Forbidden Love

At the Restaurant

Before I knew it we had already been seated in the restaurant, been given our menus, and had already ordered.

“So, Darling,” my mother began, “When are you and Sarah going to see each other again. I am really glad that you were able to find a friend on this, what seems like now, small ship?”

I couldn’t answer. What was I to say? I quickly made something up, “Um…I guess I’ll see her tomorrow.”

“Well that’s good,” responded my mother as she brought the tea cup to her lips.

I had thought that my mother had told my father about my mysterious ring, so when he noticed it for the first time when I reached for my glass of water I was caught off guard.

“When on earth did you get the ring of yours, Bella?” he asked.

I quickly brought my hand to my chest trying to hide the ring but it was already too late. My father had seen the gift.

I looked down at the ring, “I bought it.”

He arched one eyebrow. “Really?” He sounded exactly like my mother when she had asked that same question.

I nodded, keeping my eyes off his.


We were in the middle of supper when I heard an all too familiar voice. I didn’t dare lift my eyes from my food to search for him. I just quietly listened to the lovely voice.

“Here is the next order for you, Alistair,” O’Reilly said to the chef.

“Thanks, lad,” the chef replied. “Hey go and refill the Edwards’ family’s drinks we can’t have that man be getting angry with our service now can we.”

I could feel O’Reilly’s eyes turn to me but I still didn’t look up from my food.

“I suppose not,” O’Reilly said. “I just need to go refill the pitcher first then I will.”

After a few minutes later I could hear his footsteps nearing our table.

“May I refill your drink, Sir?” came O’Reilly’s voice.

“Why yes, you can.” My father lifted his glass to O’Reilly and he refilled it.

“Ma'am?” he asked my mother.

I saw her nod.

He came around the other side of the table and stood right next to me. “Miss?” he asked Melinda.

She giggled, “Why yes you can.”

O’Reilly filled her glass then turned to me. “And what about you miss?”

“Hmmm?” I lifted my head and met his eyes. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest. “Oh…um…yes,” I said taking eyes off his.

He slid my glass over to the edge of the table and began to refill my glass. Only right before he was finished refilling it did I feel something fall onto my lap. I sneaked a peek at my lap to see a folded piece of paper.

“Now if you need anything else just let me know,” he said and gave a little bow.

I was still staring at the piece of paper in my lap when Melinda said, “He was rather good looking for and Irish, I must say.”

“I’ll hear none of that from you, Melinda," my father started with a growl. "You ever come in contact with one of those…those…,” he trailed off.

My mother patted his arm making him calm down.

Still looking at the paper I lay my hands on it and thought about how O’Reilly had touched the paper. How his warm hands had folded it into a perfect tiny square. I finally looked up. I first looked at my parents who had gone back to eating their meal then I looked around the restaurant to see if I could catch a glimpse of O’Reilly.

As I searched the first time I didn’t find him but the second time I saw him standing in the shadows of the hallway that lead to the restrooms and the employees own restrooms. He stood staring at me with a smile on his face. I gave him a slight smile back. He held out a hand and waved it toward himself. He smiled again and then turned and walked deeper into the shadows.

I understood his signal. “Mother, Father, would you please excuse me to use the restroom?”

They both nodded in unison not taking their eyes off their food. I stood up and walked toward the direction of the restrooms hoping they didn't somehow figure out the real reason for me leaving.

As I first entered the dimmed lighting of the hallway I thought I was alone, but once I walked deeper down it O’Reilly came out from around one of the corners. I just stared at him waiting to see his reaction to seeing me for the first time in a week. The reaction he had was the one I had been hoping for. He gathered me into his strong arms and began to plant wonderful kisses on my face and neck. But never my mouth. When he finally let me go he only gathered my hands in his as if all he wanted to do was touch me.

He stared at me for what seemed like and eternity until he finally spoke. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t bare it no longer I had to see you. When I saw you sitting over at the table with your family I knew it was the perfect opportunity.”

I put my hand on his cheek and he tilted his head to my touch. “I did too. When I heard you coming over to our table it took all I could not to jump right then and there into your arms.”

He smiled as he brushed some of my fallen hair away from my eyes. “We don’t have to wait much longer. We lasted a week we can last a little longer.” His hand caressed one of my own cheeks as I lowered my hand from his. The entire time at least one of our hands were palm to palm.

“So what excuse did you tell your parents so that you could come over here?” he asked touching his forehead to mine.

“I told them that I was using the restroom.”

“That still doesn’t give us a lot of time to talk,” he frowned.

“We still have our letters.”

He laughed, “True. We still have our letters.” He held my chin in one of his hands. “You need to get back then.”

I didn’t want to leave but I knew he was right.

He gazed down at me and asked, “Would it be too much or am I allowed to steal a kiss from the person I love?”

“It is alright with me,” I replied as he pressed his lips on mine.

He wrapped his arms around me as his kiss deepened. All I could think of was that I want this moment to last forever. I didn’t want to leave him even if it was only for another week.

When we stopped kissing he still kept his arms wrapped around me but he put his forehead against mine. “Did you read that note I gave you, yet?”

“No, I was too busy trying to find you,” I said with a little humor in my voice.

“Well, don’t read it until tonight, ok?”

“Ok,” I promised.

“Do you still have the ring?”

Hoping he wouldn’t notice, I quickly switched the ring from my right hand to my left. “Always,” I said as I showed it too him.

He took my hand and brought it to his lips, but not really laying a kiss on it.

“Ok, you better go now,” he said and kissed me one last time then sent me on my way to rejoin my family.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! They only have a week left. It my seem like there isn't a lot more to right but boy oh boy there is.

I'm going to add one more chapter then start writing more on this story.