Status: active :)

The Group of Jerks

My First Day in Hell

Ok I can do this, there’s nothing to it kimmy, and it’s just a high school full of snobby rich kids, stop being such a baby! Laura Bella would walk in and make friends with everyone she sees, no problem. Damn why can’t I be her, beautiful, talented, and come from a wealthy family… Just walk in and don’t fall on your face or draw attention to yourself. Remember, your goal is to make a friend today and that’s it! I can manage that…ok here goes

I must have looked dumb walking in and having this odd look on my face but I couldn’t help but be in shock by the size of this campus. No wonder only rich kids went here; the place was like being in Disneyland! But I’d much rather be there than here, I’m not supposed to be here to begin with. The only reason I’m here is because I have a supposed “perfect” school record, GPA, and have been offered scholarships for soccer, basically all the rich kids are dumb as hell and the school needs smart kids to help its reputation. I never wanted to come here but of course my parents begged to differ and accepted the invitation while they held my mouth shut. All they want is for me to get a good education, have a great job and marry this rich, handsome guy that I could never get. But back to reality, it’s almost time for class and I can’t even find the freaking soccer field!

I walk across campus following this dumb little map the lady in the office gave me and it says I have to go through their mini forest of a garden. All the flowers and fountains are very pretty and it has a nice little road to follow but of course it has to split in two directions, one sign says north and the other south, “what idiots! They didn’t tell me which path to go down!” So tried looking down each path but of course all the trees blocked my view. But then I heard this music coming from one of the paths and I couldn’t help but follow where the music was coming from and went down the north path, which lead me to the center of the garden full of yellow spring flowers and benches, and there standing by a bench was a boy playing the violin. He was tall and dressed in a dark suit with his hair covering majority of his eyes as he played his sad slow melody. All I could do was stand there and stare at him as I got this sick feeling to my stomach as he kept playing and I lost myself in his song. But I was shocked back into reality as he stopped playing and looked at me revealing his pale blue eyes, not saying a word.

“Oh I’m sorry but do you know where the Soccer Field is? I’m new to the school.” My face felt hot and I knew I was blushing but I couldn’t do anything but just stand there like an idiot. He then pointed in the direction of the south path and still continued to say nothing and I simply just picked up my backpack and left.

I ran to my class and got there a few minutes late, but the coach didn’t mind and left me off with a warning. The whole time I couldn’t get my mind off that boy and just how miserable and lonely he looked, but that was none of my business and I didn’t know why I cared I mean I don’t even know his name. So I just tried to do my best to ignore my thoughts and concentrate on what I was doing, once I was finished I was sent to start my first period inside the main building. I took the longer way through the garden and went to the center of it, but that sad boy wasn’t there anymore. Maybe I would see him in another class of mine but I don’t even know if he’s a sophomore, oh well, I’ll just have to forget about it.

I walked into the large center building in time to see everyone acting weird and whispering, but I didn’t know about what, that’s when someone screamed “They'r coming!!” and I had no idea who they were talking about. But soon enough a group of boys walked through the double doors and there he was, the sad boy, walking with two other tall boys. They were all dressed in suits but I’m confused as to why everyone is making such a big deal out of the group of good looking boys. Then as I stood there a boy dressed in a regular school uniform walked over to the boys and laughed at them as they walked by and as he did that the brown haired boy who seemed to be the leader of the group stopped and turned around. He then asked the crowed if anyone had any coffee and of course a group of girls ran over and gave the brown haired boy coffee. The boy then proceeded to take the lid off the coffee and dump it all over the boy and then crushed the cup and dropped it to the ground. I stood there in shock and wanted to go over and scream at him but I just simply stood there as the continued to walk by as if nothing had happened. Once they were gone all the girls giggled and whispered about how cute they all looked and I went over and decided to ask who they were and why all that had just happened.

“Hey who were those boys?” as I asked all the girls gasped at me and acted as if I had come from a strange planet.

“Those are the richest and hottest boys at Balton! James, Landon, and Eli! That boy really deserved that coffee on him I mean did you see the way he laughed at them! He must have been out of his mind to laugh in their faces like that, he shouldn’t dare do that to them!”

The whole time they talked about them my mind kept going back to the sad quiet one named Eli. I found out everything about them counting those girls wouldn’t shut up once they got started! They all were seniors here at Balton and the Jerk who dumped the coffee on that kid was James Balton, not only was he the leader of the group but his family owned the school and many other companies throughout the U.S which made him the future heir of the Balton Company. They said that Eli Hawthorne owned a music center and was a musical genius who conducted and played several instruments. Then the third was Landon Miller and no one really knows his story, he’s the Casanova of the group. But I don’t care about that dumb group of boys, I have no interests in them if that’s how they treat people, who the hell do they think they are!

I feel so disgusted with myself because I saw what happened but I didn’t do anything about it or even say anything and I needed to let out my anger. I was on the second floor so I went out to the flight of emergency stairs on the outside of the building and began screaming, “You stupid group of boys! Who do you think you are! I’m Kimmy and you better know you I’m not scared of you and no matter what you do to me I’m never ever going to follow you like all those dumb girls! Suck on that you dumb jerks! If I ever see you something like that ever again I’m not just going to stand by and watch!” my face was all red and sunk down to the floor and just sat there breathing heavily when a deep soft voice came out of nowhere, “Wow, you’re really noisy, do you know that?” I turned around and appeared Eli from around the corner of the stairs

“I’m so sorry; I didn’t think anyone was here!” I said still out of breath and quickly stood up.
“Looks like I’ll have to find a new place to nap.” As he stood up, brushed off his suit and walked back inside the building and left me there looking like a complete idiot. I hid my face in my hands in complete embarrassment, ad sat back down, if he didn’t think I was a complete loser before he must think that now! I can’t believe that just happened, why did he have to be here and hear everything? Just please someone kill me...
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This is my first time writing an official love story, so id love to hear some feedback :)