The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

The Red Camaro

“Yo Kay! You busy?” Mark called from the office.
“Nah. What’s up?” Kay said walking into the head mechanics office.
“I need you to do a tyre change for me. Steve’s been held up with some traffic and the other guys don’t start for another hour.” Mark said apologetically.
“Yeah, no problem.” Kay shrugged. “Who’s it for?”
“The red twenty eleven Camaro parked in the second bay. I’d do it myself but Mrs Bastick is getting more and more pedantic about dear old Harry.” Mark sighed getting up from his messy desk and walking out of the office. Kay followed him out but then made her way over to the red Camaro and tapped on the roof.
“About time Mark! I thought you’d forgotten about me.” Someone snapped rudely from the front seat.
“Well if you talk to me like that again I’ll keep you waiting for another hour.” Kay said waspishly. The door opened suddenly and hit Kay in the stomach.
“Mother fucker!” She cried as the handle collided with her hip.
“Oh. You’re there.” The rude voice said obliviously.
“Yeah I’m here you cocky blind douche bag!” Kay spat getting back on her feet. She looked at the person who had hit her. He looked a year or two older than herself and had messy blonde hair and brown eyes.
“You’re a girl.” He said shocked. His eyes going from her face to her chest.
“No shit Sherlock.” Kay mumbled moving around to the other side of the car.
“You need to get out of the car.” She said firmly. Blondie got out of the car and walked around to where she was.
“So what’s your name gorgeous?” he asked leaning against his car.
“Something you don’t need to know.” Kay snapped. She couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy. He has the gall to call her Mark, hit her in the stomach and then hit on her.
“Well I’m Sebastian, but you can call me Seb.” Blondie said sticking out his hand for a Kay to shake.
“Or I could call you Mr obnoxiously cocky douche bag.” Kay muttered getting the car jack and sliding it under the back left tyre. She felt in her back pockets for her wrench only to find it not there.
“Damnit! Where the hell did I leave that?” She mumbled looking around the garage. She spotted it on the bench in front of the motorbike she’d previously been working on. She hurried over and snatched it up wanting to get rid of Sebastian as soon as possible.

“So what’s a hot thing like you doing working in a place like this?” Sebastian asked from behind her.
She was on her last wheel and relishing in the fact that in a few short minutes she would never see this guy again.
“You have your story, I have mine and neither will be shared here today.” She said not wanting to get into that discussion with a complete stranger, especially considering how much she disliked him.
“How about on another day? Let’s say tomorrow over dinner? I’ll tell you my story and you can tell me yours?” Sebastian asked.
“How about no?” Kay said tightening the last nut on the last wheel. She let out a sigh of relief and set the car down gently.
“Why not? Just one date?” He was persistent. She’d give him that.
“Why do you want a date so badly?” Kay asked.
“You’re hot. Who wouldn’t want to tap that?” Sebastian shrugged not hiding the fact that he was staring at her ass.
“Oh you are one classy guy.” Kay chuckled darkly walking into the office. She totalled up the cost and looked up from the desk.
“That’s three hundred and twenty five dollars.” She said bordly.
“Mark’s only ever charged me three hundred before. What’s the extra twenty five for?” Sebastian asked in shock.
“The price went up by ten dollars last week.” Kay shrugged.
“And the other fifteen?”
“That’s because I really don’t like you and you hit me in the stomach and stared at my ass.” Kay said coldly.
“That’s not fair!” Sebastian said his face going red in anger.
“That’s the price. Now either cough up or I’ll send a bill to your parents.” Kay threatened.
“This is bullshit.” Sebastian muttered darkly as he fished his wallet out of his pocket.

After he paid Sebastian stalked out of the office and back to his car. Kay followed, grinning like a Cheshire cat and leant against the bench, watching as the teenager started his car.
“Pleasure doing business with you!” She called as he backed out of the garage and drove off. Laughing to herself Kay walked back into the office and took a seat behind the desk. She stretched out in the chair and had just closed her eyes when Mark came in.
“Seb left quickly.” He said. “What did you do?”
“Why do you always assume it’s me that did something?” Kay asked smiling to herself.
“Because it’s always you that sends the guys around your ages fleeing the shop.” Mark laughed.
“Not my fault they’re all pervy and snobby.” Kay said raising her hands in defence. “And this guy was a real dickwad.”
“I happen to know Sebastian’s parents very well. They’ve been coming here for years.” Mark said.
“That’s great. His parents are probably very nice. It’s just him I have a problem with.” Kay said with a shrug closing her eyes again.
“Well you’ll get to meet his dad. He’s bringing in his Aston Martin tomorrow for a service.” Mark said conversationally.
“As long as Sebastian doesn’t come back I’m fine with it.” Kay said.
“Oh Kayleigh, one day you’ll meet your match.” Mark said with a laugh.
“Sure thing Mark.” Kay sighed tiredly.