feel like talking. For me, it was the latter of the two.

Time flew by fast, and before I knew it, we were standing at the top of the hill with Cedric and Amos Diggery waiting on the other family.