Status: active :)

The Group of Jerks

A Friend and a War

A week has gone by and I’ve yet to make a single friend, or even just find someone in this damn school to talk to. To be even more negative, my parents just make everything worse! All they do is scream at me to get good grades and to try to find a rich guy to marry. My mom even wanted me to wear makeup and look like one of those models off a T.V show, but that’s not me and I won’t even consider being one of those food deprived losers.
Today is just another day of school, it begins with a walk through the garden silently listening to Eli play his sad violin as I ponder over why such a rich popular guy like him wouldn’t be dating 20 girls or why he’s not even happy. But more importantly why he hangs out with scum like James, that sorry excuse for a human makes me hate him more and more with every passing moment! I bet he can’t even dress himself he’s so spoiled, every time I see him I wish I could throw something at him or kill him that would be a lot simpler.
Finally the bell for lunch rings and everyone heads off to lunch, of course they all wait by the stairs until the “famous” boys come and make their grand entrance. But as for me, I’m sitting alone at a table eating left over dinner from last night; I have no interest in seeing girls drool over those boys.
“Hey! What are you eating? That looks really good!” Someone behind me said, and as I turned around this nerd, messy haired girl named Lana was standing over me.
“It’s just my families left over dinner; you can have some if you like.” I might as well make a friend, I could really use one and she looks like the type of girl I could get along with.
“Oh no, it’s fine that your food, do you mind me sitting with you?
“Not at all!” I said with as much enthusiasm as I could, and with that we started talking and it turns out we have a lot in common. We both love the same line of thinking and get annoyed by the desperate teenagers attacking those 3 boys. We both don’t understand why it is they’re so amazing to begin with, but we don’t care either way and that’s all that matters.
“Hey Kimmy, let’s get some ice cream!” Lana said with the biggest smile on her face.
“Fine ok let’s go, I could use an ice cream break.”
We have to walk all the way across campus but I know it won’t be so bad counting Lana is one crazy girl; she will keep this walk entertaining for sure. Lana is making me laugh every second of the way with her impressions of James Balton; Oh gosh was she good at it too. She keeps poking at every little thing he does, about him being gay and needing help to tie his shoes. This girl is just too funny, and I've decided she’s going to be my best friend.
Finally we reach the ice cream machine and by 2 chocolate ice cream cones, then we started heading back to the main building for our last period. We decided to see who could balance the best on the small narrow wall that separated the school from a small open field. I of course went first and thought I lasted a pretty long time before I fell off barely keeping my ice cream from hitting the ground.
Next it was Lana’s turn and I even though we just met, I can already tell that she’s clumsy as hell and probably won’t last a minute. She stood on top of the narrow wall and she kept her balance and began walking and teasing me about how she’s staying on the wall longer. She stuck her tongue out and did a little dance and to my delight she lost her balance and began to fall… right into James Balton!!! She fell at his feet, that’s when she noticed her ice cream, was no longer in her hand but all over His shirt. Everyone froze as Lana, Eli, Landon, I all stared at James face waiting for him to kick her or do something.
But he stood there and all he did was look at his shirt, there was no yelling just utter silence until Lana spoke, “I’m so sorry! It was a complete accident; I’ll buy you the same shirt right away!”
“How can you get me a new shirt right way, this is a one of a kind... Made especially for me.” James said as his face darkened and his anger began to show.
“I’m, sorry I’ll do anything!” I looked at Lana with disgust over how she’s acting over this!
“Very well, take off your shirt and give it to me.” Lana looked at him with a confused expression and she began to unbutton her shirt. That’s when I knew I had to say something, not just for Lana but for myself.
“Hey you ass hole! It was an accident ok, get over it! It’s not like she wanted to fall!” I stepped in front of Lana and everyone looked at me in shock for speaking back to this stupid boy.
“You have quite a mouth; you should learn to hold your tongue. But very well, I’ll leave your friend alone if...”
“If what?” I asked even though I knew the answer.
“If... You give me your shirt.” He said with this stupid smile on his face, thinking he’s so clever. All I could do was stand there, and I glanced at Lana who was still lying on the floor.
I looked at the ground and mumbled curse words under my breath, and then with my ice cream still in my hand I began to unbutton my shirt. As I undid the first button all the boys stared at me but only one didn’t have a dumb smile on his face and that was Eli. But as I went to undue the second button my mind froze and I looked straight up at James and shoved my chocolate ice cream in his face.
James gasped and just stared at me as I stood there in shock, not knowing what I had just done! Then Eli and Landon’s laughs broke the silence and they pointed at the ice cream in James face.
“Don’t you dare mess with me or my friend ever again! I’m not afraid of your or your family, so why don’t you go screw yourself!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, all James did was stared in utter silence and shock as I helped kimmy up and we walked away. I felt proud of myself for standing up to that jerk, but I also got Eli to smile and that also put a smile on my face. But I knew I had started a war between me and James Balton…
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to make the paragraphs short and to get more into the drama of the story so yay!!! Leave comments please i enjoy them! and thanks to my first subscriber!!