Status: Active.



My plans for tonight were looking very good. Binging on popcorn and junk food whilst watching movies until I fall asleep? Sounds better than a fucking party to me. Today was my last day of work for the next two weeks, and relieved wasn't even the word right now. The place was driving me up the wall, with my boss wanting all these different things done at once and all handed in on time. My head was literally about to explode, so I think a well deserved break was in order for me. As I was getting comfy on the couch, I groaned when I heard my cell phone ringing,

"Hello?" I answered, rather annoyed that someone was interrupting my date night with junk food and my DVD player.

"Hey, um, Nat are you doing anything just now?" Came the voice of my best friend, who sounded like he'd been upset about something, which wasn't usual for him. I instantly sat forward on my couch, pushing the blanket off me.

"No, why? What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Do you think you could come over?" He asked, "Sorry if I'm being a pain, I just..I need a friend right now," I heard him sigh and his voice trailed off towards the end. I was beginning to get worried about what was happening. He was finally starting to enjoy his life again, and he was slowly beginning to come terms with Jimmy's death a little over 2 years ago. Now, he's calling me at ten pm on a Friday night, upset and asking me to go over 'cause he needs a friend. Something's not right.

"You're not being a pain at all, Zacky. I'll be over as soon as, okay?" I told him,

"Okay, I'll see you soon."


As soon as our phone conversation ended, I ran to my room and threw on the nearest clothing items there was. Which happened to be a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. I shoved on my old, red worn out converse, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. So many things were going through my head as to why he was calling me at this time. I worry about Zacky a lot, especially since Jimmy passed away. He tends to do stupid things when he's upset and I really hate seeing him doing those things. Right after he found out about Jimmy, he ran off to some random bar, got incredibly drunk and we were all running around worried sick about him since no one knew where the hell he was. Which is why I'm sort of relieved that he's called me, instead of doing a repeat of last time.

I pulled into the driveway of his house, or as he enjoys calling it, "Vengeance Manor", and noticed that his girlfriends car was missing. My head was still pondering on many possibilities as to what in the hell was going on, even after seeing that Gena's car was gone. I walked to his front door and knocked and within seconds he answered. I took in his apperance and I could tell he'd been stressed about something but it also looked like he'd been crying. His hair was sticking up in different directions and his beautiful emerald green eyes were full of nothing but hurt. He invited me in and led me to the living room, where the confusion really struck me.

"What's all this?" I asked, referring to the numerous pieces of paper with handwriting on scattered all around the living room, some of which had been torn up. Zacky plopped down on the couch and put his head in his hands,

"Gena's diary," He said and I raised my eyebrow at him, "I know, I know I shouldn't have looked but when your girlfriend's been acting really distant from you lately and you go into your room only to find a book saying 'DO NOT READ' on the front in bold red writing, in your girlfriends handwriting, you kinda get curious." He rambled. I bent down to pick up one of the pieces of paper and my eyes scanned the page, shocked at what I was reading.

Dear Diary,
Zacky's been irritating me so much lately with his constant "I'm so stoked about writing again!", "Do you think the fans will be proud?", "I miss Jimbo".. bleh bleh bleh. It's times like these when I'm glad I have Ronnie. He's my dirty little secret if you want to call him that. I met him at an Avenged show and we hit it off. I really like the guy and I think I like him better than Zacky. I mean, the things that Zack does for me now just isn't enough. Especially if he keeps yapping about his best fucking friend, if he likes to go on about her so much, why doesn't he just fucking screw her?! Oh yeah, I'm one to talk right? Oh well, it'll be his loss eventually.
Oh, I'm going out wth Ronnie this weekend although Z thinks I'm at my sisters! I'm really excited.
Love, Gena.

I could feel the anger rising in me at the thought of the cheating whore. I crumpled the piece of paper in my hand and thought about what exactly I was going to say to that bitch next time I see her. My eyes averted back to Zacky and my mood softened as I saw a stray tear roll down his cheek. It broke my heart to see him like this, and I was so fucking beyond angry at Gena. But right now, my best friend needed me and I always promised I'd be here for him just like he's always been there for me. I went over and sat down next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"You'll be alright, Zack. I promise," I told him whilst rubbing his back.

"I just can't believe I thought she loved me, I feel like the biggest idiot ever." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he pulled away from my embrace.

"You're so not an idiot," I told him, "Zacky I know how you feel, I've been in your position remember? Alex in Highschool?"

"Damn right I remember him, I still to this day want to punch that little fuckers face in for hurting you." He told me and it made me chuckle softly at him.

"I thought he loved me too, but obviously he didn't." I explained, "I was totally ruined for weeks, I cried so hard and spent days in my room, but after it was over, I realised I had wasted my time dwelling on what could have been. I got my ass up, went outside with my best friends and forgot all about him, and everything worked out fine for me." I smiled, "If I can get through that, so can you."

