The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

Envelopes and Roses

Kay pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine of her car. Just as she got out a black Lancer pulled in behind her and a white Rio pulled up on the side of the road in front of her house. She checked her car was locked before walking to the front door and letting herself in. Jackie and Mel would follow her in. They acted as if they pretty much lived there with her. Sure enough two minutes later Kay heard the door bang shut behind them. She dumped her bag in her room and pulled a pair of black trackies out of her wardrobe along with an old Peirce the Veil shirt. She quickly got changed before walking back towards the lounge room. Jackie and Mel were already changed and hooking Jackie’s Ipod up to the speakers. Just as Kay flopped onto the couch the cover of ‘Fuck You’ by Sleeping with Sirens came on. Jackie’s face lit up with glee and she and Kay both looked over at Mel. This song had gotten their best friend through her last and worst breakup. The guy was a douche and Kay and Jackie had been glad to see the back of him. Apparently Mel just hadn’t been good enough for him. The next band gig they went to Jackie had sung it especially for Mel and it had been an even better night when they’d found out that Mel’s ex had actually been in the crowd.

Since then every time ‘Fuck You’ came on the three of them would sing it at the top of their lungs and remember the good times of egging his car.
“I see you driving down town with the girl I love and I’m like fuck you!” Mel sang.
“I guess the change in my pocket wasn’t enough and I’m like.” Jackie and Kay joined.
“Ah fuck!” All three groaned with Cheshire cat smiles. Jackie grabbed the TV guide from the table and jumped on the couch. She rolled it up and brought it close to her lips like a microphone.
“I’m sorry, I can’t afford a Ferrari, but I got something that’ll get you there.” Jackie belted out. She really was a rock star. Kay often told her to just imagine was just her and Mel watching the band play. She was so much more crazy and entertaining when it was with people she knew.
Mel jumped on the other couch and started dancing and Kay got on the coffee table. The amount of stuff the three of them got up to when they were by themselves was ridiculous. They’d broken Mel’s lamp and desk in the same day. Needless to say they hadn’t been back to the Ayers’ house for a while.
“You break anything and you pay for it!” all three girls stopped mid move and looked towards the front door.
“Hey Mark!” Jackie and Mel squealed running over to give him a hug.
“You three are a worry when you’re together.” Mark laughed giving them a tight squeeze. Once her friends had greeted her guardian in their usual way Kay saw what was in his hands.
“Got a hot date tonight hey Baitman?” She smirked looking at the roses.
“No actually.” Mark smiled evilly. “They’re for you.” You could have heard a pin drop and it would have echoed like a gun shot. Kay’s face went bright red and Mark put the flowers on the bench and held an envelope out to her. Still in shock she didn’t gain control of her body in time to stop Jackie from stealing it. The little redhead grabbed the envelope and ducked under Kay’s arm before hiding behind Mark. Kay’s face grew redder as she heard the sound of the envelope being ripped open. The next second Jackie’s voice filled the room.

“Dear Kay. We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Please accept these roses as an apology for my rudeness at the garage. I was off put by your beauty and spunk. I would be honoured if you would join me for a film and dinner this Saturday.” Kay sunk to the floor in humiliation and put her head in her knees.
“Who is this guy? The prince of England?” Jackie asked in disbelief.
“Is that all he said?” Mel asked in shock.
“No. There’s more.” Jackie giggled making Kay groan in embarrassment.
“Then get on with it.” Mel snapped impatiently.
“Fine, where was I? Film and dinner this Saturday, ah yes.” Jackie sighed before continuing. “I have put my phone number at the end of this and hope to hear from your sweet voice soon. Seb Obray.”

There was an awkward silence before Mark, Jackie and Mel burst out laughing. Kay seriously thought they were going to collapse, they were laughing so hard.
“I hope to hear from your sweet voice soon!” Mel quoted causing Mark and Jackie to laugh louder. Kay wanted to curl up into a ball and die. If Sebastian Obray thought this was the way to get her to go on a date with him, he had another thing coming.