Status: Currently on Hiatus; More to come if People enjoy.

Witches of the Future

When Friends are thrown into the past, what in the world is going to happen, especially when that past is an actual fictional book by the ever so popular J.K. Rowling? Jump right into the adventure; Pack your bags, and grab a friend, and don't forget, Fall in Love!
  1. Chapter One; Back To The Past
    Well. We Fell From The Sky Again - This is a Nice Cliche you'll See.
  2. Chapter Two; Sort Me In!
    I Never Liked That Sorting Hat - It's creepy lookin'.
  3. Chapter Three; Lessons Well Learned
    Well. Perverts are everywhere it seems.
  4. Chapter Four; Interests
    Sweet Dreams.
  5. Chapter Five; Embarrassing Reality
    Men Are Never Pleasant In The morning.
  6. Chapter Six; Thanks To The Soul
    Kisses. Kisses. Kisses.