He smiled softly at me, "I just hope you're right," He sighed, "The date she said that she met this dude was our first show after Jimmy had died, which was well over a year ago." I felt my hands ball up into fists at the thought of it.

"One year?! The bitch has been cheating on you for one year?! Oh, let me tell you next time I see her--" I was cut off my ramble,

"You're not going to do anything stupid." Zacky finished, I shook my head

"Beating the shit out of some plastic whore who's been cheating on my best friend for a year is not stupid, it's pretty fucking acceptable if you ask me!"

"And I know what you're like," He smirked, "I do remember the night you almost got us thrown out of Johnny's Bar after some chick was trying to hit on Matt even though he told her to back off, you wanted to finish her off and knock shit out of her." He chuckled and I smirked proudly.

"Well, I have a soft spot for how fucking adorable Matt and Val are together and I was most definitely not about to let some groupie destroy that!" I told him and he laughed,

"This is why I asked you over,"

"Hmm? Why'd you ask me over? I'm lost, Baker." I told him and he chuckled again lightly,

"I knew you'd make me laugh, whilst the guys would have took me out to get shitfaced. I wasn't up for all that drunken depressing crap again, I just wanted some cheering up and reassuring."

I smiled at him and couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach go mad when he said that. It made me feel good to know that if he needed cheering up, I was the one he was going to turn to. I loved that. I really really loved that. He smiled at me again and I saw his eyes light up, which made me happy to see that I was indeed bringing his mood round. I was still incredibly pissed off with Gena and I was planning on at least quizzing her about this Ronnie guy, but right now I just wanted to be sure Zacky would be okay.

"Aw really? That's really sweet of you, Zee." I grinned

"Nah, I'm just lucky my best friend is well.. the best." He smirked and I rolled my eyes playfully at his lame joke but giggled after, "Nat?" he asked suddenely


"Would you, uh, mind staying here the night? I just.. I guess I don't really want to be alone right now." He sighed,

"Of course I will," I smiled, "I told you I'd always be here didn't I?"

We talked for a few hours after that about silly things. One minute we were talking about High School, then we were talking about Jimmy memories, then we were talking about guitars, we talked about a ton of stuff right up 'til tonights events. I could tell he really loved her and it made me feel awful for him. Truth be told, everyone already fucking despised her and God knows how many times Brian told Zacky to get rid of her, but he still didn't deserve to be treated like this. Two and a half hours later, and I could tell he was getting tired,

"I think it's Zacky's bedtime now," I told him and he chuckled lightly.

"I think it is too," He yawned, "Where you sleeping tonight?" He asked,

"Uh, I'll probably just crash on the couch, it's no biggie"

"The hell you are, I have three guest rooms and you know my room door's always open," He winked at the last part and I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I mentally cursed myself for blushing like a highschooler.

"Fine, I won't sleep on the couch!" I told him, "I'll decide when I'm going to bed,"

"You're not going now?"

"Nah, I'll stay up a little while longer I think. Not feeling that tired,"

"Okay, well you know where everything is if you get hungry or whatever, just help yourself." He told me and I laughed,

"You shouldn't say stuff like or you'll have an empty fridge by the morning," I informed him and he chuckled,

"Let me re-phrase that then," He said, "Help yourself, as long as you don't eat everything!" He corrected and I giggled,

"Got it!" I said, "Now go get some sleep or you'll be a zombie at the studio tomorrow,"

"Okay, I'm going mom." He smirked, "Goodnight Nat, thanks again for coming over, it really means a lot to me."

I smiled at him, "Don't thank me, it's my job to be here for you," He smiled back, "Go get some rest, goodnight!" I said before I heard his feet padding upstairs towards his room and it wasn't long before I heard his room door close over and light snores could be heard. I had no idea what to do, so I decided to rummage through his DVD collection and watch a film before calling it a day. I eventually settled with watching The Hangover, I think a funny movie was in order after tonight, and this one never fails to make me laugh.

About half an hour into the movie, I heard the front door open and close quietly. I sat up from my position on the couch, and turned the volume on the TV down so I could hear who had came in. I got up from the couch and headed towards the hallway and I almost punched a wall when I came face to face with the brown eyed witch herself. Gena was staring back at me, as I gave her a death glare.

Looks like tonight's about to get interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Call me a loser, but I thought of this story idea whilst playing Tap Tap Revenge to the song "Diary" by Tino Coury. Haha, pretty lame but oh well.
So yeah, brand new story about Mr Zacky V and I'm really enjoying writing this actually, I've already done the first couple of chapters since I haven't been at school this week 'cause I'm ill, so I should be putting those up pretty soon.

Hope you all like it, and please don't be a silent reader; feedback is very much appreciated! :)