Forbidden Love

O'Reilly's Hidden Paintings

When I woke up in the morning I was still in O’Reilly’s bed, but O’Reilly wasn’t there.

“O’Reilly?” I called.

“Oh. You’re finally awake,” he walked into the room and over to the bed where I was sitting up. “Did you sleep well?”

I nodded my head.

He smiled, “Would you like something to eat?”


He held out his hand for mine. I took his hand and climbed out of his bed. He pulled me into his naked chest and held me tight.

“Thank you for staying.”

I looked up at his face, and his gorgeous green eyes look at mine. I put one hand on his cheek and kissed his warm lips, “Thank you for inviting me.”

We pulled away from each other and walked into the front room. “So what would you like to eat this morning?” O’Reilly asked.

“Do you think we could go out and eat?”

“Um…I don’t know,” he said. “I guess we could. I don’t think anyone would be up this early.”

I looked over at the clock. I had woken up earlier than I thought I had; the clock said 6:43AM. “Please. I really would like to go somewhere with you,” I begged.
O’Reilly just laughed at me and nodded his head.

I went into the bathroom to change into my clothes and brushed my hair and teeth. When I came out, O’Reilly was waiting by the door, all dressed with his jet-black hair slicked back, with water.

He held out his hand, “Shall we go?”

I nodded my head with a smile and took his hand.


As we entered the restaurant, I noticed that we were the only ones there except for an elderly man, who was too busy looking at his menu to even notice us. we found a table that was a little more private than that other than the other tables. I was about to pull my chair out but O’Reilly caught my hand. He pulled the chair out for me and I took my seat.

As I was sitting down he whispered in my ear, “A lady as beautiful as you should never pull out her own chair.”

I blushed. Our waitress came over and handed us our menus. I wasn’t really surprised when she gave O’Reilly and I some unpleasant glares.

“What can I get you two to drink?” she asked, trying to keep a smile on her face.

I looked at her, “Water, please.”

She looked at O’Reilly. “Same,” he said. She nodded and left.

O’Reilly and I just gazed at each other, in silence.

I broke the silence. “So…did you sleep well, too?”

He smiled pleasantly, “Very much.”

The waitress returned, “Here you go.” She set our waters down. “Now what can I get you to eat.” She took out a pen and a small notebook.

“I’ll have some eggs and a biscuit,” I said.

“I’m not eating. Thank You,” O’Reilly said.

The waitress nodded her head and left as she had before.

“Are you not hungry?” I asked

“Not really. I wouldn’t be able to eat, anyways, with such a lovely lady in front of me. I wouldn’t be able to look at my meal to see what I was eating.”

I blushed. “Oh. We didn’t have to come here then.” I looked down at my hands that were on my lap.

“No, no. I wanted to take you. Even though you insisted,” he said, alarmed.

I looked up at him and smile.

“How would you like to stay over again tonight, and tomorrow I will make you the best breakfast meal.” He leaned towards me, bringing his voice to a whisper. “I make better food than these guys.”

“Stay over with you again…,” I placed my hands on the table.

“Yeah. I thought since you had a good night last night you might like to stay again,” he smiled.

“Um. Yeah I would really like too but I don’t think it will be alright with my parents,” I said hopelessly.

“Can’t you just tell them that Sarah wants you to stay over again?”

“I could ask. I don’t think they will let me though.”

He laid one of his hands on mine. “Only ask if you want to.”

I held his hand between mine, “I do want to.”

The waitress brought my food. I began to eat and continued to talk to O'Reilly.

I was halfway through my food when O'Reilly spoke, “Um, Bell. I don’t mean to end out meal together early but we need to leave.”

“Why? Is something wrong?”

“Yeah,” he pointed over to the entrance.

I turned around to see a family standing where O'Reilly had pointed. My family. My eyes widened and I looked at O'Reilly.

“We need to go, now.” He stood up and grabbed my hand.

He quickly, but gently pulled me to him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out some money and tossed it onto the table. We ran out of the restaurant, through the back door.

