The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

You Lead and I'll Follow

“Are you alright?” Sebastian asked as they headed back to the garage to collect his car. Mark had decided for her that Sebastian would be staying until he was well enough to protect her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just still a little shocked really.” Kay said staring out the window blankly. “I mean, you hear about these things happening to other people but you never think that it could happen to you.” She felt something touch her leg and looked down to see Sebastian’s hand resting gently on her knee. She looked over at him in confusion.
“I swear I’m not making a move on you or anything but this is the only way I can try and comfort you while driving.” He explained, not removing his hand. Kay shrugged in agreeance and let him leave it there.
The rest of the ride progressed in silence until they reached the parking lot. The shop was well and truly closed and there was no sign of life anywhere.
“Are you going to be ok to drive?” Sebastian asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for everything though. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.” Kay said, offering him a small smile as he pulled into the empty space next to his car.
“It’s absolutely fine.” Sebastian replied. They sat in the car in silence for another few minutes before Kay got out and walked around to the other side. Sebastian got out just as she reached the door.
“So you lead the way and I’ll follow.” He said handing her her keys.
“Nah, it’s alright. You go home. I’ll be fine.” Kay smiled up at him.
“Kay, please tell me we’re not about to argue about this. Mark wants me to stay with you and that’s fine with me. I’ve already let my parents know what’s going on and they’re glad I’m staying with you.” Sebastian said firmly.
“Seriously Seb, I’ll be fine. Go home.” Kay said, hoping the use of his nickname would work in her favour.
“Kayleigh Archibald! I am not even kidding when I say that Mark will cut my dick off if I don’t stay with you tonight. And to be completely honest I’m rather fond of that appendage.” Sebastian said. “So you lead and I’ll follow.” There was no use arguing with him so Kay got in her car and started the engine. She watched as Sebastian got in his car and turned it on. Maybe she could lose him on the road.

Turned out she couldn’t lose him on the road, not even when she turned her lights off and took some of the back streets to her house. No less than two minutes after she pulled in he pulled up next to her.
“What are you? A rally driver?” Kay asked when he got out.
“Yeah, actually. Well ex rally driver, mum wasn’t too keen on the idea in the end.” He said following her into the house.
“Well that’s something I didn’t know.” Kay mumbled, turning on the lights to the lounge room and kitchen.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Sebastian smirked taking a seat on the couch.
“Well since you’re staying with me maybe you’ll share such information.” Kay said suggestively before heading to her room. She heard Sebastian get up off the couch and follow her. She knew she should have told him to stay on the couch but at the same time she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he followed.
“Maybe, if you’re lucky.” Sebastian laughed following her into her room.
“So this is your room?” he asked looking around.
“Sure is.” Kay said, looking around it herself. It was a decent size and included everything she needed; a desk, chair, tv, bed, her computer and all other things she chose to keep in there.
“It’s nice. Suits you to a tee.” Sebastian said, his eyes finally coming to rest on her. She countered his stare and watched as he took a few steps towards her. With her feet stuck, unable to move closer or back away Kay just waited until he reached her. He ran his fingers lightly down the side of her face, from her temple to her chin. She stayed, her eyes locked with his.
“You are beautiful Kayleigh Archibald.” Sebastian mumbled quietly, leaning in closer until his forehead was resting against hers. Kay couldn’t say anything. So many feelings were running through her. Nervousness, fear, longing, curiosity. Sebastian brushed her hair out of her eyes and lifted her chin up slightly.
“Trust me.” He murmured before placing his lips softly on hers. The kiss was soft and sweet and Kay could tell he had been waiting to do it for a while. They parted and Sebastian looked at her waiting for a response. She gave him a shy smile and he smiled back pulling her into his arms and lifting her into a strong hug.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for that?” he laughed.
“Nope, no idea.” Kay smiled as he put her down but kept his arms around her.
“Too long.” He said quietly before pulling her back in for another kiss. Kay let herself get lost in the moment and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sebastian smiled into the kiss and moved over to sit on the bed, pulling her into his lap. Kay pulled away and rested her forehead against his.
“Well this has been an interesting day.” She laughed.
“It most certainly has been.” Sebastian said holding her around the waist. “So I guess this prompts the question.” Kay turned to look at him.
“Will you go out with me?” he asked quietly. Kay sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. Did she want to be a girlfriend? Could she be a good girlfriend? Was she capable of being in a relationship?
“Yes.” She smiled at him. Yes, she could be a good girlfriend and even if she couldn’t she would sure as hell give it her best shot.