The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

Ayers and Vixen

Sebastian had been calling Kay every half an hour to the point where she’d turned her phone off. It had been driving her mad to say the least. Kay pulled at her blue woollen jumper and continued walking into the school. The Sisters of Mercy College was strict when it came to uniform. Navy blue tartan skirt, pale blue button up shirt, navy blue tie, navy blue woollen jumper, black lace up shoes and navy blue stockings. The summer uniform was a bit more bearable with it only being a pale blue chequered dress with the black shoes and jumper if it was cold enough. All in all Kay was glad they had the uniform; didn’t give the girls at school more opportunity to judge each other.
“KAY!” a shrill squeal met her ears. She smiled to herself, knowing exactly who it was before turning around and looking for the familiar face of Mel Ayers in the crowd. Sure enough after a few seconds of searching she found the tall, leggy blonde making her way over to her. Melanie Ayers had been one of her best friends since year eight. They’d met in maths and bonded over their shared hatred of the subject.
“Really? Pink?” Kay commented when she saw what colour her friend had chosen to put in her hair this month. Each month, as if on clockwork Mel would dye chunks of her hair a different colour. This month’s colour was apparently pink.
“Hey, don’t be hating on the pink.” Mel laughed falling into Kay’s arms. Kay almost collapsed under the surprise weight but managed to push Mel off her.
“Where’s Jackrabbit?” her friend asked looking around for the third member of their trio.
“Probably late again.” Kay smiled fondly, just as the bell for homeroom rung throughout the school.
“I’ll see you in art?” Mel asked turning to head to her homeroom, which was at the opposite side of the school to Kays.
“Sure will.” Kay said clapping her on the back.
“Bitch! That hurt!” Mel cried.
“Melanie Ayers! Language! You are a senior!” Mrs Ranhorn bellowed across the courtyard.
“My bad.” Mel said raising a hand apologetically to the headmistress. Mrs Ranhorn was a great teacher but strict as all hell, especially when it came to inappropriate language and seniors being good role models.
“I’ll see ya in art.” Kay laughed quickly heading towards her homeroom before Mel could slap her on the back.

Kay slouched in her chair as she waited for Miss Hermin to start calling the roll.
“Kayleigh?” She’d given up trying to get the teachers at this school to call her Kay. It was a lost cause.
“Here!” Kay called tiredly. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night having only turned her phone off at one in the morning to stop Sebastian from calling.
“Georgina?” Miss Hermin continued. Finally she got to the last name on the list.
“Jacqueline?” she called. “Jacqueline Vixen?!” Just as she finished her sentence the class was disrupted by the door flying open and a short little red head stumbling in, trying to straighten her clothes.
“And of course she’s late.” Miss Hermin mumbled before putting her clipboard down and starting to write her first lesson on the board behind her.
“Sorry I’m late.” She apologised before making her way to the empty seat beside the now smirking Kay.
“So what’s the excuse this time?” Kay laughed at her other best friend.
“Bloody alarm clock didn’t go off.” Jackie mumbled. It was now safe to assume that that alarm clock was in the bin.
“Don’t you even think about starting to laugh Kayleigh Archibald!” Jackie hissed. Kay just smiled at her friend and watched as she began tying up her shoes.
“Oh and you’re coming to a gig on Friday night.” Jackie said leaning back in her chair.
“Oh yeah? Where?” Kay asked curiously. Jackie was the lead singer of a band she’d cofounded when they were in year eight. Late Night Messenger had a small but dedicated fan base around town and played gigs every two weeks or so. Mel and Kay had designed the band’s t-shirts and logo so Jackie had made them head of their merchandise.
“BoJays.” Jackie said happily. The band had played there a couple of times and it was one of best places for undiscovered bands to play.
“We’ll be there.” Kay agreed. She and Mel never missed one of Jackie’s gigs, mainly to give their friend a pep talk before she went on stage. Though she was loud and boisterous Jackie suffered from stage fright and before every performance Mel and Kay would have to reassure her that no one was going to ‘boo’ them off stage or throw tomato’s at them.
“You better be; I can’t perform without my best friend in the crowd!” Jackie said pulling her bright red hair up into a ponytail. Like Mel, Jackie had coloured streaks in her hair, though she didn’t change them nearly as much as their friend. At the moment her streaks were bright blue, it was an interesting colour combination but it seemed to suit her. Kay had first met Jackie in kindy. Kay was the quiet one that everyone thought was a mute and Jackie was the girl everyone was too scared to talk to. The fit together like yin and yang. They had been the outcasts all throughout primary school and it had pretty much stayed the same through high school with the addition of Mel to their small family. Jackie had always been a small girl and that hadn’t changed over the years. Her comments had gotten her in trouble many times but most people knew she wasn’t trying to offend anyone, just let people know what she was thinking. Jackie wasn’t one for keeping secrets about herself but if someone asked her to keep a secret for them she would take it to the grave.
“Okay guys I need you all back here on time today. I have to leave on the bell!” Miss Hermin said as the bell rang signalling first class. The sound of chairs scraping on the floor met their ears and the two girls got up and made their way out of the classroom.
“I’ll see you at recess.” Jackie said checking to make sure she had all her biology books.
“Yep, have fun dissecting toads!” Kay laughed.
“I will. And I’m not going to wear gloves or wash my hands so I can rub them all over your food!” Jackie called back smiling evilly. Kay just shook her head at her friend and made her way to the art rooms to meet Mel.
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Sorry for the stuff up yesterday guys. Here's the chapter that was supposed to be uploaded :)