Without stopping we ran all the way to O'Reilly’s cabin. When we got there neither of us spoke. We had been running so fast that we weren’t able to catch our breath. O'Reilly walked over to the couch and lay down. He closed his eyes and continued to try and catch his breath.

I sat on the floor next to O'Reilly and began to stroke his hair. He took my hand in his and opened his eyes.

I smiled at him, “Thank you for breakfast even though it got interrupted.”

He shook his head, “You’re welcome. I’m sorry I had to drag you out so fast. I just didn’t want to get caught and…”

I pressed my index finger to his lips, “Don’t worry about it.”

He freed my hands and placed his under my chin. He sat up and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back.

I whispered in his ear, “Thank you, O'Reilly.”

He laughed, “Now what did I say about saying ‘Thank you’.”

I smiled, “So what do you want to do now?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Would you like to look at some of my new ideas for paintings?”

“Really, you’d show me.”

He laughed. He stuck out his index finger and curled it towards him, signaling me to follow him. He lead me into his room and over to his bed.

“Ok close your eyes,” he said with a smile.

“Why? Cant I see?”

He smiled, “Soon.”

He took my hands and places then onto my eyes. He was very quiet for a moment. Then he touched my hands and removed them from my eyes. He nodded his head to a sketch book lying on his bed.

I sat on the bed and began looking at drawings. The first one was of a man and a woman sitting at a table eating. The man was holding a glass of champagne and the woman was bringing a spoonful of soup to her mouth.

“This is really pretty,” I said. “What do you call it?”

“Um…you know I haven’t really thought of a name for this one,” O’Reilly smiled. “What do you think it should be called?”

I thought for a moment. “What about ‘The Dinner’.” I laughed. “Wait. No, that sounds weird.”

He laughed, too. “I don’t think it sounds weird. I actually think it has a nice ring to it.”

I looked back down to the sketch book; took one last look at ‘The Dinner’ and flipped the page.

I looked through most of the sketches. O’Reilly told me what he called them and what inspired them. There was one sketch left. I turned the page and was speechless.

The sketch was of a man and woman. The man’s arms were wrapped around the woman, her back to his front, and he was nuzzling her neck. The woman’s eyes were closed as she swooned into him. The thing that surprised me the most was that the man and woman was O’Reilly and me.

It was so beautiful that I couldn’t bring myself to look at O’Reilly,

“What do you call this one?” I asked shyly.

He sat down next to me and lifted my chin, making me look at him. “‘Bella’.”

I felt my cheeks heat up. I tried to turn my head away, but he kept me still. He gazed at me with his gorgeous eyes.

“Why’d you name it after me,” I said as I looked away from him but he still held my chin.

“Because you inspired it.”

“Why are you and me together like this, though?”

He released my chin and took my hands in his. I still didn’t look at him. “Because…I love you.”

I looked up with tears in my eyes. “What?” I wasn’t sure if I had heard him right.

He smiled. “I love you,” he said placing one hand on my cheek.

My tears spilled over.

He wrapped his arms around me and we sat there together in silence.

I looked up at him, tears still running down my face, “I have been waiting so long for you to say that.” I put one hand on his cheek as he did the same to me. “I love you, too, O’Reilly.”

He smiled, “I’m glad you said that.” Then our lips met.

Our kiss was more intense than any of the other kisses. O’Reilly pulled me onto his lap and our hands tangled in each others hair. I felt his hand move to the small of my back. He picked me up and laid me on his bed, our lips never parting. I could feel his weight on me as his kisses move down to my neck. Suddenly there was a loud knock at O’Reilly’s door.

He moved his lips back to mine but they didn’t touch.

“O’Reilly, the door,” I said, breathing heavily.

“Wait,” he said. He was breathing heavy too. “Wait and see if they leave.” After he said that there was another loud knock on the door, but this time the knocks were harder.

We sat there in silence, still breathing heavy, not moving a muscle. The third time the knock was so loud that it made me jump. O’Reilly sighed with irritation.

He pulled me up with him as he got up, “Wait here.”

I nodded and he left the room.

I waited there for a few moments then O’Reilly entered the room, someone was with him.

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Soooooo sorry for the loooooong wait.

I'll post another one to make up for it!