The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

Chicks Shouldn't Drive

“Mark! Some guy’s on the phone wondering when you’ll be able to fit his car. Apparently the engine’s making a noise that it shouldn’t be.” Kay called from the office. She’d finished school for the day and was doing her homework while on receptionist duty at that garage. The weekends were the only days that she actually worked on the cars. Every other day she did the paperwork and phone answering.
“I can fit him in tomorrow at three.” Mark called back from under the bonnet of the car he was working on.
“Sorry, are you there?” Kay asked pulling up the bookings for the following day on the computer.
“Yes, I’m still here.” The man said. “What did Mark say?”
“He can fit you in tomorrow at three. Would that work for you?” Kay asked looking under Marks name for his list of clients.
“Three would be perfect.” The man said happily.
“Awesome. I just need to grab a name.” Kay said clicking on the space next to three o’clock.
“Yep, you can put it under Jason.” He replied.
“Ok, thanks. Well we’ll see you tomorrow at three then Jason.” Kay said before hanging up.

She updated Marks client sheet and gave her homework one last check over. Feeling as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders Kay got up and walked out into the garage. She found Mark leaning over an old 1990 Toyota engine.
“What’s up?” he asked as she approached.
“Not much. Done my homework.” Kay said proudly.
“Well there’s a first for everything isn’t there.” Mark teased.
“You are a jerk. I’ve told you that before right?” Kay asked walking over to the car Jeremy had been working on.
“Jeez Jem! It looks like a bombs gone off in here!” Kay called. As it was a Thursday night it was only Mark and Jeremy rostered on, and Kay if they got desperately swamped.
“Yeah, this chick has somehow managed to destroy this poor cars engine.” Jeremy said sadly, looking at the engine. “There’s a reason chicks shouldn’t drive.”
“Uh oh.” Mark sighed from the background as Kay’s face went hard in fury.
“Chicks shouldn’t drive?” she hissed, if there was one thing she couldn’t stand it was discrimination based on gender.
“Oh shit, that’s not what I meant Kay.” Jeremy back pedalled.
“Then what the fuck did you mean?” she snapped.
“Nice knowing you man.” Mark said, clapping Jeremy on the back as he walked past.
“I just meant certain chicks shouldn’t drive. You’re an amazing driver.” Jeremy said apologetically, his face warped with fear of the girl standing in front of him.
“Certain guys shouldn’t drive either!” Kay raged. “What gender is in slash causes most crashes huh? Male!”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to offend you.” Jeremy apologised. If there was one thing that the guys who worked at the garage knew it was not to say anything about females driving when Kay was there. Every now and again one would slip up and Kay would have to put them back in their place.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Kay snapped before heading back to the office to grab her stuff. She slung her bag over her shoulder and pulled her keys out of her pocket.
“I’m going.” She announced as she headed towards the roller door.
“I’m sorry Kay!” Jeremy called after her.
“I’ll see you at home.” She heard Mark say as she slipped out of the garage and went to her car.